John Middleton
John has lived in the village all his life, and the farm has been in his family for five generations.
Series 1
In series 1, John is shunned by the village due to a dark event that took place in his past, now nearly twenty years ago.
The farm had fallen on very hard times and John was killing himself trying to get the harvest in on his own; work that should be done by a whole team. He turned to drink, and would take out all his frustration and anger on his family.
John Middleton
John continues to live in the village and run the farm that has been in his family for five generations. Grace, Bert and Mary mean everything to him and he still works long, hard hours to keep the farm going. And now John has an idea that could be the beginning of a bright future for the Middleton Farm...
John Simm on John
"John's relationship in series 2 with Grace is good as far as he's concerned. However his stubbornness, ignorance and single minded work ethic, coupled with Grace becoming more and more interested in politics and having her head turned by literature, poetry, and ultimately, romantic temptation, means John doesn't see [the truth] until it's too late.
John can't understand why his family aren't as happy as he is when his fortune turnsJohn Simm
"His religious faith is still there but he just can't understand why his family aren't as happy as he is when his fortune turns. Bert also has ambitions away from the Farm, which John just doesn't understand.
"John isn't interested in politics, but an unexpected talent for business surfaces and, perhaps because of this, there is a subtle but significant shift in his attitude towards politics as time goes on."