How to deal with body shaming
We live in a world with constantly mounting standards of beauty and fitness. For many, it turns into a rollercoaster of feeling anxious and getting reassurance from other people that they look good. Often, it turns into negative self-image; if left unchecked, it can become a serious disorder.
But is there just one way to be fit, or one ideal look? How important is it to be neutral about the diverse range of body shapes and appearances around us? And what can be the different ways to tackle body image concerns and disorders?
In this edition of WorklifeIndia, we discuss ways of dealing with body shaming.
Presenter: Devina Gupta
Contributors: Nimrat Kaur, Bollywood actress; Khushi Jain, founder, DefEating Disorders; Neha Parulkar, plus-size model, body positivity influencer; Diksha Chhabra, nutritionist, fitness expert
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