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Prògraman, plòigh agus fealla-dhà bho sgioba CÂ鶹ԼÅÄ ALBA.
Today we get an insight into DK Macphee's life @12 years old
Tha Tiago ag innse mu chà nan nam bodhar. Tiago tells us about sign language.
Tha Coinneach glè chruthachail an-diugh. Coinneach is very creative today.
Dr Moiteil and Professor Olive have fun with science.
Flix wants to buy a special jacket from the shop Aon Bhliadhna Deug Gu Sìorraidh!
Tha an dealbh Rìoghail ga thogail an-diugh. The Royal portrait is being taken today.
Tha Là Bi-iomadachd ann an-diugh. It’s Biodiversity Day today.
Latha brèagha eile airson sgìtheadh! Another fabulous day for skiing!
Dave uses a magnet to search for treasure, but ends up attracting all of the town’s metal.
Choirstaidh makes some stained glass in A’ Chùil.
Things are a bit sticky today with Coinneach Clogaid feeling stuck.
Tha Uilidh airson crùn an Rìgh a ghoid. Uilidh wants to steal the King’s crown.
Fiach competes against the CÂ鶹ԼÅÄ ALBA presenters but who will emerge victorious?
A puppy is causing plenty of mishaps today.
The CÂ鶹ԼÅÄ ALBA team are in Edinburgh to find out about the infamous Burke and Hare.
Ellen introduces some frighteningly good stories for Halloween!
Today we get an insight into Mischa Macpherson’s life @12 years old
Tha Kana ag innse mun bhacadh-cainnt aice. Kana tells us about her speech impediment.
Ellen introduces some of the spookiest stories ever told on CÂ鶹ԼÅÄ Alba!