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Free meal

A tasty incentive lures pine martens into plain view.

Pine martens are notoriously difficult animals to find and Gordon Buchanan wouldn't put any money on being able to see one if he just wandered off into the forest. But every night for three years the people who live here have put out some of the pine marten's favourite food and very sensibly a family of pine martens has set up home nearby. Sure enough, one turns up just as it gets too dark to film with Gordon's film camera. Instead he heads into a windowed shed to watch for pine martens on the illuminated lawn eating the peanuts and raisins he's put out. A young one turns up. The adults have much broader faces. She's not bothered in the slightest. It's extremely rare to get as close as this to a wild pine marten. They have quite a varied diet and they can eat anything from rodents and birds eggs and fruits and berries, and they're particularly fond of honey. Another shows up. It's good to see an animal that's been so heavily persecuted in the past it was almost extinct make such a massive comeback that you can sit this close to them.

Release date:


3 minutes

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