Robots, computers and the internet
All available episodes (3748 total)
Upcoming episodes (28 new and 98 repeats)
Laughter, Zumba and the Pill
First presidential debate, Watergate and historic elections
Rioters, peacekeepers and a goddess
Space dogs, cocaine hippos and monkeys
First lesbian marriage, Pride marches and Stonewall riot
Liberation, music and pharaohs
D-Day, evacuees and traitors
In 1974, Gary Gygax created table-top roleplay game Dungeons & Dragons
WABOT-1: In 1973, a team in Japan created the first humanoid robot
Kim Sharman captained the final flight out of Hong Kong's Kai Tak airport in 1998
Yohannes Haile-Selassie on finding Ardi, a 4.4 million-year-old human ancestor in Ethiopia
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