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A' Bhliadhna 2024

Join Donald A Morrison and guests for a look back at the year’s biggest news stories, including the general election.

Bidh Dòmhnall Angaidh Moireasdan agus caraid no dhà a’ toirt sùil air na naidheachdan as motha bho 2024. Bhon Taghadh Choitcheann gu Ceann-Suidhe ùr anns na Stàitean Aonaichte, gu buaidh troimh-chèile nan seirbheisean còmhdhail air luchd-siubhail air feadh Alba is gu leòr eile. Thig còmhla rinn airson sùil air ais air a’ bhliadhna a chaidh seachad.

Join Donald A Morrison and guests for a look back at the year’s biggest news stories. From the general election to America’s new President-elect, plus the ongoing disruption of Scottish transport services and much more. A’ Bhliadhna takes us through the past year in news.

Release date:

59 minutes


Next Sunday 18:00
