The Chronicles of Armagh Episodes Available now
Episode 16—Shorts
A year in the less urban parts of an ancient city and its surrounding villages.
Episode 2—Shorts
A year in the less urban parts of an ancient city and its surrounding villages.
It’s autumn, and Armagh is a kaleidoscope of colour.
Chapter 1: Spring—Series 1
1/4 In spring, Armagh orchards are in full bloom while rivers and forests burst into life.
Chapter Two: Summer—Series 1
2/4 Festivals, fawns, fauna and ancient treasure. This is the wilder side of summer in Armagh.
Chapter Three: Autumn—Series 1
3/4 It’s autumn. As the city changes colour, the skies bring magic and flooding wreaks havoc.
Chapter Four: Winter—Series 1
4/4 It’s winter in Armagh, and Cathedral City and Orchard County become a winter wonderland.