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Village Water

Garden historian Advolly Richmond makes the Radio 4 Appeal on behalf of Village Water.

Garden historian Advolly Richmond makes the Radio 4 Appeal on behalf of Village Water

To Give:
- Freephone 0800 404 8144
- Freepost ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ Radio 4 Appeal. (That’s the whole address. Please do not write anything else on the front of the envelope). Mark the back of the envelope β€˜Village Water'
- Cheques should be made payable to β€˜Village Water’.
- You can donate online at

Registered Charity Number: England & Wales (1117377) and Scotland (SCO44129)

Available now

3 minutes

Last on

Thu 7 Oct 2021 15:27

Village Water

Village Water is a small charity dedicated to improving access to safe water, hygiene, and sanitation for those who most need it. We work with local partners in Mozambique and Zambia by supporting sustainable local solutions to reach everyone, leaving no one behind. To date we’ve reached over 900,000 people.

Integrated approach

Integrated approach
Our integrated hygiene and sanitation training with schools and communities alongside bringing safe water supports long-term behaviour change. Clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene practices mean improved heath, more chance to work and greater access to education.


Many girls drop out of school once they reach puberty due to the lack of decent and private facilities.Β  Providing year-round safe water, private toilets and showers encourages girls to remain in school and learn.Β  Just Β£30 could bring safe water and sanitation to 10 more pupils like Gabriela.

Solar powered water systems

Solar powered water systems
With so much free sunshine in countries like Mozambique and Zambia, using solar power is cost effective, environmentally friendly and it works, particularly for schools with a large number of students

Charity website


  • Sun 3 Oct 2021 07:54
  • Sun 3 Oct 2021 21:25
  • Thu 7 Oct 2021 15:27

This week's Radio 4 Appeal

This week's Radio 4 Appeal

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