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Generation Z and the Art of Self-Maintenance

Gen Z is self-taught. Sure they went to school. But the digital world? They navigated that by themselves. Six wise school-leavers from Huddersfield take us on their digital journey

Generation Z is self-taught. No-one any older really gets that. The children born around the turn of the millennium came into a digital world and had to find out for themselves how to navigate it. Sure, we all live it now - but we weren't formed by it. We came to digital from the safety of adulthood. In this programme, six wise school-leavers take us on their digital journey in their home town of Huddersfield.

Simone has lived there her whole life and is about to leave for university. But before she goes, she's joined by a group of her friends who take us around Huddersfield and back through their digital adolescence. They tell us their stories of self-education, from friendship to flirting, memes to messaging, and talk about the lessons that they had to learn.

Presenter: Simone Dawes
Producer: Camellia Sinclair

Available now

28 minutes

Last on

Wed 2 Oct 2019 11:00


  • Mon 30 Sep 2019 20:00
  • Wed 2 Oct 2019 11:00