Clever About Cash Episodes Available now
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Loan sharks
Illegal money lending is still a real problem for communities across the country.
Additional needs and additional costs
Getting help from therapists, making adaptations to the home and replacing damaged items.
Coping with cancer
Being diagnosed with a serious condition can throw your finances into turmoil.
Repair, reuse and upcycle
How to save money by cutting down on what you throw away.
Time to join a credit union?
As folk struggle to make ends meet, there's a financial lifeline for Scottish communities.
Let's get physical
Is it worth spending a few pounds to shed a few pounds?
Fuel poverty
As gas prices rise, what can you do to keep control of your energy bills?
Moving from city to country
Is the grass greener when you give up your urban home for a rural lifestyle?
How much is that doggy in the window?
All the things you should consider when you're deciding if you can afford a new pet.
The Rental Game
Financial advice for landlords and tenants. With Kim McAllister and Eileen Adamson.