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Chernobyl agus Fukushima: Na Leasanan/Chernobyl and Fukushima: The Lesson

Documentary looking at the Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear disasters, including the effects they had on people's lives and whether any lessons have been learned.

Chernobyl, o chionn 30 bliadhna. Spreadh reactar niùclasach, a'spùtadh tomhas eagallach de rèidiachd dhan iarmailt. Beagan lathaichean is bha an truailleadh air sgaoileadh air feadh na h-Eòrpa.

Se dòrainn mhaireannach a thàinig air muinntir Belarus, a'feuchainn ris an teachd-an-tìr a thoirt a talamh truaillte le rèidiachd; ach bha duilgheadasan ann cuideachd dha na Sami, buachaillean fèidh Nirribheigh - agus fiù's do Ghàidheil na h-Alba.

Còig bliadhna air ais, leagh earrann de chridhe reactar niùclasach Fukushima: gu h-obann, dh'fheumadh na mìltean ann a Iapan tuigsinn gun deach an dachanan, an tuathan agus am fearann a thruailleadh le rèidiachd, dìreach mar a thachair san Roinn Eòrpa.

Tha am prògram fianuiseach eadar-nàiseanta seo, a chaidh a' chlàradh ann am Belarus, Iapan, sgìre na Sami ann an Nirribheigh, agus Eileanan Siar na h-Alba, a' cur na ceiste: dè na leasain a dh' ionnsaich sinn?

Chernobyl - thirty years ago. A nuclear reactor exploded, spewing out massive quantities of radiation into the atmosphere. Within days, the pollution had spread across Europe.

Living on land contaminated with radioactivity would be a life-changing ordeal for the people of Belarus, but also for the Sami reindeer herders of central Norway. It even affected the Gaels of the distant Hebrides.

Five years ago there was a meltdown at the Fukushima reactor, and thousands of Japanese people found their homes, fields and farms irradiated, just as had happened in Europe.

This international documentary, filmed in Belarus, Japan, the lands of Norway's Sami reindeer herders and in the Outer Hebrides, poses the question: what lessons have we learned?

1 hour

Last on

Sun 1 May 2016 21:00