The Great Chelsea Garden Challenge Clips
The winner speaks—The Final
Duration: 00:23
The winner is announced!—The Final
Duration: 01:57
Web exclusive: Plant advice for the competitors—The Final
Duration: 02:09
Sean on his inspiration—The Final
Duration: 00:50
Rob’s science inspired plant choices—The Final
Duration: 01:15
Web exclusive: The judges discuss the gardens—Conceptual Gardens
Duration: 01:01
Web exclusive: The judges discuss the gardens—Formal Gardens
Duration: 02:04
The pressure is on to finish the gardens—Conceptual Gardens
Duration: 01:58
Paul on his romantic grasses—Formal Gardens
Duration: 00:35
The topiary challenge—Formal Gardens
Duration: 01:12
Steph and Joe discuss her planting scheme—Formal Gardens
Duration: 01:55
Gillian battles the elements—Formal Gardens
Duration: 00:32
Web exclusive: The judges discuss the gardens—Cottage Gardens
Duration: 01:48
Welcome to The Great Chelsea Garden Challenge—Cottage Gardens
Duration: 01:44
What is a cottage garden?—Cottage Gardens
Duration: 01:24
Staying on schedule—Cottage Gardens
Duration: 02:02
From Joe to Jo: Advice on planting—Cottage Gardens
Duration: 01:40
What is a formal garden?—Formal Gardens
Duration: 01:01
Conceptual gardens old and new—Conceptual Gardens
Duration: 01:21