10 programmes from Something to Think About for the Autumn term 2013
Autumn 2013 homepage
10 programmes from Something to Think About for the Autumn 2015 term.
Autumn 2015 homepage
10 programmes from Something to Think About for the Spring 2015 term.
Spring 2015 homepage
10 programmes from Something to Think About for the Autumn term 2014.
Autumn 2014 homepage
Something to Think About - Summer 2014 series.
Summer 2014 homepage
Something to Think About - Spring 2014 series.
Spring 2014 homepage
Eight programmes for the summer term 2013.
Something to think about...with Mr Bloom! homepage
Programmes for Spring term 2016
Spring 2016 homepage
10 programmes from Something to Think About.
2016 Spring homepage
Eight programmes for the summer term 2012.
Summer 2012 homepage
New programmes for Spring term 2012.
Spring 2012 homepage
A two-part unit for Christmas.
Christmas homepage
Extraordinary animals are the focus of this unit.
Amazing animals homepage
Five programmes exploring feelings.
My feelings homepage
Two programmes on the theme of change.
Moving on up homepage
A unit of programmes exploring school communities.
In our school… homepage
Two programmes exploring the value of exercise and a healthy diet.
Being healthy homepage
A unit inspired by the arrival of Spring.
New life! homepage
Three programmes exploring the theme of families.
The family homepage
Two programmes exploring relationships.
Relationships homepage
Three programmes exploring the life of St Paul.
The life of St Paul homepage
Three programmes exploring gifts.
Gifts homepage
Two programmes exploring events from the past.
Remembering the past homepage
Five programmes inspired by stories.
Let me tell you a story! homepage
Programmes on a summer theme.
Summer homepage
Exploring clothes and fashion.
What shall I wear? homepage
A unit exploring 'special days'.
Special days homepage
Exploring the lives of famous figures from history.
Lives in history homepage
Exploring proverbial words of wisdom.
Words of wisdom homepage
A unit of programmes exploring faith communities within the UK.
My community homepage