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A' Bhriogais Chearr/Wallace & Gromit in The Wrong Trousers

Tha briogais-teicneo 's loidsear ΓΉr gus trioblaid uabhasach adhbharachadh do Wallace 's Gromit. A pair of techno-trousers and a new lodger cause untold trouble.

Tha Wallace a' cruthachadh briogais-teicneo do Gromit, briogais a choisicheas leatha fhein 's a bheir an cù air chuairt - prèasant nach eil idir a' còrdadh ri Gromit. Nas miosa na bhriogais ge-ta, tha an loidsear ùr a tha Wallace a' gabhail a-staigh - ceann-fionn beag seòlta a tha airson cuidhteas fhaighinn de Ghromit bochd. Tha an ceann-fionn olc a' faicinn a' bhriogais-teicneo 's a' dèanamh plàn airson daoimean prìseil a ghoid, plan a dh'fhaodadh Wallace a chur ann an cunnart. Gun fhios aig Wallace de tha gabhail àite, tha e an urra ri Gromit stad a chur air an eun eucorach, ach an till e dhachaigh ann an àm airson a' leithid a dhèanamh?

Wallace has created a pair of techno-trousers for Gromit, a pair of trousers that walk by themselves and will take the dog for a walk whenever he wants. However, Gromit is less than impressed with the new invention but has bigger problems to face in the shape of their new lodger - a crafty penguin who wants rid of him. The evil penguin then spots the techno-trousers and formulates a plan to steal a priceless diamond from the city museum, a plan that involves putting Wallace in danger. It is up to Gromit to stop the feathered fiend but will he return home in time?

28 minutes

