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A Grand Day Out

Gun ghreim càise aca air fhàgail, tha Wallace 's Gromit a' dèanamh air a' ghealaich! There's not a crumb of cheese, so Wallace and Gromit take a trip to the moon.

Tha latha dheth aig Wallace 's Gromit ach tha cuisean a' dol iomrall orra nuair a chi iad nach eil greim càise air fhàgail aca. Tha fios aca cà 'm faigh iad gu leòr ge-tà - air làrach na gealaich! A' togail rocaid mhòr orainds, tha iad a' dèanamh air na speuran. Air a' ghealaich, tha càise gu leòr ri fhaotainn, ged nach eil am blas buileach a tighinn ri Wallace! Gun fhios dhaibh, tha iad a' dùsgadh eilthireach bho cadal fada 's mar thoradh, 's e faighinn dhachaigh ann aona phìos an dùbhlan as motha a tha gu bhith romhpa...

Wallace and Gromit have a day off but all their plans are cast aside when they realise that there's not a bit of cheese in th house. However, they know where they can find plenty - the moon! Building themselves a rocket, they take off to the land of cheese, although Wallace finds that moon-cheese is not entirely to his liking. While there, they inadvertently wake an alien from a long slumber and consequently face the challenge of getting home in one piece.

22 minutes


Role Contributor
Director Nick Park
