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Te Bheag a' Ghruffalo/The Gruffalo's Child

Animated film based on the classic children's picture book. A little Gruffalo ignores her father's warnings, and tiptoes out into the snow in search of the Big Bad Mouse...

Chan eil Tè Bheag a' Ghruffalo buileach a' creidsinn sgeulachdan a h-athair mun Luch Mhòr Ghrànda a tha fuireach sa choille mhòr. Aon oidhche, 's i a' faireachdainn gu math dàna, tha i a' dol air toir a chreutair iarghallta seo leatha fhèin. Ge-tà, tha iomadach beathach eile, air a bheil a h-athair eòlach, a feitheamh orra air a slighe tron choille dhorch'.

The Gruffalo's child isn't too sure whether to believe her father's stories about the Big Bad Mouse who lives in the forest. One night, feeling very brave, she leaves the Gruffalo cave and goes in search of the fabled creature all on her own. However, there are many more of her father's old acquaintances to met on her journey through the deep, dark wood!

26 minutes

Last on

Mon 23 Dec 2024 17:00


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