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An t-Slighe a bu Mhiosa (The Worst Journey in the World)

Some of the remaining veterans of the WW2 arctic ship convoys gather to pay tribute to fallen comrades and make a final pilgrimage along the original route from Britain to Russia.

Aig àm an dàrna cogaidh, chaidh saighdearan agus luchd-cobhair cudromach eile a Ruisia ann an conbhoidh shoithichean na h-Artaig. Shabhal na bhòidsean seo Ruisia agus chuir e stad air a' Ghearmailt an cogadh a bhuannachadh. Tha na seann shaighdearan a tha air fhàgail a rinn na tursan seo a' cuimhneachadh air an caraidean a bhàsaich agus a' dèanamh an turas mu dheireadh air an t-slighe à Breatainn gu Murmansk ann an Ruisia.

During WW2, an important supply chain of military and other aid travelled to Russia by arctic ship convoy. These voyages saved Russia from collapse and prevented Germany from winning the war. Some of the last few remaining veterans of these journeys gathered to pay tribute to their fallen comrades and make a final pilgrimage along the original route from Britain to Murmansk in Russia.

45 minutes

Last on

Thu 18 Aug 2011 22:30

