Buntà ta Amh Episodes Episode guide
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Episode 35
35/35 Dèan dà leth air a h-uile dìnnear. Buntà ta Amh cuts down on food.
Episode 22
33/35 Tuilleadh Ti! Buntata Amh embraces the ways of the East.
Episode 30
30/35 An rùm smùid! You can't beat a sauna!
Episode 29
30/35 Tha obair-taighe math! Housework keeps you flexible!
Episode 29
29/35 Na saighdearan Ameireaganach! Buntà ta Amh tries a Second World War diet!
Episode 29
29/35 Na saighdearan Ameireaganach! Buntà ta Amh tries a World War Two diet!
Episode 28
28/35 A' bogsaigeadh! Buntà ta Amh boxes clever.
Episode 26
26/35 Airson coimhead nas taine, feuch seo! Try this to look slimmer!
Episode 25
25/35 Abair smùid! Buntà ta Amh gets steamed up.
Episode 24
24/35 Buntà ta Amh does stomach crunches the easy way.
Episode 21
22/35 Milsean aig meadhan oidhche. Buntà ta Amh snacks across international time-zones.
Episode 22
22/35 Tuilleadh Ti! Buntata Amh embraces the ways of the East.
Episode 20
20/35 Ma tha d'inntinn fallain, bidh d'chorp fallain. Buntà ta Amh has a mental work-out.
Episode 19
19/35 Tooth care is very important - especially flossing.
Episode 18
18/35 Tha e dona dhuinn cus biadh ithe. It's not good to eat too much.
Episode 17
17/35 Yin agus yang! Yin and yang!
Episode 16
16/35 Cum sùill air do dhaithead. Seanair becomes uncharacteristically hyperactive.
Episode 15
15/35 Buntà ta Amh copes with depression the only way he knows how.
Episode 14
14/35 Feuch rudeigin eadar-dhealaichte. Resort to extreme measures to lose weight!
Episode 12
12/35 'Mar sin leat', rudan blasta, milis? Buntà ta Amh says goodbye to sweet food.
Episode 11
11/35 Chaneil geir math dhuinn. Buntà ta Amh tackles hidden fat.
Episode 10
10/35 Airson a bhi laidir, feumaidh tu. Buntà ta Amh invents some DIY weights.
Episode 9
9/35 Chaneil salainn math dhuinn. Sliseag helps Buntà ta Amh with his low-salt diet.
Episode 8
8/35 Tha bùrn math dhuinn. Buntà ta Amh discovers an unusual source of water.
Episode 7
7/35 A' toirt Sliseag airson cuairt. Buntà ta Amh lets Sliseag take the strain.
Episode 6
6/35 A' deanamh eacarsaich comhla! Buntà ta Amh exercises.
Episode 5
5/35 Mi fhèin 's mo pheata! Keeping a pet is good for your health.
Episode 4
4/35 Gabh air do shocair! Buntà ta Amh discovers portion control.
Episode 3
3/35 Fairich math le biadh fallain. Buntà ta Amh tries to eat healthily.
Episode 2
2/35 A' snamh am broinn an taighe. Buntà ta Amh swims at home despite not having a pool.