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Simon Wright's Perfect Breakfast

Simon Wright gets us started on cookalong day with four fantastic breakfast recipes, including three cracking egg dishes. Have a try and tell us how you get on!

Turkish Baked Eggs

For 4

This is a simple dish but it’s a wonderfully lively thing to eat in the morning. Helps to shake off the torpor and launch you into the day ahead.

  • 2 sweet red peppers
  • 1 chilli pepper finely chopped
  • 1 large white onion thinly sliced
  • 400g chopped tomatoes
  • 100g fresh spinach
  • 4 free range eggs
  • 4 tablespoons low fat yoghurt
  • 2 teaspoons chopped coriander
  • Chopped parsley to garnish
  • Olive oil
  • Salt and pepper


Heat the oil in a frying pan (one of about 9 inch diameter is ideal). Cook the onion, peppers and chilli until softened and then add the tomatoes (If you want to save time in the morning you can prepare to this point the previous evening and then keep the mixture in the fridge ready for reheating).

Let this reduce for around ten minutes (meanwhile season the yoghurt and stir into it the chopped coriander). Next stir in the spinach to the tomato mix - it will quickly wilt. Now create four wells in the mixture and carefully break an egg into each. Cover the pan and cook on a moderate heat until set (about 5 minutes). Sprinkle with the chopped parsley and serve with a dollop of the yoghurt on the side.

Perfect scrambled eggs

For 1Β  - generously...

Okay there are a million recipes for the best scrambled eggs out there and claiming that you have the perfect one is the surest way to start an argument. Here goes nevertheless....

  • 3 free range eggs
  • 50ml cream
  • knob butter
  • salt and pepper


Heat a small saucepan and put the butter into melt. Pour in the eggs and cream (unmixed), season with a pinch of sea salt and a grind of black pepper. Using a spatula stir slowly and constantly - as the mixture starts to thicken remove it from the heat and continue to stir. The eggs are ready when they are still glossy and just set. It’s very easy to overcook them.

You can make a pretty good version without the cream too...

French Omelette

For 1

Again, everyone has their tried and trusted way of making an omelette. I like the relatively delicate style of this one - others might prefer the more chunky half-moon version we more often see in Britain.

Serves 1

  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 2 free range eggs
  • Salt and pepper

Any filling you fancy. I like finely chopped raw vegetables like red onion and peppers - gives the whole thing a satisfying crunch.


Whisk the eggs together, just until mixed and then season.

For a two egg omelette use a 9inch pan and heat the butter until foaming - it needs to be pretty hot but not browned. The bottom of the pan needs to be coated. Pour in the eggs at this point - they will sizzle

Give the pan a good shake to distribute the egg evenly.

When the egg begins to bubble use a spatula to draw the liquid into the centre continuing to shake the pan at the same time.

When the omelette is still slightly runny in the centre remove from the heat and add any filling. Then fold the two edges into the middle. Now shake the pan again rolling the omelette out onto a warm plate.

Microwave Porridge

I don’t have anything against microwaves - they just need to be used sparingly for things that work well in them - like this does.

  • 1/2 cup porridge oats
  • 1 cup milk
  • A handful of mixed chopped peeled apple and raisins
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon


Put the fruit in a microwave suitable bowl and cook on full power for about 30 seconds until soft.

Now add the oats and the milk and return to the microwave for 2 minutes

Remove and allow to cool. No need to add any sugar!