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The David Harber and Savills Garden

Bronze medal winner

The garden has been designed to provoke reflection on humankind's interaction with their environment over time and to take the visitor on a theatrical journey of transformation.
This garden is defined in layers stretching through time with planting and sculptures separating to reflect each evolving period. In the beginning, the planting and art is freeform and naturalistic and then as humankind evolves the subsequent layers become more formal and controlled.
The pivotal β€˜wormhole’ (a theoretical space-time passage) view through the garden ends with a sculpture representing a nucleus of energy - "The First Moment to the Now".
The lusher more cultivated areas of planting include Paeonia, Lupinus, Geum, Hosta and Geranium. There is no specific colour scheme within the garden as the planting aims to reinforce the different layers/periods.

Designed by Nic Howard

David Harber’s key aim is to work with and embellish nature, by creating sculptures and art that transform a space and prompt a process of reflection and contemplation.