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The silverback
- About 30 years old
- Handsome gorilla. tear-shaped protrusion near his outer right eye
- First gorilla to be found (in around 2002) after civil unrest in region – his name means “good fortune just when you need it”
- Partly-habituated (came from one of the previously habituated gorilla families in the high altitude section of the park)
- Was spotted with some habituated females when first seen
- Family is now at 23: 4 females, 18 offspring of varying age
- 2 offspring known to have left group: Mushoho (female), Bonané. Bonané is now a solitary silverback.
- Very calm temperament, gentle with park rangers, tourists and scientists
- Known to be very affectionate with his young offspring (often seen resting with a group of his infants)
- Regularly grooms younger infants (including Koko and Marhale)
