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Make a Difference - Award Tips

These awards celebrate people, groups and animals who make a difference in the lives of others by going above and beyond in their activities.

You can nominate via our online form which captures information about you and your nominee.

In the form we ask for a 250 word nomination. The judges will only see these words and they will ultimately determine who wins an award.

Here are some top tips to help you with your nomination.

  1. Write how you speak and speak from the heart. We want to know what makes this person, group or animal special to you.

  2. Judging will be based on your 250 words only, so make each word matter and use as much of your word count as possible.

  3. Think of the five W’s when sharing your entry with us (Who, What, Why, Where and How).

  4. Be descriptive and think of all the senses to help judges see, smell, taste and feel how passionate you are about a person, group or animal.

  5. If you have time, read your 250 words out loud before you press enter. If it’s hard to say, it’ll also be hard for judges to read.

  6. Judges won’t click on any weblinks. Adding this detail uses up word space, so please do not include them.

  7. Spelling, punctuation and grammar will not be something the judges mark.

Remember, as per our Terms and Conditions, we’re looking for stories that go above and beyond paid work or volunteer activities if relevant to your nomination. Click here for for our privacy notice and award rules, which includes detail of eligibility and the judging process.

What judges are looking for

Chris Packham, Shanequa Paris and Gareth Edwards say what they look for in nominations.