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Painted turtle

In Episode 1 of Big Little Journeys a newly hatched turtle must travel through a tangled forest to seek the safety of water.

Location: Algonquin Provincial Park, Canada

In Algonquin, Canada, a freshly hatched painted turtle faces mortal danger - she must cross Highway 60. If she makes it she still has a forest of giants to travel through before she reaches the safety of a lake.

Journey distance: One mile through rich deciduous woodland

Destination: Whitefish Lake

If she makes it to the safety of water she could live there for over 50 years but the odds are stacked against her as only 1% of hatchlings make it to adulthood.

Weight & Size: 5 grams and the size of a 10 pence piece

Top Speed: ¼ mile per hour on flat ground (such as when crossing a road)

Food: She survives her autumnal journey solely on the yolk that she ate when she was inside the egg. She won't eat until Spring.


  • Humans including cars and roads
  • Bears and Racoons would happily snaffle her as part of their autumnal browse
  • Moose could inadvertently hoover her up amongst the pond weed - she is smaller than its eye
  • Snapping Turtles, 1000 times her size, are the top predators in the lake
  • Her biggest enemy is time - she must succeed in her journey before the frost kills her


  • Determination. She is hardwired to navigate her way to water by heading towards the horizon. Unfortunately this is also what leads her straight towards the road.