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Ambridge opinions on Helen and Rob

Ever since Helen stabbed Rob people in Ambridge have been airing their views on the incident and what could have provoked Helen to attack her husband.

Ambridge is not a place that shies away from gossip and from his arrival in Ambridge, along with his then wife Jess, Rob attracted interest. The start of Helen and Rob’s relationship was sure to get tongues wagging and then, in a whirlwind, they were living at Blossom Hill Cottage, married, Henry had a Daddy and there was a baby on the way. To the outside world, Helen and Rob were a happy couple, set for life.

The violent event on 4 April 2016 sent shock waves through the Borsetshire village and the community has been trying to come to terms with the discord it strikes with the widely-held impression of Mr and Mrs Titchener. For some people it confirmed their suspicions of Rob; he’s handsome, charming, and he likes getting his own way. Others have clung to the image they held of him before the attack: he was such a hero in the flood, the community can ill-afford to lose a man of his calibre. Meanwhile, there is a third group - those who won’t be shaken from their belief that Helen could not have wounded Rob with any intent. They have come to realise how wrong their perspective of Helen and Rob’s relationship had been. For them, they now see Rob in a whole new light.

Helen and Rob: Ambridge reactions

After Helen stabbed Rob, people in Ambridge shared their views on the couple.