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Rich Chocolate Tart


Sable Pastry pastry rolled into tin, pastry blind baked, tart baked)

200g plain flour
100g salted butter (frozen grated)
70g powdered sugar
1 egg yolk
1 tsp vanilla extract
30g ground almonds
1-2 tbsp of milk
Egg white to seal


250g double cream
100g whole milk
250g dark chocolate 70% cocoa -chopped finely (or if you do not like a too dark of a chocolate – use 50% dark and 50% milk and you do not need to add any extra sugar)
2 tbsp caster sugar
1 tsp vanilla
2 medium eggs beaten (room temp)

Mascarpone Vanilla Cream

250g mascarpone (make sure this is at room temp)
250g double cream
Squeeze half lemon and ½ zest of lemon
1/2 tsp vanilla bean extract paste
2 tbsp sieved icing sugar



1. Preheat oven 180C fan.

2. Put all ingredients bar the milk into a food processor and pulse, add 1 tbsp of milk at a time. Then pulse to fine breadcrumbs and it should come together if not add the other tbsp and then pulse again. The dough should start to come together (clump together). Place between 2 pieces of parchment paper.

3. Roll out onto floured baking parchment and then flour top of dough and add another piece of parchment on top and roll out to the thinness of about 4-5mm. Then put directly into a fluted loose bottom pie tin. You can also put into individual tins as well if you prefer! Put back into fridge to rest (make sure it is covered for at least 15 min).

4. Put into oven with baking beads (or rice or lentils) to blind bake for 15min (make sure you have a piece of parchment paper to put the baking beads on top). Then remove beads and brush egg white all over the pastry and bake again for 3-4 min till seal is formed on pastry.

5. Let pastry cool – turn oven down to 160C


1. Preheat oven 160C

2. Put cream in a pot and bring to a boil and take off heat immediately. Then stir in the chopped-up pieces of chocolate and stir till melted and silky smooth and leave to cool slightly.

3. Then beat the eggs with a whisk in a bowl with the vanilla – add a little bit of the chocolate mix to the egg and keep whisking, then transfer egg mixture to the rest of the chocolate. Keep whisking.

4. Then pour into tart tin, bake for 15/20 min till middle is set. BUT if edges start to puff up turn off oven and leave the door slightly ajar so the tart cooks through.

Mascarpone cream

1. Work the mascarpone with a wooden spoon till silky smooth and then add in cream and vanilla and icing sugar into a bowl and mix and finally lemon juice and zest– keep refrigerated.

Assemble with blackberries and blueberries and enjoy!