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Wednesday 24 Sep 2014

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Missing series two: episode synopses

Episode one

Written by Matthew Leys
Directed by Laurence Wilson

DS Mary Jane Croft – MJ (Pauline Quirke) – has been reunited and reconciled with her wayward sister Ellen (Helen Baker), after believing for many years that she had died in a fire in a hostel. MJ is enjoying her new relationship with her sister and gets involved in planning for Ellen's baby Sara's first birthday party.

But, one year on, there are more surprises for MJ as her estranged father Jack (Roy Hudd) reappears. But will his return into their lives be welcomed as warmly by MJ and is he really the reformed character he claims to be?

In the Missing Person's Unit, MJ has a new manager to report to, DCI Ford (Adjoa Andoh), who is responsible for overseeing the unit, and is already subjecting the team to somewhat closer scrutiny that they are used to.

MJ struggles to balance home and her work as a major missing person case gets under way – the team try to support her and, meanwhile, Ford is watching.

Leanne (Brooke Kinsella) and her overbearing partner Ben (Gary Lucy) report Leanne's six-year-old daughter Jade missing. Suspicion quickly turns to Jade's real father Marcus (Jamie Davis).

Danny Hayworth (Mark Wingett) has now established himself in his new career as a radio DJ and his missing persons feature is one of the station's most popular programmes. He tries to advise MJ on her family problems.

Amy Garnett (Pooja Shah), meanwhile, struggles when Jason Doyle (Felix Scott) – who has matured into a key part of the MPU team and has been selected by MJ to take his sergeant's exams – unexpectedly ends their office love affair.

DS MJ Croft – Pauline Quirke
DC Jason Doyle – Felix Scott
Amy Garnett – Pooja Shah
Danny Hayworth – Mark Wingett
DCI Ford – Adjoa Andoh
Ellen Croft – Helen Baker
Jack Croft – Roy Hudd
Leanne Hallam – Brooke Kinsella
Ben Lloyd – Gary Lucy

Episode two

Written by Karen MacLachlan
Directed by Laurence Wilson

When a teenage girl, Jess (Georgia Maguire), is reported missing from her hostel home, Pete (David Chrysanthou), an aggressive drunk from her foster care past, is suspected of having something to do with her disappearance. But CCTV footage of Jess with an old woman (Sylvia Syms) suggests a more worrying story.

Amy (Pooja Shah), after being dumped by Jason (Felix Scott), is not keen to carry on working in the same office, and applies for a transfer. But, distracted by her personal problems, she is letting her work slide and MJ (Pauline Quirke) gives her a friendly warning. However, Amy goes behind her back to help Danny (Mark Wingett) and tempers in the office flare.

Danny is helping an old romantic, Ed (Paul Nicholas), track down his long lost sweetheart. But, after 30 years, the outcome is far from what either of them expected and Ed blames Danny. Meanwhile MJ's father Jack (Roy Hudd) offers her an olive branch in the form of an expensive gift – which she reluctantly accepts.

DS MJ Croft – Pauline Quirke
DC Jason Doyle – Felix Scott
Amy Garnett – Pooja Shah
Danny Hayworth – Mark Wingett
DCI Ford – Adjoa Andoh
Jack Croft – Roy Hudd
Mrs Hall – Sylvia Syms
Jess Stratton – Georgia Maguire
Pete Walsh – David Chrysanthou
Eddie Broad – Paul Nicholas

Episode three

Written by Martin Jameson
Directed by Jill Robertson

When local man Damon Clitheroe (Paul Albertson) goes missing and is discovered by MJ and the team in a coma, in a nearby hospital, his tangled and complicated love life is slowly unravelled. Difficult truths have to be faced and compromises reached with a surprising result.

In the office, Amy (Pooja Shah) and MJ (Pauline Quirke) have formed an uneasy truce, after MJ criticised her work, but when DCI Ford (Adjoa Andoh) asks Amy about her recent appraisal, Amy unwittingly lands MJ in trouble, and it starts to look as if Amy has made a formal complaint.

MJ is furious with Amy, but eventually realises that she has been hard on her over the break-up of her relationship with Jason. She, more than anyone, knows how difficult it can be to get the balance of work and personal life right.

Meanwhile Danny (Mark Wingett) is in hot water and is suspected of handling stolen goods over the necklace MJ's father Jack (Roy Hudd) gave her.

And Jason (Felix Scott) is doing everything he can to advance his career – including being supportive of Amy.

DS MJ Croft – Pauline Quirke
DC Jason Doyle – Felix Scott
Amy Garnett – Pooja Shah
Danny Hayworth – Mark Wingett
DCI Ford – Adjoa Andoh
Jack Croft – Roy Hudd
Adele Stott – Kim Medcalfe
Pamela Rutter – Martina Laird
Karen Clitheroe – Gaby Roslin
Damon Clitheroe – Paul Albertson

Episode four

Written by Clompus
Directed by Jill Robertson

When Jerry (Joel Beckett), an ex-serving corporal recently returned from Helmand, and his wife Emma (Kate Ford) report a friend and fellow soldier, Darren (Lee Turnbull) missing, MJ (Pauline Quirke) is concerned for the well-being of this popular member of the Kent Regiment. Her fears for his safety are raised further when she discovers that a shotgun has disappeared.

MJ soon realises, however, that the missing soldier is not necessarily the one with the biggest problem. The real danger is much closer than she originally thought.

Meanwhile running coach Martin (Mark Anthony Brighton) reports that a young female athlete Joanne (Alisha Bailey), who he is training, has gone missing just before her next a big race.

And, in the office, Amy (Pooja Shah) is trying to be ultra-professional while Jason (Felix Scott) is taking time to supervise her.

Ellen (Helen Baker) accuses her sister MJ (Pauline Quirke) of causing her father's (Roy Hudd) heart attack after she had him arrested for stealing the necklace he gave her. When MJ discovers evidence, which appears to clear him of any suspicion that he stole the expensive necklace he gave her, Ellen is unimpressed. In Ellen's view, his word should have been enough and she wants nothing more to do with her sister.

DS MJ Croft – Pauline Quirke
DC Jason Doyle – Felix Scott
Amy Garnett – Pooja Shah
Danny Hayworth – Mark Wingett
Ellen Croft – Helen Baker
Emma Grace – Kate Ford
Jerry Grace – Joel Beckett
Darren Piper – Lee Turnbull
Joanne Flyte – Alisha Bailey
Martin Morgan – Mark Anthony Brighton
Laura Callow – Victoria Alcock

Episode five

Written by Roy Boulter and Hilary Frankland
Directed by Sean Glynn

MJ (Pauline Quirke) continues to receive the cold shoulder from her sister Ellen (Helen Baker) so their father Jack (Roy Hudd), recently reconciled with them both, tricks them into a meeting. As they start to resolve their differences Jack makes a shocking confession.

Jason (Felix Scott) takes some pleasure in seeing an old school friend, Lee (Chris Geere) down on his luck – and not living up to the promise he showed as the golden boy he once was at school. Jason agrees to help him trace his girlfriend Katie. But Amy is concerned that Jason is not as impartial as he should be, and offers to help.

When the reality of Lee's situation becomes clear, events quickly spiral out of control with tragic consequences.

A courier (James Alexandrou) is reported missing by his worried pregnant girlfriend Nicola (Carlyss Peer). He might be a bit hapless but this is very out of character.

Danny (Mark Wingett) finally confesses that his wife has kicked him out and he has been forced to sleep at the radio station.

DS MJ Croft – Pauline Quirke
DC Jason Doyle – Felix Scott
Amy Garnett – Pooja Shah
Danny Hayworth – Mark Wingett
Jack Croft – Roy Hudd
Lee Beckett – Chris Geere
Andy Garsdale – James Alexandrou
Ellen Croft – Helen Baker
Nicola Hughes – Carlyss Peer

Episode six

Written by Martin Jameson
Directed by Sean Glynn

Jason (Felix Scott) surprises MJ (Pauline Quirke) and Amy (Pooja Shah) when he returns early to work from his enforced leave, genuinely convinced that he is unaffected by the suicide of his old school friend Lee. When DCI Ford (Adjoa Andoh) questions him during the official enquiry, she is unimpressed with Jason's clinical manner and berates him for not considering how Lee's death has affected his family.

Meanwhile the work of the unit continues, and when Judy (Gillian Taylforth) reports that her fiancé Neville has gone missing on his stag night, she is forced to admit that she suspects he is having an affair.

But when his boat is discovered drifting at sea the assumption is that Neville has had a fatal accident. A radio appeal, however, reveals otherwise. Could he have tried to fake his own death?

And a missing person search is hurriedly called off by DCI Ford when the true identity of the missing man is revealed.

Abigail's (Laura Rogers) boyfriend Rob is missing and there is no trace of him. Amy (Pooja Shah) is frustrated by the case and vents her anger at Ford.

Jason (Felix Scott) is shocked and overcome with guilt when Lee's father, Anthony Beckett, turns up wanting details of his son's last moments.

DS MJ Croft – Pauline Quirke
DC Jason Doyle – Felix Scott
Amy Garnett – Pooja Shah
Danny Hayworth – Mark Wingett
DCI Ford – Adjoa Andoh
Judy Waverley – Gillian Taylforth
Abigail Huntley – Laura Rogers
Neville Moore – David Schaal
Anthony Beckett – Albert Welling

Episode seven

Written by Mark Cairns
Directed by Stewart Svaasand

The discovery of an ultrasound scan, discarded in a waste bin, leads MJ (Pauline Quirke) to conclude that she has discovered the reason for the disappearance of young au pair, Helen (Catherine Steadman).

Her employers Jenny (Juliette Cowan) and Guy (David Michaels) have reported her missing, and MJ suspects that Guy might be the father, but when Jenny tells MJ that the last time she spoke to Helen, it was in fact she who had confided in Helen that she was pregnant and that she was in two minds about whether to keep it, MJ realises that she has jumped to the wrong conclusion.

The team trace a therapist that Helen was seeing and discover that she's been in post-adoptive counselling. When the couple's young son disappears from school, it is MJ who finally confronts Helen.

Meanwhile the police internal inquiry has cleared Jason (Felix Scott), but MJ has to break the news to him that DCI Ford wants to put his DS training on hold.

And 80-year-old Beth (Sian Philips) reports her friend Polly missing after one of their regular walks. When Amy (Pooja Shah) discovers that Polly was killed in a bomb blast during the last war, she fears Beth is suffering from dementia.

Meanwhile, MJ receives news that her department is to be joined by a High Potential officer – DC Josh Kemplin. Fearing that Ford was dissatisfied with the results of the inquiry, MJ suspects this could be her way of keeping a firmer eye on the department.

DS MJ Croft – Pauline Quirke
DC Jason Doyle – Felix Scott
Amy Garnett – Pooja Shah
Danny Hayworth – Mark Wingett
Beth Murphy – Sian Philips
Helen Harper – Catherine Steadman
Jenny Winters – Juliette Cowan
Guy Winters – David Michaels

Episode eight

Written by Chris Murray
Directed by Stewart Svaasand

It's DC Josh Kemplin's (Jamie Belman) first day in the MPU and he's keen to get his teeth stuck in. So, when 14-year-old musician Bobbie Sotherton (Shaun Malone) goes missing just days before an important violin recital, MJ (Pauline Quirke) pairs Jason (Felix Scott) with Josh on the strict understanding that Josh sticks to Jason like glue.

She is, therefore, unimpressed when she discovers that they have ignored her orders and as the case unfolds she does not appreciate Kemplin's hard-line approach.

However, there is no denying that Josh Kemplin is charming and Amy soon agrees to a date and even Jason finally warms to him.

The team fear that Bobbie has been put under intolerable pressure by his father but the appearance of an estranged grandmother (Jean Boht), and an older brother who has escaped from custody at a youth offenders' institution, raises other questions.

Workaholic Des (Jon Culsaw) reports his PA Paula missing – Des has worked hard to build up the company and Paula has a lot to do with the success but, despite working so closely for years, Des realises that he doesn't seem to know anything about her personal life.

DS MJ Croft – Pauline Quirke
DC Jason Doyle – Felix Scott
Amy Garnett – Pooja Shah
Danny Hayworth – Mark Wingett
DC Josh Kemplin – Jamie Belman
Barbara Mansfield – Jean Boht
Des Martin – Jon Culshaw
Bobbie Sotherton – Shaun Malone
Adam Sotherton – Greg Kelly
John Sotherton – Damian Myserscough

Episode nine

Written by Debbie O'Malley
Directed by Laurence Wilson

MJ (Pauline Quirke) reluctantly agrees to put Jason (Felix Scott) in charge of an investigation. New officer on the MPU team Josh Kemplin (Jamie Belman) has been needling Jason about MJ never letting him take the lead, so Jason has pushed for this extra responsibility with his boss.

But when the case is successfully concluded Kemplin shows his true colours; seeks to undermine Jason, and realising he has been set up, Jason finally loses his cool.

Marjorie Claye (Susannah York), the headmistress of a girls' public school, has reported Matthew Green (Henry Garrett), one of her teachers missing.

Suspicion turns to the father of one of Matthew's 17-year-old female pupils, when they discover that he believes the trusted teacher may actually have been taking advantage of his daughter, Caitlin (Charlotte Hope).

Routine checks, however, uncover the teacher's past. The revelation that he had some mental health issues at university triggers fears that he may have attempted suicide.

MJ suspects there's a manipulative side to Caitlin which is confirmed by Marjorie when she admits that she and some of the other girls may have been giving Matthew a hard time in class.

DS MJ Croft – Pauline Quirke
DC Jason Doyle – Felix Scott
Amy Garnett – Pooja Shah
DC Josh Kemplin – Jamie Belman
Marjorie Claye – Susannah York
Caitlin Morgan – Charlotte Hope
Matthew Green – Henry Garrett
Richard Morgan – John Blakey

Episode 10

Written by Hilary Frankland
Directed by Laurence Wilson

Faced with the unenviable task of reprimanding Jason (Felix Scott) for punching Josh Kemplin (Jamie Belman), MJ (Pauline Quirke) is frustrated when she finds that neither of them will disclose any details about why and how the fight happened. Grateful for Jason's sake that Josh isn't interested in pursuing the matter further, she grudgingly lets matters lie.

Kath Walters (Emma Cleasby) and husband David (Simon Lenagan) arrive in the MPU, desperate to see MJ. Kath believes she has seen Evie, her five-year-old daughter who disappeared eight years ago, believed to have been abducted. Kath has never given up hope and is now convinced that 13-year-old Anna (Jodie Bagnell), a girl she bumped into on the beach, is actually her daughter.

But husband David struggles to muster the same optimism. What he and his wife actually need is closure so they can move on.

When Kath steals a hair sample from Anna's bedroom, she is convinced they can rely on DNA to prove that it is Evie, but MJ refuses as the sample has been taken illegally.

Seeing a way of scoring brownie points with DCI Ford, Josh (Jamie Belman) decides to do the test behind MJ's back, confident that the results will justify his rule-breaking. When the test appears to corroborate Kath's claims and the result is announced on the radio, MJ is furious.

Suspicion soon turns to Jim Kelly (Nick Raggett), Anna's step-father, who seems to be telling them a pack of lies. Jason (Felix Scott), however, helps to uncover some other vital evidence and Josh is revealed to be the one behind the illegal test.

MJ hopes that this is her opportunity to get Kemplin out of her department.

DS MJ Croft – Pauline Quirke
DC Jason Doyle – Felix Scott
Amy Garnett – Pooja Shah
Danny Hayworth – Mark Wingett
DC Josh Kemplin – Jamie Belman
Kath Walters – Emma Cleasby
David Walters – Simon Lenagan
Anna Kelly – Jodie Bagnell
Jim Kelly – Nick Raggett

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