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Sara Cheshire

Smoke-free Sara?

Sara Cheshire from Scarborough was determined that 2007 would be the year she stopped smoking with the help of Â鶹ԼÅÄ Radio York and a stop smoking programme. We've caught up with Sara along the way, so find out how she's getting on...

My name is Sara Cheshire.ÌýI am a happily married 34 year old mum of two from Scarborough and I have decided that 2007 is the year that I stop smoking!

Six months later...

As the smoking ban approaches...

Unfortunately and much to my annoyance I have started again.ÌýIt crept back in about a month and a half ago after my daughter fell ill and was quite poorly.ÌýThis is not an excuse by any means but I did not cope very well and while my defences were down this was the only way, I felt,ÌýI could deal with the situation.

I am now back to square one and I know that after the support of the radio and the cessation class stopped my willpower dropped.ÌýI have now got to get my mind set back on track and start all over again as I do not want to smoke.ÌýI am spending more money and my health is suffering again as a result.ÌýOne result being that I cannot find the strength toÌýkneel or sit on a surfing board! Long story, but suffice to say I will not be on their web site!

As for the smoking ban - even when I did not smoke, I felt that it was not a fair rule.ÌýI do not approve of 'the powers that be' dictating to our democracy what we should and should not be doing.ÌýYes, it is good for all of our health but what about people's basic human rights?ÌýI also wonder what the Government will tax us for next after the sale of cigarettes plummet, possibly.Ìý

Will the Government help all the public houses when they close due to lack of profit when people that do smoke have to boycott them? As I understand, they are not giving any money to help these places make adjustments so that they can keep their heads above water.Ìý

I know of one place, my local, that my family and my old estate have used for many, many years which will undoubtedly close as the majority are smokers and there is simply not enough money to make the changes that smokers need. This place is an integral part of the estate and has been for many years.ÌýWhen or if it has to close due to lack of profit it will be a sad time in the estate's history.

I agree with banning smoking from work places, restaurants, eating areas and shopping centres, but to take it away from people who enjoy a pint and a cigarette is simply not fair or right.ÌýThe simple adjustment for public houses to have a snug and a smoke free area would be so much better.ÌýThe Government have turned into Dictators.

On a lighter note I will be looking for the next cessation class!


Week six

Well it's been a full month (6 weeks to be exact) since I became cigarette free!Ìý It hasn't been without it's setbacks but on the whole I am extremely pleased with myself!

When I first stopped I was genuinely terrified at the prospect of not smoking and what I would do without a cigarette.Ìý How would I spend my time?Ìý What would I do instead?Ìý Sometimes I still feel like that but I know that I do not want a cigarette anymore therefore I will occupy my mind with other thoughts!Ìý I do wonder what I did or rather not did before I stopped, as the time I have to spend now with others and doing other things just keeps growing.

I have got over the worst.Ìý I am managing more with my patches and find that I do not use my inhalator as much during the day, though I still use it when I go out.Ìý You should see the funny looks I get!Ìý I've nick named it Lilly!Ìý For those of you that have seen the inhalator you will know what I mean!!

I have not been saving the money in a jar as I know I will always need it for other things but I have saved a lot of money and been able to spend it more on things that I would normally do without or put off.Ìý I have money at the end of the month now for more treats for me and my family and I love it!

Weirdly I am still losing weight rather than putting it on, but for me it's the fact that I don't drink as much as I used to as I do not find it appealing as much as I did when I smoked.Ìý Like I said - weird!Ìý I am enjoying my food a lot more and still eating at regular times which I never did before but really careful not to over do it!

I'm not counting my chickens and say that I have done it yet but I feel very positive that I am close to cracking it!

Here's to the next month!


Week four

This is my second week of being a non-smoker, it seems much longer than that, but unfortunately it hasn't been without its hiccups!

I have lapsed three times in fourteen days I'm afraid.Ìý The first was on the second day, how weak was I!Ìý I made the big mistake of not throwing away what was left of my cigarettes (two) and with no excuses other than a hard day, I had several puffs off both.Ìý The second and third times were both a week apart on Fridays, the last day of work.Ìý I think this lapse was more of a psychological thing than physical as Fridays were always 'my night, my treat'. My chance to relax after the working week with a bottle of wine and a packet of cigs. I didn't smoke many, I think six in total over the two days but it is still enough to say that I need to try harder.

I spoke to Flis Macdonald, my smoking advisor, today and she advised me to top up on my inhalator in the last hour before I finish work so the craving is not there when I get home and to use it more often.Ìý I am seriously hoping to crack this Friday thing as what is the point of giving up if I can't give up completely?Ìý I must admit I'm not looking forward to Friday but if I set my mind to it now it should make it easier - fingers crossed! (Maybe I should keep my fingers crossed then I won't pick up a cig!)

The funny thing is that on the first Friday I lapsed I had a drink, two pints - yes a right Northern Lass! - and smoked two cigs and yet I went on a Girls Night out on Saturday, a much heavier and wilder night and didn't smoke one!Ìý I think that's what I mean by psychological.

A great upside to not smoking other than the obvious is that I have cut my alcohol intake by way over two thirds.Ìý I no longer have a glass or a can when I come home from work to relax, as there is a distinctive association between the two. I sit down to meals at the normal time and with my family and have found that I do not snack.Ìý I have actually lost a few pounds doing this so it does not necessarily mean that you put on weight when you stop smoking.

My CO level is down to the lowest it can go - 1, so that has spurred me on more.Ìý

I will be a non smoker, I am still determined.

Here's to kicking the Friday habit!


Sara (a kind of non smoker!)

Week three

Well, today is the day!

I have been an ex smoker for 18.5 hours!

I felt quite anxious today particularly when it came to the end of work as my routine at home on an evening has got to completely change!

I had my third smoking cessation class this afternoon which helped and my CO level has dropped to 3 - wahey!ÌýI found out that there are approximately 4000 poisons in each cigarette - can you believe that?! If the Government wanted us all to know that I feel there may be less smokers, but when it comes to money in the coffers I don't suppose they remember to tell us that bit!

It is now 5.30pm and I feel really good.ÌýI have my patch on and also the support of the inhalator which really helps as I can top up whenever I feel the urge.ÌýIf the way I am feeling now is anything to go by I feel really positive about being a successful ex smoker, though I will be realistic, as it is only the first day, and take each day as it comes.

I have already got one of the first signs of withdrawal - headache - and I must admit I am not looking forward to the possible sleepless nights, though this only lasts for a week or so!Ìý

I have told my daughter that I have stopped, you may think that she is too young to understand but if she is old enough to realise that 'mummy goes outside for a ciggie' then I am sure she would notice the difference when I do not smell of 'ciggies' anymore and have more time to spend with her.ÌýWe have already had a bouncing competition on her bed and are planning to dance this evening!

I have got my knitting needles at the ready and I plan to start decorating my house, which will help to keep my hands and my mind active.ÌýI'm planning to have my teeth whitened as a present to myself with the money that I save and I finally put the four pairs of shoes in for repair today that I have put off for ages as the cost of one pair of repaired shoes always equalled 1 packet of cigs!

Here's to the next installment, in which I hope there will be even better and more positive news!

Sara (ex smoker!)

Week two

Well, there is only one week left to go but I am still feeling positive.Ìý

I had my first Smoking Cessation group last week, which was a very encouraging class.Ìý We had our CO levels checked and although mine was the lowest at 14 I still feel it was high enough for great concern.Ìý The poisons that are in cigarettes were discussed and the results were really shocking and thankfully turned me off cigarettes a little bit more.

I went to my son's house warming party over the weekend.Ìý It was a smoke free zone and practically no-one smoked (three people in total).Ìý I felt quite alienated though no-one (apart from my always righteous son!) mentioned their dislike.Ìý However, I am pretty pleased with myself as I only had three cigarettes all night!Ìý (I think the fact that it was pouring with rain and blowing a gale outside helped too!)

I also have had a shock tactic of which I am not proud of.Ìý Whilst having a meal in a cafe last week, my two and a half year old daughter ventured to the door, when asked by my husband where she was going replied ' I'm off outside for a ciggie' and proceeded to go outside and smoke a pretend cigarette.Ìý Whilst I laughed in shock the realisation that I am a great influence on my daughter really affected me and if I don't stick to this we will probably have another smoker in the family in ten years time.Ìý What a role model I would turn out to be!

Anyway, on a lighter note - my second class is today and we are choosing the options (of which there are loads!) of smoking aids.Ìý I'm going for patches and as a back up, the inhalator.Ìý I'm also looking forward to having my CO2 level checked again to see if it has gone down any.

I will keep you informed.Ìý Only one more week of being a smoker to go!

SaraÌý - (nearly) ex smoker!

Week one

After a couple of illnesses in December 2006 I decided that I needed to take more care of myself and stopping smoking had to be my priority.

Luckily my workplace was organising a Smoking Cessation class in the New Year so I signed up straight away, then I was asked to be a New Year, New You volunteer for Â鶹ԼÅÄ Radio York and thought that this would be a fantastic opportunity that would help my will power.

Why stop smoking? Basically I have had enough of smoking,Ìý I am sick of the way I feel first thing on a morning - sore throat, deep voice and a breath that smells awful. I no longer enjoy smoking.Ìý I think that out of all the cigarettes I smoke a day (approximately 10 - 12) there are probably two that I enjoy.Ìý The rest - HABIT.

My family hate the fact that I smoke, especially my husband, and I feel very guilty when my two year old daughter tells Daddy that Mummy is having a 'ciggie' outside.Ìý I also feel the guilt when out in public as it is becoming more and more anti-social.

I feel very positive about stopping and I am glad I have got a stop date to prepare and work forward to.

So here's to the 30th January!Ìý

SaraÌý - (nearly) ex smoker!

last updated: 19/07/07

Have Your Say

Have you any tips and advice for Sara? If you've succeeded and stopped smoking, how did you do it? We want to know.

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I havent had 1 cigarette now for just over 2 weeks.I havent found it as difficult as i thoughti went down town clubbing the other night and i realised u can have a good time without havin a cigarette in your hand.I am very restless at night.i work 4 nights a week but trying 2 sleep in the day has been terrible.I feel v tired and have been sick many times due to dizziness and headaches i can only presume these are effects from nicotine withdrawel as i didnt have these problems before.its really nice 2 walk into my bedroom and not have it stinking of fags and when i was my hair now i can smell my shampoo and not smoke.haha.I feel good that my health isnt at such a risk now.im only 21 and overweight already but was staring 2 notice my breathing was really poor.Its not an easy thing to do and you and your family should be really proud of you.all the best and stick 2 it it'll be worth it in the end xxx

I have been off the cigarettes for 6 weeks today.The longest I have lasted in the past is 10 months. This time I got Zyban tablets from my Doctor and they have been brilliant. I am determined this time to stay off for good

i give up smoking last may after 32 years of 20 a day with just willpower sometimes i still want one but now im in control,ive put weight on but will deal with that eventualy.

Kevin, Brighton
I have just quit smoking; I'm at the end of my first week without are 10 a day for 20 years. We are all different but the addictive qualities of nicotine are well understood. NHS support, patches and willpower are all working for me. It has not been easy but I am feeling great!

Sarah, Yorkshire
I have tried to stop smoking for the past 2 years and it went great at first, but because i was doing it for other people i didn't have the motivation to stop. My last smoke was on boxing day last year and haven't had one since. It is very hard but when you do it for yourself as well as your family its great.

V Pawson
I also left it too late to stop smoking. The Consultant told me that my carotid artery was almost totally blocked and I would need a major operation to clear it. I dont know how I did it but i stopped smoking immediately after being a 30-40 a day smoker for 30 years. He told me if I didnt stop, I would have a stroke within 6 months. The only problem was, the operation itself carried a risk of stroke too. I was the unlucky one and had the stroke after the operation. To make matters worse I then contracted pneumonia. All of thes things almost took my life and it was all because I smoked. What a fool i was. I have been smoke free for over 2 years now and whilst I still have the effects of my disability to deal with, I dont have that horrid addiction to contend with anymore. Sara if you read this I hope it gives you more willpower to stop. Don't let thjis happen to you.

Mrs S Western
I stopped in 1983 because I wanted to move to a larger house. No help, no patches, no meetings JUST STRONG WILLPOWER - unfortunately I seem to need more willpower to diet!

Pam Williams
I am Nigel`s partner (the one who is reducing his weight!). I gave up smoking nearly two years ago.I had come "under pressure" from Tom & Jess my children and of course Nigel to give up. But I really wanted to do it for myself & once I made my mind up it has been a matter of willpower & now I would not thank you for a cig, good luck with your quest.

Phil, Edinburgh
Allen Carr's "Easyway" may have a stupid name, but one counselling session of 5 hours has stopped me smoking completely for 10 months - haven't even wanted a fag.

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