No more new petrol or diesel cars after 2035

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New cars and vans that use diesel and petrol as fuel will be banned in the UK from 2035.

The government had originally said the ban would happen in 2040 - but they've brought it forward by five years.

It's all part of a push to help Britain achieve nearly zero carbon emissions by 2050 and to help improve air pollution.

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The prime minister made the announcement before an event to launch COP26 - that's a group set up the the United Nations which looks at how to tackle climate change, and will meet in Glasgow at the end of 2020.

He said hybrid vehicles - that's a vehicle that uses both electric and petrol or diesel - will also be banned.

This means that in 15 years' time motorists in the UK will only be allowed to buy electric cars.

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Some people have said that's not a great idea, because there aren't enough electric cars being produced to go around at the moment.

But Boris Johnson said 2020 would be a "defining year of climate action" for the planet.

A spokesperson for Friends of the Earth, an environmental charity, said the plans are a good idea but that the ban should come in even sooner.