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We’re the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ’s international charity!

In a world filled with distrust and division, we support people on the frontlines of crisis who are most in need of trusted information - through our work with local public interest media, content and storytelling that builds on the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ's skills, expertise and values.

Our projects and programmes bring people together, and help build stronger democracies, more inclusive societies and a safer, more habitable planet. 

We aren’t funded by the UK TV Licence Fee and we rely on our donors and supporters – we can’t do it without you!

Support us

  • The Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Correspondents' Charity Dinner

    Our flagship charity dinner in the Grand Ballroom at The Langham, London
  • Donate through the PayPal Giving Fund and 100% of your donation comes to us! (Note this link takes you to a third-party platform.)
  • Sign up to payroll giving through Giving Online - type in Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Media Action and charity number 1076235. (Note this link takes you to a third-party platform).
  • Support our work in Ukraine by donating through JustGiving. Note this link takes you to a third-party platform.
  • Support our work with communities on the frontlines of climate change by donating through JustGiving. Note this link takes you to a third-party platform.

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