Hey You What If?
Impossible questions need epic answers! From What if the moon was made of cheese to What if all you touched turned to gold? See the world get turned upside down as we find out!
Series 1: 1. You Fell into a Black Hole? (5 mins)
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- 1. You Built a Mega SlideWhat would it take to build a slide so big that it went to the other side of the world?5 mins
- 2. You Walked Through WallsWe try walking through walls and find out that it's not as useful as it might sound.5 mins
- 3. We Got Rid of BugsFind out what would happen if there were no insects - it definitely isn't good news!5 mins
- 4. You Needed Two of YouFrom cloning to 3D printing, what if we could actually make copies of ourselves?5 mins
- 5. You Could Stop Global WarmingWhat if there were a thermostat that could turn the world temperature down?5 mins
- 6. You Lived on VenusIf you've had enough of Earth, then why not try living on Venus? We'll tell you why not!5 mins
- 7. You Could Shout Round the WorldFind out how to shout from one side of the world to the other.5 mins
- 8. You Were InvisibleWe try out three potential ways to become invisible.5 mins
- 9. We Had Two SunsThere is a way that Earth could have a second Sun, so we try it out to see what happens.5 mins
- 10. Your Mind Could Move ThingsIf moving things with your mind were possible, it wouldn't work quite like you'd expect.5 mins
- 11. Animals Were SupersizedCould there ever be super-gigantic insects or snails?5 mins
- 12. You Walked on CeilingsCould you walk on the ceiling with the help of a black hole or spinning the earth faster?5 mins
- 13. You Were the Last Person on EarthWhat would the planet be like if all other humans disappeared?5 mins
- 14. You Built a Giant SandcastleWith the help of a giant gold steamroller, we make a sand castle as big as a real castle!5 mins
- 15. You Shrunk the EarthWe find out what would happen if you shrank the earth.5 mins
- 16. Money Grew on TreesIf money grew on trees, you may think you could get rich quickly, but you would be wrong!5 mins
- 17. You Flew Like a SuperheroFlying like a superhero might sound like fun, but there are some serious downsides.5 mins
- 18. There Were No ColoursRemoving all the colours from our world would change more than just how it looks.5 mins
- 19. You Only Ate BurgersIs it possible for everyone in the world to eat burgers for every meal?5 mins
- 20. You Threw a Ball Round the WorldWe try the ultimate basketball shot - finding the hoop after going once around the world!5 mins
- 21. You Built the Tallest Building on EarthHow to erect a building way taller than anything that's ever been before.5 mins
- 22. You Had Kangaroo LegsIf you could swap your legs with an animal, which animal would you choose?5 mins
- 23. You Were IndestructibleWe try three ways of becoming indestructible and end up destroying the house.5 mins
- 24. You Surfed without WaterSometimes the beach is just too far away. So what if you could surf on land?5 mins
- 25. Earth Ran out of EnergyCan a crazy idea from science fiction solve our energy needs forever?5 mins
- 26. You Could Walk Up WallsWe borrow from the animals to create a new type of superhero that can walk up walls.5 mins