Pokémon: Diamond and Pearl - Series 10: 15. Shapes of Things to Come!
Series 10 Episodes
- 37. The Grass Menagerie!Ash challenges gym leader Gardenia at the Eterna City Gym.20 mins
- 38. One Big Happiny Family!As Ash and friends travel along the Cycling Road, Brock’s egg shows signs of hatching!20 mins
- 39. Steamboat Willies!Ash, Brock and Dawn board a steamboat headed to Hearthome City.20 mins
- 40. Top-Down Training!Ash and friends meet Cynthia, the champion of the Sinnoh League.20 mins
- 41. A Stand-Up Sit-Down!Zoey tells Dawn that the upcoming Hearthome Contest has a double performance format.20 mins
- 42. The Electrike Company!A Pokémon breeder is having some difficulty with his powerful but undisciplined Electrike.20 mins
- 43. Malice In Wonderland!Ash and his friends pass through a mysterious gate and are sent to a strange place.20 mins
- 44. Mass Hip-Po-Sis!Ash's Turtwig brings everyone's attention to a stranded young Hippopotas.19 mins
- 45. Ill-Will Hunting!Ash, Brock and Dawn try to rescue a rarely seen Pokémon from the ancient world.20 mins
- 46. A Maze-ing Race!To upgrade her Pokétch, Dawn must go to the Pokémon Centre on the other side of the woods.20 mins
- 47. Sandshrew’s Locker!A trainer named Mira offers to send Ash and his friends straight to Hearthome City.20 mins
- 48. Dawn’s Early Night!It’s time for the Hearthome Contest, and Dawn faces some stiff competition.20 mins
- 49. Tag! We’re It...!Ash, Dawn and Brock decide to enter Hearthome City’s Tag Battle competition.20 mins
- 50. Glory Blaze!Ash has been paired up with his rival Paul for the Tag Battle Competition.20 mins
- 51. Smells Like Team Spirit!The Hearthome City Tag Battle Competition is coming to an exciting conclusion.20 mins
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