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Super Happy Magic Forest - Series 1: 4. The Over-Eager Eagle - Audio Described
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- Series 1: 1. Balloon QuestThe heroes are on a quest to deliver 30 birthday balloons.11 mins
- Series 1: 2. The Mushroom KingTrevor becomes king of the mushrooms while lost on a quest.11 mins
- Series 1: 3. Herbert's New HatThe heroes are on a quest to save the forest’s ice cream supply.11 mins
- This episodeSeries 1: 4. The Over-Eager Eagle
- Series 1: 5. Super Happy Bake-OffWhile on a quest for a raspberry, the heroes disturb a Swampclops.11 mins
- Series 1: 6. The Wonky WardrobeThe heroes are accidentally whirled into a wonky parallel world.11 mins
- Series 1: 7. By the BookMr Friendlyface goes on a quest and angers a Big Ole Worm.11 mins
- Series 1: 8. The New WandTwinkle must go on a solo quest to find her vanished friends.11 mins
- Series 1: 9. Precious TreasureThe heroes bid to save Merhaven from an angry seaweed.11 mins
- Series 1: 10. Neville the LiarThe heroes go on a quest for their Toby Jug at the Riddling Ruins.11 mins
- Series 1: 11. The Magic of PanpipesHoofius tries his magical panpipes on a quest.11 mins
- Series 1: 12. Mid-Quest CrisisHerbert’s desire to feel young puts a quest in jeopardy.11 mins
- Series 1: 13. The Big Birch BirdThe heroes emark on a quest to return a phoenix woodpecker to its home.11 mins
- Series 1: 14. We the CouncilThe council aim to save the forest from Stinkweasel.11 mins
- Series 1: 15. Trapped in the FrolicThe heroes learn not to frolic before the end of a quest.11 mins
- Series 1: 16. Colour CatastropheThe heroes are on a quest to save the forest from greyness.11 mins
- Series 1: 17. Quester of the YearThe questers are lured away from the forest and straight into a trap.11 mins
- Series 1: 18. Gnome ImprovementsThe heroes go on a quest without Herbert and face an angry plant!11 mins
- Series 1: 19. The Spookyween WitchThe heroes quest to find out what is menacing the pumpkins.11 mins
- Series 1: 20. Fairy SquadAn unhappy Twinkle joins the Fairy Squad on a quest.11 mins
- Series 1: 21. Trail of WailsThe heroes quest to find and stop an awful wailing noise.11 mins
- Series 1: 22. Goblin GuestThe heroes quest to get rid of an unwelcome house guest.11 mins
- Series 1: 23. The Very Important UnicornSuperfan Blossom fusses too much on a quest with her hero.11 mins
- Series 1: 24. Pocket BeastsThe heroes quest to find the missing Council of Happiness.11 mins
- Series 1: 25. The Forest InspectorsThe heroes quest to retain the forest’s super-happy status.11 mins
- Series 1: 26. Snow DayThe heroes quest to save Snow Day for all the forest.11 mins