Dipdap - 22. Sea Monster
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Episodes Episodes
- 36. BubbleThe Line draws lots of colourful bubbles and Dipdap loves to burst them.3 mins
- 38. HeadphonesThe Line draws headphones and Dipdap hears music and cannot stop dancing.3 mins
- 39. LeakDipdap tries to plug leaks drawn by the Line, but the Line makes it difficult for him.3 mins
- 40. SculptureDipdap tries to create sculptures from shapes drawn by the Line.3 mins
- 41. SwitchThe Line draws a switch. Dipdap tries to pull the switch but the Line gets in the way.3 mins
- 42. SocksThe Line draws some smelly socks. Dipdap tries to get away from the smell.3 mins
- 43. Disappearing BooksThe Line draws books for Dipdap, but when Dipdap tries to read them, they disappear.3 mins
- 44. BeanstalkThe line draws a beanstalk for Dipdap to climb but doesn't make it easy for him.3 mins
- 45. SportsThe Line draws some sporty challenges, and Dipdap tries to compete.3 mins
- 46. TomatoThe Line draws a giant tomato that rolls after Dipdap.2:59
- 47. UmbrellaThe Line draws an umbrella, which protects Dipdap from unpredictable weather.3 mins
- 48. GuestsThe Line draws Dipdap three cakes, but every time he tries to eat one he is interrupted.3 mins
- 49. Lost AlienThe Line draws an alien that drops to Earth. Dipdap helps to get the alien back home.3 mins
- 50. GalleryThe Line draws pictures for Dipdap, but they are not what they seem.2:58
- 51. SneezeThe Line draws a pig and Dipdap accidentally makes it sneeze.3 mins
- 52. Cute ThingThe Line draws a cute thing and Dipdap tries to protect it from heavy objects.3 mins
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