Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps - Series 6: 1. Speedycruise
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Series 4 Episodes
- 1. Corinthian DiesSitcom. Janet tries to dump Jonny but is upstaged by some pasties.28 mins
- 2. Piggy Goes OinkJonny finds himself a new girlfriend. Gaz challenges David to a drinking contest.28 mins
- 3. My Delicious GuavaJonny ruins his first date with Kate by trying too hard to be manly.28 mins
- 4. CugglesJonny ruins his first date with Kate by trying too hard to be manly.28 mins
- 5. PurgatorySitcom. Gaz tries to get over his guilt by doing one special thing for Donna.28 mins
- 6. Mate DateGaz goes on a quest to split Jonny and Kate.28 mins
- 7. Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔless and HornyDonna's tutor invites her for extra coaching on his sofa.28 mins
- 8. Filthy BrunchingLouise gets Jonny into serious trouble with the police.28 mins