
Corrections and Clarifications

The 麻豆约拍's responses to editorial, technical and corporate issues.

This page includes apologies, significant corrections, statements and responses. It does not include routine corrections to news stories, minor on-air apologies and schedule changes.

Corrections and clarifications are published in the order that they were issued.

The Panorama Interviews with Nick Robinson: Nigel Farage, Reform UK

麻豆约拍 One, 21 June 2024

When asked about the latest polling data on Reform UK, the party鈥檚 leader Nigel Farage suggested the MRP survey conducted by Savanta could be out of date because the fieldwork started before he declared he would stand in the election on 3 June. To be clear the fieldwork for this particular survey took place after that time between 7 and 18 June.



麻豆约拍 Radio Scotland, 13 May 2024

We acknowledge that, during the phone-in part of the programme, we did not correctly attribute a statement to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).

Additionally, contrary to the claims of a phone-in contributor, we recognise that the interpretation by the OHCHR is not what the ICJ concluded in its interim judgment of 26 January 2024, according to the explanation subsequently given by the former President of the Court, Joan Donoghue, on the 麻豆约拍 News Channel鈥檚 Hard Talk programme on 25 April 2024.

We apologise for these errors.


Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg

9 June 2024

An interview with Nigel Farage gave too much visual prominence to the constituency in which he is standing for election, in a way which is not in line with our editorial guidelines.

We have made edits and visual adjustments to the iPlayer edition of the programme, including removing verbal references to the constituency.

The interview did not discuss constituency issues and we have made no edits to Mr Farage鈥檚 words.

The programme is aiming to interview the leaders of all the larger parties during the campaign.


麻豆约拍 London

23 May 2024

In a report on 麻豆约拍 London we wrongly described an incident outside a London cinema as a vigil. We should have been clear it was a protest and we apologise for this. The correct description has been used in our online report. We clarified this on the following night鈥檚 programme.


麻豆约拍 News Channel

28 May 2024

We heard live from Nigel Farage, honorary President of Reform UK, speaking at one of its election events. When coming away from the speech, our presenter said Mr Farage was using 鈥榗ustomary inflammatory language鈥. This did not meet the 麻豆约拍鈥檚 editorial standards for impartiality. The presenter later apologised on air to viewers and Mr Farage who publicly accepted the apology.


News at Ten

麻豆约拍 One, 5 April 2024

In a report about changes to national insurance, we showed tax band figures on a graph headed 鈥榝rozen tax thresholds鈥. We should have made clear that Scotland鈥檚 thresholds are different, and we are sorry for the oversight. We have published a full breakdown of Scottish income tax changes.


Radio News Bulletins

19 April 2024

In some brief news items we said that the former Chief Executive of the Scottish National Party Peter Murrell had been charged with the embezzlement of 鈥減ublic funds鈥. We should have said 鈥淪NP funds鈥.


Ros Atkins on...

麻豆约拍 News online/麻豆约拍 News Channel, 17 May 2024

In a video about the protests in Georgia we included a map which showed Crimea incorrectly. We have amended this section of the video to correct the error.


News at Six

麻豆约拍 One, 16 April 2024

In a sequence about the UK鈥檚 proposed smoking ban we included a reference to the sugar tax accompanied by footage of bottles of Perfectly Clear water on the production line. To be clear, the product shown is flavoured water which doesn鈥檛 contain any sugar. We apologise for using these pictures in error and have deleted the footage.


麻豆约拍 Scotland

Radio and online, 2 & 3 April 2024

In 麻豆约拍 Scotland鈥檚 coverage of the Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act 2021, reference was made in some of our output to the Act making it a criminal offence in Scotland to make 鈥渄erogatory comments鈥 based on the protected characteristics of age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, transgender identity or being intersex. This was inaccurate and we should have referred to the Act creating a new crime where it is an offence if someone communicates material or behaves in a threatening or abusive manner with the intention of 鈥渟tirring up hatred鈥 based on these protected characteristics. We apologise for any confusion caused and have reminded our teams of the importance of accuracy in our output.



Radio 4, 15 April 2024

In a question to the Foreign Secretary David Cameron our presenter asked about Israel attacking and murdering tens of thousands of innocent Palestinians. Shortly after the programme, Nick Robinson posted on X saying he could have been clearer that he was not expressing his own view or that of the 麻豆约拍鈥檚 when he used the word "murders": 

鈥淭here鈥檚 been some controversy about words I used when I was interviewing the Foreign Secretary @David_Cameron on @bbcr4today about Israel this morning. My final question was about the perceived 鈥渕orality鈥 of the government鈥檚 position - in particular the 鈥渞isk鈥 that their position could 鈥渁ppear鈥 to look like active support for Israel when it is under attack but nothing other than words 鈥渨hen Israel attacks or murders tens of thousands of innocent Palestinians鈥. I should have been clearer that I was not expressing my own view let alone that of the 麻豆约拍 when I used the words 鈥渕urders鈥. In this 15 minute long interview I asked the Foreign Secretary why ministers had supported Israel militarily; why they didn鈥檛 go further & support Israel in confronting Iran; why they weren鈥檛 tougher in confronting Israel over Gaza and ended with that question about the perceived 鈥渕orality鈥 and the 鈥渞isk鈥 of how the government鈥檚 position 鈥渁ppears鈥. It was a lengthy and detailed exploration of the policy choices made by the government.鈥


麻豆约拍 News NI鈥檚 X Account

22 February 2024

On 22 February 2024, a 麻豆约拍 News NI post on X stated that a married couple who ran a garden centre in Hillsborough had been accused of possessing criminal property in the amount of 拢267,000. The post included a picture of Cameron Landscapes & Garden Centre. This statement was factually inaccurate, as the garden centre pictured, which is not based in Hillsborough, is not run by the married couple in question. As confirmed in the article hyperlinked within the post, the accused were Catherine and Norman Lambe, with the former having been further accused of false accounting and abusing her position within Cameron Landscapes Ltd.


麻豆约拍 News online

16 March 2024

In an article about the Liberal Democrats鈥 spring conference we wrongly described the political party Reform UK as far-right when referring to polling. This sentence was subsequently removed from the article as it fell short of our usual editorial standards. While the original wording was based on news agency copy, we take full responsibility and apologise for the error.


Newsnight, 麻豆约拍 Two

27 February 2024

In an item about donations to political parties we said that the union Unite was being investigated for fraud, bribery and money laundering. We should have said that it is in fact an individual who worked for Unite who is being investigated on these allegations and we鈥檙e happy to make this clear.


29/02/2024 amended for clarity

Today, 麻豆约拍 Radio 4

13 February 2024

In an interview about the Rochdale by-election, we wrongly suggested the vote had been called by the expulsion of previous Rochdale MP Simon Danczuk from Labour. It was in fact the death of the incumbent MP Labour Tony Lloyd in January this year which precipitated the by-election. Mr Danczuk is running as a candidate for Reform UK in this by-election (he was previously suspended from Labour, which announced he would be endorsed as a candidate in the 2017 election. He then left the Labour Party) . A full list of candidates can be found on the 麻豆约拍 website.


News at One and Newsnight

12 & 13 February 2024

In an item about Labour and the Rochdale by-election, we reported that Middlesbrough MP Andy McDonald had been suspended by Labour for an alleged antisemitic remark. This was incorrect. He was suspended for what the Labour Party called deeply offensive comments relating to the Israel-Gaza war. Mr McDonald denies this. We apologise for the error and made the correction and apology on air in the next day鈥檚 programme. On Newsnight a contributor also incorrectly listed Mr McDonald as an MP who had been suspended by Labour for antisemitic remarks.


麻豆约拍 News online 鈥 various articles

9 January 2024 - 9 February 2024

In a number of articles for the 麻豆约拍 News website we reported that the number of people killed during the 7 October attacks by Hamas is about 1,300.

This was the result of an error when interpreting data from Israel鈥檚 National Public Diplomacy Unit which provides the official count for victims and hostages.

In January the unit provided an update referring to 鈥渕ore than 1,200 victims murdered in the October 7 massacre鈥 and also to 鈥139 people who were injured and evacuated for medical treatment鈥 who later died in hospitals.

However the number of people who died later is not an additional figure and the official death toll remains about 1,200 and not 1,300 as we have stated in these articles.

We have amended the articles which carried this inaccurate figure and added a correction note advising readers of this change.

We would like to apologise for this error.


麻豆约拍 News Channel

12 February 2024

In an interview with the Palestinian envoy Husam Zomlot he was introduced as 鈥淎mbassador of the State of Palestine to the UK鈥 both verbally and on screen. Instead he should have been introduced as "Head of the Palestinian Mission to the UK" and this was corrected later on air.


PM 鈥 news bulletin

麻豆约拍 Radio 4, 2 Dec 2023

In a brief piece about COP28 we talked about how a commitment by a large group of oil companies could cut the carbon emissions created when oil is refined into petrol by up to 15% per litre. The report went on to say 鈥渞eally we need to stop using the stuff completely鈥 but should have made clear that this isn鈥檛 a universal view.


麻豆约拍 News online, The World at One (R4), various radio bulletins

2 February 2024

麻豆约拍 News reported incorrectly that Abdul Ezedi, suspected of attacking a woman and her two daughters with a corrosive substance, was not eligible for asylum under 麻豆约拍 Office guidelines as a result of a sexual assault conviction. These guidelines do not apply to asylum cases. We apologise for this error. The story was removed from news online and the episode of The World at One on 麻豆约拍 Sounds.


麻豆约拍 News online, various radio bulletins

31 January 2024

We reported that the British Beer and Pub Association had said 1 in 5 people had given up alcohol this January. A PR company working on behalf of the association subsequently confirmed that this figure is inaccurate and that they had conducted a survey of more than 2,000 people which suggested 1 in 10 people had given up alcohol. We amended the online article to make this clear.



Radio 4, 25 January 2024

In a broad discussion around algorithms and social media and whether they might be technology which was changing humans, we talked about how TikTok was an example of a brand distracting teenagers who scrolled from one post to another. We鈥檙e happy to make it clear that TikTok has announced measures to try to protect children including  and says this led to three-quarters of UK teen TikTok users setting a daily screen time limit.


Reporting Scotland

麻豆约拍 One Scotland, 31 December 2023

During our report on energy prices and cost of living, we said the Scottish Government was spending 拢104 billion supporting households with bills. We should have said it was the UK Government that was responsible for this expenditure. We apologise for this error.


PM - Radio 4

23 December 2023

In an item about how Christmas festivities were being affected by the Israel/Gaza war we said that Bethlehem was 鈥渋n the West Bank in Israel鈥. We should have said it was 鈥渋n the occupied West Bank鈥 and apologise for this error.


麻豆约拍 News Channel

3 December 2023

In a report about COP28 we said that 1 in 4 deaths around the world are linked in some way to climate change. To be clear the World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that 1 in 4 deaths 鈥渃an be attributed to preventable environmental causes and climate change is exacerbating these risks.鈥


麻豆约拍 Cymru Fyw

30 Tachwedd 2023

Ar 30 Tachwedd mi gyhoeddodd 麻豆约拍 Cymru Fyw erthygl ynghylch Coed Isaf Nursing 麻豆约拍 Limited a鈥檙 gofal a ddarparwyd ar gyfer un o鈥檜 cyn breswylwyr. Ers hynny mi rydym wedi tynnu yr erthygl ar-lein yn 么l gan nad oedd yn cwrdd gyda safonau golygyddol y 麻豆约拍 ar gywirdeb a didueddrwydd. Rydym yn ymddiheuro am y materion hyn.

30 November 2023

On 30 November 麻豆约拍 Cymru Fyw published an article regarding Coed Isaf Nursing 麻豆约拍 Limited and the care it provided one of its former residents. We have since withdrawn the online article since it did not meet the 麻豆约拍鈥檚 editorial standards on accuracy and impartiality. We apologise for these matters.


Radio News Bulletins

24 December 2023

In overnight output we ran a story about Hamas accusing the Israeli army of carrying out summary executions in the Gaza strip. This was a Hamas statement, but although the accusations were attributed and our story contained a response from the Israeli military saying they were unaware of the incident and that Hamas was a terrorist organisation that did not value truth, we had not made sufficient effort to seek corroborating evidence to justify reporting the Hamas claim. We apologise for this mistake.


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