Reviewer's Rating 2 out of 5 Μύ
Soul Survivors (2002)

Does the world really need another teen horror flick? While it's true that the genre occasionally produces a gem like "Ginger Snaps", most teen fare is either second-rate horror ("Final Destination") or just plain silly ("Scary Movie").

"Soul Survivors" falls into the first category, blatantly cannibalising every horror movie it can think of in the attempt to produce some patchwork Frankenstein's monster.

Four college students, Sean (Affleck), Matt (Bentley), Annabel (Dushku), and Cassie (Sagemiller) visit a club inside a church on the edge of town. As they leave they get chased by some of their fellow partygoers, and end up in a car crash in which Sean is killed. Distraught, Cassie fights hard to keep her life together. Only problem is she's started having hallucinations and, like a certain young boy from another movie, is seeing "dead people".

As the unfortunate heroine, Sagemiller tries hard to hit the right note of disoriented confusion, but ends up looking merely gormless. Affleck is the one you feel most sorry for, though. Since "Soul Survivors" wants to be a love story as well as a horror film, Affleck has to carry the film's emotional subplot. The beyond-the-grave theme has him telling his true love: "if you ever come to this spot I'll be here." And he is, even when he's dead.

Maybe it's because American high schools have so frequently been the sites of tragedy that teen horror films like "Soul Survivors" keep returning to this theme of death and bereavement. If that's the reason, then you can't help but wonder why the film makers don't just make a movie about the shootings instead of churning out such pap.

See a clip from the movie.

End Credits

Director: Steve Carpenter

Writer: Steve Carpenter

Stars: Casey Affleck, Wes Bentley, Eliza Dushku, Angela Featherstone, Melissa Sagemiller

Genre: Horror

Length: 85 minutes

Cinema: 11 January 2002

Country: USA

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