Â鶹ԼÅÄ Radio 1Xtra
8 Dàmh 2016, Liverpool
DiS 8 Dàmh 2016 Echo Arena

Kyla Reid (née Smith), commonly known as Kyla, is a British house music singer in the UK funky subgenre. She is best known for her song "Do You Mind" which was later featured on Drake's 2016 international hit "One Dance".

Kyla Reid (née Smith), commonly known as Kyla, is a British house music singer in the UK funky subgenre. She is best known for her song "Do You Mind" which was later featured on Drake's 2016 international hit "One Dance".

Thàinig an eachdraidh-beatha seo bho Wikipedia. Leugh tuilleadh mu mar a bhios sinn a’ cleachdadh an dàta seo.

Liosta cluich air Echo Arena air 8 Dàmh 2016 aig Liverpool

One Dance