Question Time, discussion following audience question on safeguarding of women only spaces, 2 February 2023

Summary of complaint

We’ve received complaints about the discussion that followed an audience member’s question on the safeguarding of women only spaces.

Our response

The purpose of Question Time is to facilitate a lively debate where a range of views on the topics dominating the news agenda can be heard, by featuring people from across the political spectrum.Β  This applies to our audience and panel alike.Β Β Β 

The aim was to have a civilised and polite conversation, while also recognising that this is a highly sensitive issue with concerns being expressed on all sides of the debate.Β  We heard prominent contributions from the Scottish government representative around support for their legislative proposals on gender reform and from India Willoughby - who as we indicated in our introduction is a trans rights campaigner.Β 

Fiona Bruce treated all members of the panel fairly and intervened when necessary to keep the discussion on track.Β  All panellists were given ample time to voice their opinions.Β  We also heard a wide range of viewpoints from the audience during this particular debate.