Top tips for taking kids to a festival

1. Protect their ears

Festivals can be loud and children’s ear defenders will protect their sensitive ears. There are lots of different ear defenders available, read the product reviews to find the most suitable pair for your child. You can even get adult sizes to protect your own ears.  

2. Wristband with contact details

Write your contact details on a wristband and put it on your child's wrist incase they get lost.

3. Brightly coloured clothes

Brightly coloured clothing can help you easily spot your child if they run off into a crowd. 

4. Stay hydrated

Most festivals have drinking water stations where you can fill up your bottles, and if you take your own bottles to the festival you can save money and help reduce plastic waste. 

5. Take a picnic

Buying food at festivals can be expensive so think about taking your own picnic to save money, just double check with the festival that you can take in your own food first! 

6. It can get messy

Festivals can get very messy, especially if it rains. Take extra clothes to change into if your kids get wet or muddy, and something clean and comfy for the journey home. 

7. Waterproof coats

Be prepared for any weather whatever the forecast might say. Pack ponchos or a lightweight coat that can be folded up and easily carried in your bag. 

8. Don’t get stuck in the mud

Take a pram or cart that has good wheels so you don’t get stuck in the mud. Some festivals have sling libraries for babies where you can hire slings for the day or weekend, check with the festival about the facilities they have before you go. 

9. Top up the sun cream

You will probably be outside most of the day and even in cloudy weather it is good to top up everyone's sun cream throughout the day.

The NHS advice when buying sun cream is to look for a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30 to protect against UVB and at least 4-star UVA protection. 

Here's some tips on how to keep kids safe in the sun.

10. First aid

Take a small first aid kit with you so you are prepared for any small cuts and bumps. Every festival will always have a first aid area, so make sure you familiarise yourself with its location.

The main thing is to just have fun! There will be lots to see and do and taking your child to a festival will create so many memories. Being prepared and organised will make your experience less stressful.

Be prepared

If you're not heading to a festival soon, why not create your own festival at home to get the kids ready for the real thing. 

Check out our tips for how to survive a holiday with toddlers.

Prepare for the journey to the festival with our traffic jam tips.

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