Cuir thugainn ur Dùrachdan Co-là-breith

Dùrachdan Co-là-breith CBeebies ALBA

'S ann do chloinn a tha gu bhith 7 bliadhna a dh'aois neo nas òige a tha na dùrachdan co-là-breith.

Cuir stuth thugainn 4 seachdainean ro cho-là-breith an leanaibh.

Thèid an dùrachd co-là-breith a chraoladh air CBeebies ALBA agus air an làrach-lìn againn air seachdain a' cho-là-breith.

Mar a chuireas sibh dùrachd thugainn

Tha sinn feumach air 3 dealbhan dhen leanaibh. Ma tha sibh air cairt a dhèanamh sibh fhèin, faodar dealbh farsaing a chur thugainn dhen a sin cuideachd.

1. Brùth 'Tagh faidhle' airson na dealbhan agaibh a luchdachadh.

2. Tagh deit co-là-breith an leanaibh.

3. Inns dhuinn ciad ainm an leanaibh.

4. Anns an earrann 'Do theachdaireachd' cuir am fiosrachadh a leanas:

  • An aois a bhios do leanaibh air an co-là-breith
  • Beagan fiosrachaidh mun leanabh - me cur-seachadan, dè tha còrdadh riutha agus msaa
  • An dùrachd co-là-breith a thèid a leughadh a-mach
  • Cuideachd, leigibh fios mu fhuaimneachadh ainmean, ma tha sibh a' smaointinn gu bheil sin a dhìth.

A bheil sibh deiseil airson ur stuthan a chur thugainn?

Cuir thugainn ur dùrachdan co-là-breith an seo.

Cuimhich gu bheil riaghailtean ri leantainn.

Birthday Card Shout-outs on CBeebies ALBA

Birthday shout-outs are for children 7 years old or under.

Upload your stuff at least 4 weeks before the child's birthday.

The birthday shout-out will be broadcast on CBeebies ALBA and will be shown on the website on the week of the birthday.

How to send us your shout-outs

To get a birthday shout-out on CBeebies ALBA we will require 3 photos of the child. If you have made your own card, you can send us a landscape photo of that as well.

1. Click 'Choose a file' to upload your photos.

2. Select the date of your child’s birthday.

3. Enter your child's first name.

4. In the 'Your message' section please include the following:

  • The age your child will be on their birthday.
  • Some information about your child – what they like, their hobbies etc.
  • Birthday message for the child that you would like read out
  • Also, let us know how to pronounce any names, if you think it necessary.

Are you ready to send your stuff?

Send us your birthday shout-out here.

Remember that there are rules to follow.

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