  • Tha e riatanach gur e sibhse pàrant neo neach-cùraim laghail na pàiste mun a tha sibh a' cur stuthan.
  • Feuch gum bi na dealbhan a tha sibh a' cur thugainn cho math sa ghabhas.
  • Tha dealbhan a tha farsaing nas fheàrr na dealbhan àrd.
  • Na cleachd dealbhan de phàist sam bith mur a bheil sibh nur pàrant neo nur neach-cùraim, neo dealbhan de dh'inbhich sam bith.
  • Dèan cinnteach nach eil ainmean-brannd, suaicheantasan no sìon aithneachaidh air aodach a' phàist, mar gheansaidh sgoile.
  • Na cuir dealbhan thugainn de chloinn gun aodach orra no le glè bheag de dh'aodaich orra; cha bu chòir dealbhan a thogail de phàistean gun ach badan orra.
  • Ma tha sibh a' cur dealbh de chairt thugainn, dèan cinnteach gur e dealbh farsaing a th' ann a tha cho math agus cho soilleir 's a ghabhas.
  • Ma tha sibh a' cur dealbh de chairt thugainn, cuir ciad ainm agus aois a' phàist a-mhàin air aghaidh na cairt.
  • Ma tha caractaran sam bith a nochdadh air a' chairt, dèan cinnteach gur e caractaran CBeebies a th' annta: cha tèid dealbhan coimeirsealta a chleachdadh air adhbharan chòirichean. Tha seo a' toirt a-staigh caractaran no branndaichean sam bith a nochdas air aodach a' phàist.
  • Nuair a tha sibh a' cur stuth thugainn, thoir spèis dhan chloinn. Bidh mothachail gur dòcha gum bi na dealbhan ri fhaicinn air làrach a' BhBC son ùine agus dh'fhaodadh an leanabh a bhith troimh-a-chèile neo air an nàrachadh mun seo san àm ri teachd.
  • Air adhbharan dìon-chloinne, na cuir teachdaireachd air na meadhanan sòisealta ag innse gu bheil sibh air stuth a chuir thugainn.
  • Mura h-eil putan 'cuir stuth thugainn' ag obair, dèan cinnteach gu bheil sibh air na h-earrainnean riatanach a lìonadh agus nach eil meud na faidhlaichean ro mhòr. Cuideachd, ma bhrùth sibh air a' cheangal tro app Facebook air fon-làimhe (me ma tha sibh a' cleachdadh Facebook air fòn-làimhe no tablaid), 's dòcha gun deach ur ceangal a chasg le brobhsair Facebook. Ma thachras seo, feuch ri dhol chun cheangal tro bhrobhsair-lìn (leithid Safari, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer agus msaa) seach taobh a-staigh brobhsair Facebook fhèin.


  • You must be the parent or legal guardian of the children relating to the material being uploaded, or pictured.
  • Try to make sure your photos are good quality.
  • Landscape (wide) photos are better than portrait (tall).
  • Do not use photos of any child whom you are not the parent of guardian of, or photos of any adults.
  • Please make sure that there are no brands, logos or anything identifiable on the child's clothing, such as a school jumper.
  • Please do not upload images of children who are not fully clothed or appear to be partially clothed; young children and babies should not be pictured wearing only a nappy.
  • If you're sending a photo of a card, please make sure this is a landscape photo, good quality, in-focus and well-lit.
  • If sending a photo of a card, please only put the first name and age of the child on the front of your birthday card.
  • Please make sure any characters included on the card are CBeebies ones; commercial images cannot be used for copyright reasons. This includes characters and brands on children's clothing.
  • When uploading, please also consider the dignity of children. Images may be available to view on a Â鶹ԼÅÄ platform for some time and could therefore cause embarrassment or upset for a child at a future date.
  • For child protection reasons, do not post on social media that you have uploaded content.
  • If the Uploader button does not appear to work - please ensure you have filled in all the required fields and that the file size does not exceed the maximum size. Also, if you clicked the uploader link from within the Facebook mobile app (e.g. if you're using Facebook on your mobile or tablet), you may find the link is blocked by the Facebook browser. If this happens, try visiting the link in a web browser (like Safari, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, etc) rather than within Facebook's own browser.
Are you ready to try CÂ鶹ԼÅÄ?