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Tagged with: Newsjack

Posts (13)

  1. Newsjack: Explosion In A Clown Factory

    Dan Tetsell

    Sorry about that last blog. I never wanted to come across as a font-obsessed monomaniac. Oh, I am one; I just didn't want everyone knowing. So, the sketch deadline for Newsjack show 3 has passed. Did you send anything in? Slow news week, isn't it? And where it's not slow, it's grim. The ...

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    Dan Tetsell

    OK, that's show two all printed off. We're now waiting for our cast to arrive from their snowy country retreats (and for some game changing news event to make all our sketches obsolete), so I've got just about enough time to post this on the subject of laying out sketches. The first sketch I ...

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  3. Newsjack Uncut (Actually no, that would be about an hour long and full of mistakes)

    Dan Tetsell

    So, the first show of the new series has been written, re-written, collated, re-written again, rehearsed, performed, edited and broadcast so this seems as good a time as any to start this series of blogs aimed at giving you an insider's view of the ravening script-hungry beast that is Newsjack. ...

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