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Future Talent Award Winner 2012

Joe Quick


Joe Quick - Future Talent Award 2012 winner

When I first entered the ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ Future Talent Award competition I had no idea what to expect. It was January, I had just finished all my university work and I had a short window of time before going back to Sheffield Hallam to study. I’ve always enjoyed writing scripts as a hobby but the thought of having someone in the industry read my script was fairly daunting - I’m hesitant to even let my parents or friends read my work! It took a few reads of the email to realise that I’d actually made the top three finalists in the competition. I couldn’t believe it. My parents couldn’t believe it. My mates couldn’t believe that I even wrote scripts.

I’m not the sort of guy that goes and writes in a coffee shop wearing a knitted jumper and drinking a frappuccino, I just stay up late on the nights that I’m not out and write scripts when I should probably be revising for my English course. I’ve always enjoyed reading and writing fiction but it wasn’t until University that I discovered a passion for scriptwriting. I’d watch a programme and think, wouldn’t it be good if that happened or wouldn’t it be better if that character did that - the great thing about writing scripts is that you control all of that. You get to create your own world and your own characters.

Anyway, a couple of months later I found myself at the One World Media Festival at Salford Media City, grateful to even be given an invite to what turned out to be a brilliant day of conferences and discussions. The other two finalists were really nice and their work sounded incredible. Going into the award ceremony I was already happy enough after having a great day, but then to actually win the award was the complete icing on the cake (major clichΓ©, sorry). I met some lovely people on the day who hopefully will keep in touch and the experience on the whole is something that I’ll always remember. Now that I’ve finished University I can’t wait to get out into the world and go travelling with my friends, maybe I’ll even pick up some creative ideas along the way. Whatever happens in the future, I’ll continue to enjoy reading and writing scripts for many more years to come.

The ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ writersroom Future Talent Award is a development opportunity for student/recent graduate drama writers. The winner is given development opportunities and mentoring within the ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ, including taking part in our Headspace Writer in Residence scheme. Other exciting voices to emerge as a result of this opportunity are given development opportunities and training as appropriate.

The Future Talent Award 2013 will be launched early next year.Μύ Keep an eye out on our website for more details.Μύ



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