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Writers Academy 26

Ceri Meyrick

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Frequently Asked Questions

The Writers Academy is now open for online applications from writers until 5th May. To apply go to the Writers Academy page on this site and click on the link.

I thought I would just go through a few of the questions that regularly come up about the course:

Why are only experienced writers eligible?
You need to have had at least one professional commission in drama in order to apply. This is for several reasons. Firstly, and most importantly, the course is not a beginners course. Within six months of being accepted on to the course, you could be writing a broadcast episode of Holby or Casualty. Showing us that you have been paid to write drama helps to show us that you can collaborate and work with people, and that you had some commitment to working as a professional writer. Also, it keeps the number of applicants down to a level where we have some chance of giving every script enough attention.

Do I have to apply with a television script?
No. Radio, Film or Theatre scripts are fine too. We need to see your best work - the piece that says the most about you as a writer.

Do I have to apply with the script I had professionally commissioned as my uploaded sample?
Not necessarily - you need to send us your best work.

I have already written for Doctors, can I still apply?
Yes. We have had several regular Doctors writers on the course. There is a massive technical leap between writing for Doctors and writing for Casualty, say.

My script was optioned - does this count as a professional commission?
Yes it does.

I have written a novel - do I qualify?
No - you need to have been commissioned to write drama.

What about comedy?
A full length script of a sit com or comedy drama would be fine. Sketches would not.

I really want to write for EastEnders, but I don't qualify.
This course is not the only way in to writing for Continuing Drama. If you have an agent - get them to send me a sample of your work. If you don't have an agent, send your script into the Writersroom, and tell them you are interested in writing for EastEnders. You may end up on one of our Shadow Schemes. See our Continuing Drama section on this website for more details.


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