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Writersroom Success Stories

Paul Ashton

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Established writers talk about how Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ writersroom can help new writers.

Whenever we do live events – Q&As, masterclasses, workshops – writers always want to know about success stories. As we’re so busy beavering away making things happen for as many writers as we can, it’s sometimes easy to forget to make a fuss of those times when the magic really works. – original shows that came out of our work, and Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ shows/strands for which writers have gone on to write.

At a glance, it’s well over 100 writers who have gone on to be commissioned and produced for TV and film, and well over 200 for radio - which by any standards is a very real success rate. We’ve had writers go on to be nominated for and win a BAFTA, we’ve had an OSCAR nomination, we’ve had Imison, Tinniswood and Sony award winners. But more importantly, we’ve had writers who have developed a long-standing relationship with the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ - in some cases various parts of the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ β€“ and writers who are now some of the most sought-after talents and voices of their generation. And for each and every one of them, it all essentially started with a script.

about some of the writers who we have developed.

Explore opportunities for writers on our .

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