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Wales Writer in Residence - Shortlist Announced

Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Writersroom Wales

We’re delighted to announce the Wales Writer in Residence 2019 shortlist.

  • Forget Her Not by Rhys J Edwards
  • Canceltown by Jesse Schwenk
  • Incarnate by Matthew Trevannion
  • No Words by Tess Berry-Hart
  • A Better Land by Catherine Dyson
  • Moonlight Grey by Rick Allden
  • Impacted by Rhiannon Boyle
  • Heart Full by Matthew Ingram

The winner will be announced at an award ceremony at the Sherman Theatre on 2nd October, taking place on the set of NTW / Royal Court production On Bear Ridge by Ed Thomas.

These final 8 scripts will be judged by screenwriter , Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Radio 4 Drama Commissioner Alison Hindell, Artistic Director of National Theatre Wales , Development Executive, Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Studios Wales Jenna Robbins and Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Writersroom Wales Development Producer Helen Perry.

The winning writer will be awarded a total bursary of £12,000 to assist their year-long placement as Wales Writer in Residence. Over the 12 months they’re in post they’ll be offered two consecutive residencies; an initial 6 months with Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Cymru Wales including working with , followed by 6 months with gaining bespoke mentoring and training, and access to expertise and contacts. In addition their winning script will be commissioned, developed and produced for Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Radio 4 and/or Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Sounds.

The Wales Writer in Residence is a prestigious new scheme, aimed at furthering a writer’s career across a portfolio of media and which includes a guaranteed broadcast credit.

It is a partnership between Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Cymru Wales and National Theatre Wales, along with Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Writersroom Wales, with the intention of supporting new writing talent.

Meet the shortlisted writers and hear about their scripts below.

Rydyn ni'n falch o gyhoeddi rhestr fer Awdur Preswyl Cymru 2019.

  • Forget Her Not gan Rhys J Edwards
  • Canceltown gan Jesse Schwenk
  • Incarnate gan Matthew Trevannion
  • No Words gan Tess Berry-Hart
  • A Better Land gan Catherine Dyson
  • Moonlight Grey gan Rick Allden
  • Impacted gan Rhiannon Boyle
  • Heart Full gan Matthew Ingram

Bydd enw'r enillydd yn cael ei gyhoeddi mewn seremoni wobrwyo yn Theatr y Sherman ar 2 Hydref, ar set cynhyrchiad NTW / Royal Court o On Bear Ridge gan Ed Thomas.

Yna caiff y sgriptiau terfynol hynny eu beirniadu gan yr awdur sgrin Matthew Hall, Comisiynydd Drama Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Radio 4 Alison Hindell, Cyfarwyddwr Artistig National Theatre Wales Cymru Kully Thiarai, Swyddog Gweithredol Datblygu. Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Studios Cymru Jenna Robbins a Chynhyrchydd Datblygu Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Writersroom Cymru, Helen Perry.

Yna dyfernir i'r awdur buddugol gyfanswm bwrsari o £12,000 i gynorthwyo â'i leoliad am flwyddyn fel Awdur Preswyl Cymru. Yn ystod y 12 mis y bydd yn y swydd cynigir dau gyfnod preswyl dilynol iddo/iddi; 6 mis cychwynnol gyda Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Cymru gan gynnwys gweithio gyda Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Studios, ac yna 6 mis gyda National Theatre Wales yn cael mentora a hyfforddiant pwrpasol, a mynediad at arbenigedd a chysylltiadau. Yn ogystal bydd y sgript fuddugol yn cael ei chomisiynu, ei datblygu a'i chynhyrchu ar gyfer Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Radio 4 a/neu Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Sounds.

Mae Awdur Preswyl Cymru yn gynllun newydd o fri, â'r nod o hyrwyddo gyrfa awdur ar draws portffolio o gyfryngau ac sy'n cynnwys credyd darlledu gwarantedig.

Mae'n bartneriaeth rhwng Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Cymru a National Theatre Wales, ynghyd â Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Writersroom Cymru, gyda'r nod o gefnogi talent ysgrifennu newydd.

Gallwch ddarllen am yr awduron sydd ar y rhestr fer a chlywed am eu sgriptiau isod

Rhys J. Edwards

Forget Her Not by Rhys J Edwards

Rhys trained as a writer at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, graduating with an MA in Text and Performance in 2017. He has written and directed various projects in theatre and audio drama. His credits include, Not John at the Gielgud Theatre (RADA Festival, 2017), The Count of Monte Cristo at Merchants Hall (Edinburgh Fringe Festival, 2015) and Insane Assumptions at the Mike Barlow Theatre (Cardiff, 2013). He also co-created and wrote numerous episodes of the Radio Cardiff soap Sophia Square, which aired between 2012 and 2014.

"Forget Her Not follows the relationship between a young carer and her mother who has recently been diagnosed with early-onset dementia. The story started life as a monologue intended for stage, but the Wales Writer in Residence opportunity motivated Rhys to expand the story, excited at the prospect of incorporating new characters and experimenting with different uses of sound for radio. Inspired by Rhys’ personal experiences of working with people living with dementia, the audio-play highlights the struggles that young carers face, while finding the joy and humour still unwavering in lives touched by tragedy."

Forget Her Not gan Rhys J Edwards

Hyfforddodd Rhys fel awdur yn RADA gan raddio gyda gradd meistr mewn Testun a Pherfformiad yn 2017. Mae wedi ysgrifennu a chyfarwyddo nifer o wahanol brosiectau yn y theatr ac mewn dramâu sain. Mae ei gredydau'n cynnwys Not John yn Theatr Gielgud (GΕµyl RADA, 2017), The Count of Monte Cristo yn Merchants Hall (GΕµyl Ymylol Caeredin, 2015) and Insane Assumptions yn Theatr Mike Barlow (Caerdydd, 2013). Roedd hefyd yn gyfrifol am gyd-greu ac ysgrifennu sawl pennod o Sophia Square sef rhaglen sebon Radio Cardiff , a gafodd ei darlledu rhwng 2012 a 2014.

"Mae Forget Her Not yn dilyn y berthynas rhwng gofalwr ifanc a'i mam sydd newydd gael diagnosis o ddementia cynnar. Dechreuodd y stori fel monolog ar gyfer y llwyfan, ond fe wnaeth Awdur Preswyl Cymru ysgogi Rhys i ehangu'r stori, gan ei fod wedi cyffroi oherwydd y posibilrwydd o ymgorffori cymeriadau newydd ac arbrofi gyda gwahanol ffyrdd o ddefnyddio sain ar gyfer y radio. Mae'r ddrama wedi'i hysbrydoli gan brofiadau personol Rhys o weithio gyda phobl sy'n byw gyda dementia, ac mae'n tynnu sylw at yr heriau sy'n wynebu gofalwyr ifanc , tra'n dod o hyd i'r pleser a'r hiwmor sydd yn dal yno mewn bywydau sydd wedi dioddef trasiedi."

Jesse Schwenk

Canceltown by Jesse Schwenk

Selected as one of 15 writers for the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Writersroom Drama Room scheme 2018 (from 3845 scripts). Jesse’s short radio play A Quark in My Cosmos was broadcast on Radio 3's The Verb summer 2019. Currently under commission for an episode of an upcoming Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Sounds podcast drama series. Previously Jesse has been longlisted for the Bruntwood Playwriting Prize 2015, and shortlisted for Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Drama Wales Award 2014. Theatre includes work as writer and dramaturg for Bombastic dance-theatre and digital media company (including three innovative mini-web series), as well as writing and producing (and occasionally performing) his own independent theatre work.

"Canceltown is a dark, gritty, emotional drama about lives going into free fall. With his mother dying, Paul returns to his home town, but he can’t accept the fact that he’s losing custody of his kids. In a chance encounter he meets Tash, a teenager with troubles of her own – Social Services are taking her little brother and putting him into care. But despite their connection, Paul finds that he is powerless to help Tash as she hurtles towards disaster."

Canceltown gan Jesse Schwenk

Dewiswyd yn un o 15 awdur ar gyfer cynllun Drama Room dan Writers Room y Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ yn 2018 (allan o 3845 o sgriptiau). Darlledwyd drama radio fer Jesse A Quark in My Cosmos ar The Verb ar Radio 3 yn haf 2019. Ar hyn o bryd mae wedi cael comisiwn i greu pennod o gyfres ddrama bodlediad sydd ar y gweill ar Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Sounds. Roedd Jesse ar restr hir Gwobr Bruntwood am Ysgrifennu Drama yn 2015, ac ar restr fer Gwobr Drama Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Cymru Wales yn 2014. Mae ei waith theatr yn cynnwys gweithio fel awdur a dramodydd i gwmni theatr-dawns a chyfryngau digidol Bombastic (gan gynnwys tair cyfres fer arloesol ar gyfer y we), ynghyd ag ysgrifennu a chynhyrchu (a pherfformio ar brydiau) ei waith theatr annibynnol ei hun.

"Mae Canceltown yn ddrama dywyll, ddewr, ac emosiynol am fywydau sy'n mynd dros y dibyn. Am fod ei fam yn marw, mae Paul yn dychwelyd i'w dref enedigol, ond nid yw'n gallu derbyn y ffaith ei fod yn colli gwarchodaeth dros ei blant. Ar hap mae'n cyfarfod Tash, merch yn ei harddegau gyda'i thrafferthion ei hun – mae'r Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol am gymryd ei brawd bach a'i roi mewn gofal. Ond er gwaethaf eu cysylltiad, mae Paul yn sylweddoli nad yw'n gallu gwneud dim i helpu Tash wrth iddi wrth iddi hithau ruthro tuag at y dibyn."

Matthew Trevannion

Incarnate by Matthew Trevannion

Matthew Trevannion is a playwright from Pontypool, South Wales. His work as an author includes All But Gone (The Other Room Theatre 2018, Best Theatre Production of 2018, Wales Arts Review); Ours of the Day, Radio Play (Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Radio, Dylan Thomas Centenary, 2015, Aris Theatre, Atlanta USA, 2017); Leviathan (Sherman Cymru, co-Production with Oran Mor, Glasgow, 2015); Little Dogs (National Theatre Wales, 2012, as part of a group); Bruised (Theatre Clwyd, 2012, Nominated for best new play, Writers Guild of Wales Awards, published in Contemporary Welsh Plays, 2015).

"Incarnate is the story of one man trapped inside the subconscious of another. Their minds now entwined he must confront their collective failings if either has a chance of a meaningful life"

Incarnate gan Matthew Trevannion

Mae Matthew Trevannion yn ddramodydd o Bont-y-pΕµl, De Cymru. Mae ei waith fel awdur yn cynnwys All But Gone (Theatr The Other Room, 2018, Cynhyrchiad Theatr Gorau 2018, Wales Arts Review); Ours of the Day, Drama Radio (Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Radio, Canmlwyddiant Dylan Thomas, 2015, Theatr Aris, Atlanta UDA, 2017); Leviathan (Sherman Cymru, cyd-Gynhyrchiad gydag Oran Mor, Glasgow, 2015); Little Dogs (National Theatre Wales, 2012, fel rhan o grΕµp); Bruised (Theatr Clwyd, 2012, Enwebwyd am y ddrama newydd orau, Gwobrau Urdd Awduron Cymru, published in Contemporary Welsh Plays, 2015).

"Mae Incarnate yn stori un dyn sy'n sownd y tu mewn i isymwybod dyn arall. Gan fod eu meddyliau bellach wedi'u plethu rhaid iddo wynebu teimladau'r ddau ohonynt os oes gan un ohonynt siawns am fywyd gwerth ei fyw."

Tess Berry-Hart

No Words by Tess Berry-Hart

Tess Berry-Hart is a playwright and activist living in Wales. her theatre play “Cargo” about refugees travelling in a cargo container was produced in London at the Arcola Theatre. Tess’ two verbatim plays, “Someone To Blame” about a miscarriage of justice was produced by the King’s Head Theatre and “Sochi” about the anti-gay propaganda laws in Russia was performed at the Hope Theatre London and at the Edinburgh Festival. Tess’s new show "The Story" about the violence of language will be on at The Other Room in Cardiff in October 2019 as part of the “Violence” series.

"When a mysterious Inspector comes to see twelve-year-old David and his dads one afternoon, David’s whole life is about to change dramatically. No Words is from the perspective of David, a non-verbal autistic boy who sees the difference between what is happening in the world around him, and what adults are telling him. Set in a Wales that ranges from the late Cretaceous period to a future one riven by climate change, the play is told through David’s inner voice, exploring the lies that humans tell each other to feel safe and how words themselves aren’t to be trusted. Also contains plesiosaurs, ichthyosaurs and musical boxes."

No Words gan Tess Berry-Hart

Mae Tess Berry-Hart yn ddramodydd ac ymgyrchydd sy'n byw yng Nghymru. Cynhyrchwyd ei drama theatr "Cargo", am ffoaduriaid yn teithio mewn cynhwysydd cargo, yn Theatr Arcola yn Llundain. Mae dwy ddrama gair-am-air Tess, sef “Someone To Blame”, am gamweinyddiad cyfiawnder, a gafodd ei chynhyrchu gan Theatr y King's Head, a "Sochi" am gyfreithiau propaganda gwrth-hoyw yn Rwsia, a gafodd ei pherfformio yn Theatr Hope yn Llundain ac yng NgΕµyl Caeredin. Bydd sioe newydd Tess "The Story" ynghylch grym geiriau yn cael ei pherfformio yn The Other Room yng Nghaerdydd ym mis Hydref 2019 fel rhan o'r gyfres "Violence".

"Pan mae arolygydd dirgel yn dod i weld David, bachgen deuddeg oed, a'i dad un prynhawn, mae bywyd David ar fin cael ei newid yn gyfan gwbl. Mae No Words yn ddrama o safbwynt David, bachgen awtistig di-eiriau sy'n gweld y gwahaniaeth rhwng beth sy'n digwydd yn y byd o'i gwmpas, a beth mae'r oedolion yn ei ddweud wrtho. Mae'r ddrama wedi ei gosod mewn Cymru sy'n mynd o ddiwedd y cyfnod Cretasaidd i ddyfodol sydd wedi'i ddinistrio gan newid hinsawdd, ac mae'n cael ei chyflwyno drwy lais mewnol David, gan drafod y celwyddau mae pobl yn eu dweud wrth ei gilydd er mwyn teimlo'n ddiogel ac a gan ystyried na ellir ymddiried mewn geiriau. Mae hefyd yn cynnwys plesiosoriaid, ichthyosoriaid a blychau cerddorol."

Catherine Dyson

A Better Land by Catherine Dyson

Catherine is a writer and performer. Writing credits include Transporter for Theatr Iolo, Thunder Road and Be Brave And Leave For The Unknown for RedCape Theatre (with whom she is Associate Artist), Light Waves Dark Skies (co-written with Matt Ball) Our Curiosities (NTW Located Residency), site specific performance In Ruins and Future Girls, a play commission from a school. Short plays include If We Were Fish (Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Radio Wales), The Red Hair and Tupelo (Dirty Protest) and My Electric Soul (Sherman). She was part of Sherman New Welsh Playwrights Programme 2016 and the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Writersroom Welsh Voices 2018/19.

"A Better Land is the story of an unexpected, transformative connection that takes place at the annual Elvis Festival in Porthcawl. An encounter between a young woman and her grandmother, a stranded lorry driver, and a man in extreme exile reveals dark yet hopeful truths about identity, communication and the power of music. This is a story about listening on different levels: to the radio, to music, to each other, and to all the spaces in between."

A Better Land gan Catherine Dyson

Mae Catherine yn awdur a pherfformiwr. Mae ei chredydau ysgrifennu yn cynnwys Transporter ar gyfer Theatr Iolo, Thunder Road a Be Brave And Leave For The Unknown ar gyfer Theatr RedCape (ble mae hi'n Artist Cysylltiol), Light Waves Dark Skies (wedi'i hysgrifennu ar y cyd â Matt Ball), Our Curiosities (Artist preswyl gyda NTW), perfformiad mewn lleoliad penodol In Ruins, a Future Girls, sef drama a gomisiynwyd gan ysgol. Mae ei dramâu byrion yn cynnwys If We Were Fish (Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Radio Wales), The Red Hair a Tupelo (Dirty Protest) a My Electric Soul (Sherman). Roedd hi'n rhan o Raglen Dramodwyr Cymreig Newydd Sherman yn 2016 a Lleisiau Cymreig dam Writers Room y Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ yn 2018/19.

"Mae A Better Land yn stori am gysylltiad annisgwyl trawsnewidiol sy'n digwydd yn yr Ε΄yl Elvis flynyddol ym Mhorthcawl. Mae cyfarfyddiad rhwng merch ifanc a'i nain, gyrrwr lori sy'n methu gadael, a dyn sydd wedi'i alltudio yn datgelu gwirioneddau tywyll ond gobeithiol am hunaniaeth, cyfathrebu, a grym cerddoriaeth. Dyma stori am wrando ar wahanol lefelau: ar y radio, ar gerddoriaeth, ar ein gilydd, ac ar bopeth arall."

Rick Allden

Moonlight Grey by Rick Allden

In 2005, Rick graduated from Swansea University with a Masters in creative writing and has been trying to explain himself ever since.

He's had a smattering of plays produced, short stories published & two plucky attempts at podcasting. Over the past few years he's reached the longlist stage of both the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Writersroom’s Comedy Room and Drama Room and is delighted to have met some wonderful people along the way.

"In an effort to spark her ageing, inert husband back into life, pensioner Marion Grey fakes her own kidnap. She reasons that if she can tap into Leonard's obsession with Humphrey Bogart, he will regain the passion, hwyl and drive he once had. She never expected him to give her up as dead.

Cajoled by his loyal friend Jason, fighting off the advances of Helen the Hoover and with Marion working behind the scenes, Leonard is slowly teased back to life.

Moonlight Grey is a comic drama about how our lives, characters and stories are shaped by the people we care most about."

Moonlight Grey gan Rick Allden

Graddiodd Rick o Brifysgol Abertawe yn 2005 gyda gradd meistr mewn ysgrifennu creadigol ac mae wedi bod yn ceisio esbonio'i hun byth ers hynny.

Mae rhai o'i ddramâu wedi cael eu cynhyrchu, rhai o'i straeon byrion wedi cael eu cyhoeddi ac mae wedi rhoi dwy ymdrech lew ar bodledu. Dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf mae wedi cyrraedd y rhestr hir yr Ystafell Gomedi a'r Ystafell Ddrama dan Writers Room y Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ ac mae'n falch o fod wedi cwrdd â phobl wych ar hyd y ffordd.

"Mewn ymdrech i newid yn ei gΕµr disymud, mae'r bensiynwraig Marion Grey yn ffugio cael ei herwgipio. Mae hi'n credu petai hi'n manteisio ar obsesiwn Leonard gyda Humphrey Bogart, y byddai'n adennill yr angerdd, yr hwyl a'r egni roedd ganddo ar un adeg. Doedd hi ddim yn disgwyl iddo beidio â chwilio amdani.
Mae Leonard yn cael ei berswadio gan ei ffrind ffyddlon Jason, yn ymladd yn erbyn fflyrtio Helen yr Hwfer a chyda Marion yn gweithio tu ôl i'r llenni, mae'n dod yn ôl yn fyw yn raddol.
Mae Moonlight Grey yn ddrama gomig am sut mae ein bywydau, ein cymeriadau a'n storïau yn cael eu siapio gan y bobl rydym yn poeni fwyaf amdanynt."

Rhiannon Boyle

Impacted by Rhiannon Boyle

After graduating in acting from the Royal Welsh College in 1999 Rhiannon worked as an actor for eight years. She made her writing debut in 2007 when she became Dirty Protest Theatre's first ever ‘Cherry Popper.’ Since then she has written many shorts including - The Whole Truth, Latitude Festival, Un bach Arall, National Eisteddfod, Kindness, WMC and Druggie, Edinburgh Fringe 2019 in collaboration with Paines Plough Theatre. Her screenwriting credits include S4C TV drama Gwaith Cartref and children’s comedy sketch show Cacamwnci. This year Rhiannon’s play The Disquiet was performed at The Other Room in collaboration with Bridgend Theatre.

"Impacted tells the story of Alys, a teacher who works at a pupil referral unit where a colleague and friend is arrested for possessing indecent images of children. Alys is overwhelmed with feelings of confusion and disbelief. In order to make sense of things she begins to research paedophilia online and discovers a website set up by Christian who is a self-confessed ‘celibate’ paedophile. They develop a close but complicated, secret relationship, but is Christian really the right person to help her come to terms with the impact of such shocking events?"

Impacted gan Rhiannon Boyle

Ar ôl graddio mewn actio o Goleg Brenhinol Cerdd a Drama Cymru yn 1999 gweithiodd Rhiannon fel actor am wyth mlynedd. Ysgrifennodd am y tro cyntaf yn 2007 pan mai hi oedd 'Cherry Popper' cynta Theatr Dirty Protest. Ers hynny mae hi wedi ysgrifennu sawl drama fer gan gynnwys - The Whole Truth, GΕµyl Latitude, Un bach Arall, Yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol, Kindness, WMC a Druggie, GΕµyl Ymylol Caeredin yn 2019 ar y cyd â Theatr Paines Plough. Mae ei chredydau sgriptio teledu yn cynnwys drama deledu S4C Gwaith Cartref a sioe sgetshis i blant sef Cacamwnci. Eleni perfformiwyd drama Rhiannon The Disquiet yn The Other Room ar y cyd a Theatr Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr.

"Mae Impacted yn adrodd stori Alys, athrawes sy'n gweithio mewn uned cyfeirio disgyblion ble mae cydweithiwr sy'n ffrind iddi yn cael ei arestio am fod â lluniau anweddus o blant yn ei feddiant. Mae Alys yn cael ei llorio gan deimladau o ddryswch ac anghrediniaeth. Er mwyn gwneud synnwyr o bethau mae hi'n dechrau ymchwilio i baedoffilia ar-lein ac mae hi'n dod o hyd i wefan sydd wedi'i sefydlu gan Christian sy'n cyfaddef ei fod yn baedoffilydd 'diwair'. Maen nhw’n datblygu perthynas gyfrinachol, agos ond cymhleth, ond ai Christian yw'r person iawn i'w helpu i ddod i delerau ag effaith digwyddiadau mor ofnadwy?"

Matthew Ingram

Heart Full by Matthew Ingram

Matthew is an emerging writer for theatre, TV and radio born and raised in Wales, and currently based in Yorkshire. He has been developed by Sherman Theatre, Leeds Playhouse, The Writing Squad and Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Writersroom’s Northern Voices scheme, after being shortlisted for the 2018 Writersroom Drama Room. He has recently had a short piece broadcast as part of Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Radio 3's The Verb and was a supported writer on The North Wall's Catalyst residency. He is currently developing a range of projects across theatre, television and radio.

"Heart Full is a drama about Dylan, a 12 year-old overweight child who is caught stealing food from the school canteen, and his mother and teachers’ attempts to get to the bottom of his behaviour so that they help him. The piece touches on themes including the relationship between socioeconomics and food, children’s mental health and corporal punishment. Ultimately, though, it’s a story about a child who is trying to find help even if he doesn’t know it, and a support network who are desperately trying (and failing) to get through to him."

Heart Full gan Matthew Ingram

Mae Matthew yn awdur newydd ar gyfer theatr, teledu a radio. Cafodd ei eni a'i fagu yng Nghymru ac ar hyn o bryd mae'n byw yn Swydd Efrog. Mae wedi cael ei ddatblygu gan Theatr Sherman, Leeds Playhouse, The Writing Squad a chynllun Lleisiau'r Gogledd dan Writers Room y Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ , ar ôl bod ar y rhestr fer ar gyfer yr Ystafell Ddrama dana Writers Room yn 2018. Yn ddiweddar cafodd darn byr o'i waith ei ddarlledu fel rhan o The Verb Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ ar Radio 3 a chafodd gefnogaeth cynllun preswyl Catalyst The North Wall. Ar hyn o bryd mae'n datblygu amrywiaeth o brosiectau ar gyfer theatr, teledu a radio.

"Mae Heart Full yn ddrama am Dylan, bachgen 12 oed sydd dros bwysau ac sy'n cael ei ddal yn dwyn bwyd o ffreutur yr ysgol, ac ymdrechion ei fam a'i athrawon i fynd at wraidd ei ymddygiad fel eu bod nhw'n gallu ei helpu. Mae'r darn yn cyffwrdd ar themâu sy'n gynnwys y berthynas rhwng economeg gymdeithasol a bwyd, iechyd meddwl plant a chosb gorfforol. Ond, yn y pen draw, mae'n stori am blentyn sy'n chwilio am help hyd yn oed os nad yw'n gwybod hynny, a rhwydwaith gefnogi sy'n ceisio'u gorau (ac yn methu) i'w gyrraedd."

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