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Writers Academy 10

Ceri Meyrick

My Writing Heart

Applications for the course open next Monday 6th April. Do keep your eye on this website for details of when the online application goes live.

To give your another flavour of what the course is like, I thought we'd hear from another recent graduate. Gill Adams completed the classroom part of the course just before Christmas, and is currently writing for Doctors. She writes this about her experience....

"Firstly - I'd say make sure you don't have any other work to do before you start the course as it'll prove tricky to give time to anything unrelated to the course work - The cut and thrust of learning is fast and furious and you do have to give it everything you've got - it demands that and believe me it takes it!! BUT if you do have a deadline which is after the course, you'll feel and see a massive difference in your ability to get there much faster. I had a 2nd draft of a play for Hull Truck to deliver in Jan and it was a blast writing it a fresh knowing instinctively which direction to take it.

At times you may feel overwhelmed, maybe even a bit stupid, like a novice writer who knows nowt, but that soon passes and when it does the feeling of achievement is so worth it. I suddenly felt like everything which made me the kind of writer I am (inside me heart that is) mattered, not only to me but to John and Ceri and it's wonderful to be told finally by those' in the know' that the industry does recognise your ability to entertain people, make them think, laugh, cry and basically tell a bloody good story, I know it sounds daft but I didn't really believe in myself totally before the course, I felt like I was often busking it, now I know I'm not. (If I put the work in) I'm in control.

Towards the end of the course, I re-read a lot of my old stuff and it really helped me, it reminded me of why I started writing , where my writing heart is - that ache I seem to carry in everything I write - I know why it's there. It's painful to be honest on the page, but it's the only way to be true to your self. I tried writing other ways and it was rubbish, I know when I connect to a spark of something painful, I'm really communicating on the page. I'm more motivated and focused than before and I love getting notes! Now I can change things without it feeling like I've failed in some way and I can see where they're coming from much clearer.

It's not easy juggling course work with relationships - my only suggestion is be prepared to be totally selfish and invisible at home - it doesn't allow for any socialising really - and you WILL change. Inside and out, for sure, it's a short but massive journey and it shakes you to the core of who you are and you may well question everything around you for evermore....but in hopefully in a good way! The question at the end of the day is - How much do you want this? Let's just say that from now on I know I have to give it 100% of everything I am - that's what it takes, there's no excuses not to anymore.

The power of eight - You'll bond with the rest of the writers on the Academy and no doubt miss them afterwards; you'll share an incredible journey with them, laugh and in some cases even cry with them, and you'll feel as proud of them as you hopefully do yourself. BUT you are there to work hard and learn, don't think it's one big social club, it isn't and there's plenty of time after the course to stay in touch. Put the work before everything - it's over before you know it and you won't get that crucial 'one to one' tutorial time again. So if you don't understand something don't feel daft asking more than once! Keep asking until you do. That's what they're there for and it shows in your work when you don't.

The highlight of the Academy for me were the guest speakers.......Ohhh they'll come and they'll inspire you and maybe even scare you a bit, but most of all, their great energy, encouragement and BIG clever hearts will stay with you forever."

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