World Cup 2006 Blog

From our reporters in Germany

Most bizarre media conference ever?

phil_mcnulty.gifMUNICH - If the World Cup semi-final between Portugal and France is half as eventful as the pre-match press conference, it is destined to become an all-time classic.

Rarely have there been such scenes of chaos, confusion and a little touch of ill-feeling as there were when Portugal boss "Big Phil" Scolari and his French counterpart Raymond Domenech met the media deep in the bowels of the Allianz Arena.

It was a ticketed event, and the sudden slamming of the door left many distinguished journalists on the outside listening in - and by the noise they were not very happy about it.

"Big Phil" was first up, entering the room to a burst of applause from Brazilian journalists who wanted to salute their 2002 World Cup-winning coach.

Scolari was accompanied by a Portuguese press officer, a particulary doom-laden individual who wears the expression of a man who has just realised he may have left the gas on.

It was announced that there would be 15 minutes of questions in Portuguese and 10 minutes in English - although there was then another delay because of the din still being created by the media outside who had been refused entry.

So we waited patiently for our turn to arrive. The clock ticked on past the allotted 15 minutes and on towards 25 minutes.

Being polite souls, we declined to interrupt Scolari in such expansive mood.

Then, as we waited for "Big Phil" to address English questions, Dr Doom announced it was all over and with a flourish they were off.

"What about the English questions?"

"Why didn't you ask any?" said the grim reaper, who appeared to be enjoying stuffing the English again as he headed for the door with a very naughty word relating to his backside to send him on his way from one unimpressed observer.

The next act on stage was William Gallas, who said he wouldn't answer a question in English, even though he was reminded by the man from Sky he manages perfectly well after Premiership matches.

As he talked, a hand appeared from under his table waving what appeared to be a red card.

Who was this prankster? None other than the French coach Domenech.

Then the lights went out, prompting a Fifa official to sing the opening line of "Happy Birthday" before some semblance of order was restored.

It was an almost surreal experience and one that made you wonder whether you had wandered off from the World Cup and straight into Billy Smart's circus.

As omens go, it may or may not bode well for tonight.

Finally, in answer to those who have asked who I want to win the World Cup...France.

It would be fitting for Zinedine Zidane to crown his career with another winners' medal - and Thierry Henry deserves to grace the showpiece and, unlike the Champions League final, walk away triumphant.

So who is your pick? Do you fancy the increasingly impressive Italians or the winner of tonight's game?

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  • 1.
  • At 11:33 AM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • aj wrote:

Henry is a good player, but DESERVES to win the world cup? ZZ has been a brilliant player and dragged France passed a stuttering brazil.

However the fantastic thing about sport is that you don't always get what you deserve.
The best team doesn't always win. That's why we watch surely?

I'm just hoping for as much drama and entrtainment as we had last night.

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  • 2.
  • At 12:11 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Cristiana wrote:

French players should win the game first and only after slander the portuguese players!It's not nice to see the way football is done these days...

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  • 3.
  • At 12:11 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Brian Spence wrote:

Why the hatred for an appearance by the Portuguese in the Final? At least it won't be England stinking up the biggest showpiece game in world football!

Portugal have played decent football in the competition (they have certainly been no less compelling than France - up until the Brazil game at least).

I'd like to see Portugal win the tournament for the sake of seeing a new name on the trophy. And there's a lot of talk about it being "fitting" for Zidane to go out on top with another World Cup win - How about Luis Figo? Doesn't a player of his incredible ability deserve a similar honour?

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  • 4.
  • At 12:15 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • bobbylebonfire wrote:

wouldn't mind scolari as england manager though..fun and games and put the wind RIGHT up the FA!

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  • 5.
  • At 12:24 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Armando Silva wrote:

Portugal are unbeaten in 17 competitive matches. The greatest achievement of their coach is the one of creating a very confident team, believing in their next 18th successive win, against the strong French team...

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  • 6.
  • At 12:29 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Fred wrote:


"Oh, please english persons, forget that you dislike us and support us against the tricky, cheating portuguese!!!"

LOL. This is great stuff. No-one can exactly pin where exactly did Portugal won any game by cheating, or what exactly are the "cheats", but that's irrelevant, it's a "feeling", they "dive" and, er, something like that. So utterly *pathetic* that it makes me all warm and fuzzy.

Never have I felt better in a Cup really, being the "enfant terrible" for squads that thought that they had it in their belly and faced with an outsider can't really do better than to resort to vilification campagins based on, ummm, nothing. It's especially interesting when the ones whinning a lot have a history of winning Cups through grotesque refereing errors and out of match gamemanship (hi England '66, hello there France... pick a year, really). Still, no moaning from me for that, not even for the Euro champions Greece, that deserved to win Euro 2004. That's only because I'm not a cry-baby moaner that needs to rally other countries in my aid for a quite possible defeat in a couple of hours.

But please, do go one with it. As long as it lasts I will know that we might have a shot at the Cup. And you know what? I have a feeling that Italy will be the one to deny us of that, not France which lacks in fiber what it has in talk. Either way, keep on moaning.

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  • 7.
  • At 12:33 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • ahmed wrote:

I feel we almost getting in .come on france.

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  • 8.
  • At 12:35 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Fred wrote:

@Brian Spence

You must have missed the memo: somehow Portugal have "cheated", since that's really the only way to win every match, especially against England and Holland. Even though no refereing decision has beneficted Portugal.

Read my earlier post, it's all so utterly pathetic that it's quite funny.

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  • 9.
  • At 12:38 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Aircool wrote:

Got to go for the French on this (even though it's against my religion) as I think it will make the final a stunner of a match.

I was all for Germany last night until one of the bloggers mentioned Andy Moeller's strutting which suddenly bought out the Italian supporter in me. Italy have been stunning since they found their feet and they have an inspirational captain.

GO FRANCE (I feel sick) lol

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  • 10.
  • At 12:40 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Pilotasso wrote:

Repply to messages # 3 &5, Mark & Belifante:

As I see it if any justice had to be donne in Portugal VS england had to be the Portuguese Victory.

1)England wasnt convincing all the Tournament.

2)Games shouldnt be played on sensationalist tabloids with content as disresoect before the actual game, I my view if anybody provoked it was the English side.

3) Portugal won with a large list of
absences and potential absences.

4) Portugal commited less fouls and had less booking than England

5) Portugal had more shots on target than England in ANY game.

5)Portugal had already beaten mexico hands down with the B team in one of the most enjoyable games of this tournament.

6) Portugal was the only team of the game who had efectively players injured out of the game after foul play. I particulary think that was well deserved after all the English support given to the dutch.

7) English fans were freely hand picking Portugal players to be absent for to make it easy for England win.

8)Theatrics and diving used as excuse for Englands lack of perfomance even after 1 of the English players tried to rip off a penalty after a clean intercepet on the box.

I dont want to make generalizations here but Im tired to see this or that team cheated. I regret to have read in other BLOG's that all latin teams cheats only to read here, now that the Italians or the french should win.
How consistent of an argument is that?!

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  • 11.
  • At 12:42 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Barnsleydave wrote:

I have a petition to FIFA to get Englands WC star increased in size every 4 years. We may only have 1 star on our shirt but it will be ever so slightly bigger than everyone elses.

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  • 12.
  • At 12:45 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Pilotasso wrote:

Message # 14, Fred:

You clearly didn even see the game and just rant over here.
The goal achieved against the dutch was early in the game much bofore incidents. Infact the First half of the game was pretty much enjoyable.

Do I have to remind you who lost players after man hunts in the game or wich coach ordered his team to attack after a player had been replaced and without the referee's clearence to continue the game?

I cant see nothing eve if theinge were right in front of you.
Get over your radicalism and Englands defeat. We have been consisten in defeating England for the last 3 tournamets, onw wich we turned arround a result of 2-0 to 2-3.

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  • 13.
  • At 12:48 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Gubs wrote:

France tonight, Italy for the World Cup. Lovely to watch last night, with their pre-sweat-stained Armani shirts, and their long hair, and their pretty patterns in midfield. If only Totti had a bit more oomph, and a shot. So Italy to win the cup. That's best for England, the old guard, it leaves our (ancient) achievement on some sort of vestigial pedestal, or that's the way I look at it.

England-wise: how about we hire in referees from abroad. Maybe the Mexican referee from last night? Offer them a good wage, I imagine the Premiership would agree. That way we can enjoy greater skill and consistency, and we can entirely familiarise ourselves with the way the world game is refereed. I'm becoming entirely fed-up with bleating commentators implying those fancy continentals, they don't like a bit of honest-to-goodness tackling. How many times do we need to have a player sent off for what we regard as a bit of honest afters or argy-bargy before we realise we're the little islanders, no one else tolerates our style of physical football? Do we want to win the World Cup or not (I think probably not, not if it means changing the national type - look at the venom towards Sven, dressed up as football criticism)? Having said that I thought we did surprisingly well on the card front; although in future I think we should be prepared. Before the game I felt we had a good chance of going through, but I thought we'd be likely to be lining up for the semi-final with several suspensions. Scolari practises games with 10 men to prepare for sendings-off. England should go into every major championship with the expectation that we'll get at least one red card. I don't how we can use that knowledge though, we're already masters at the backs-to-the-walls, courageous, surprisingly good performance with 10 men. Maybe we should start that way?

English referees could be sent abroad to learn their skills, which would hopefully eventually raise the standard of refereeing in the domestic game.

I'm also fed up with the bleating about diving. Make sure the rules are watertight (maybe the punishment for faking needs to be increased - red cards in extremis?), then let people interpret them how they like. If players want to take a chance with faking, then so be it, let the referee decide, and punish if necessary. Football may be a sport, but why should we rely on players to be sporting. That's what rules are for isn't it? For me that is one reason why I love football, it's so much bigger than a game, it's like politics, only better; aesthetically pleasing, with a big game twice a week.

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  • 14.
  • At 12:51 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • wrote:

If Zidane and France can play the next two matches the way they did against Brazil, I'd like to see a France win as well...

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  • 15.
  • At 01:00 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Ngome wrote:

how the french surprise even themselve. Now it wld be hard to stop them cos they are just playing without any pressure. I see a french italian final. Let the team with the luck carry the day

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  • 16.
  • At 01:06 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Fred wrote:

@Pilotasso #17

I think you got the wrong name there pal, I agree with everything you said. Portugal wins have been consistent and unquestionable, even if unimpressive until now and. Holland seems to get away with their large share on the incidents in the Holland v Portugal game mainly because they are out and the need to make up excuses against Portugal. It's revisionism at its best.

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  • 17.
  • At 01:06 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Neopalinite-H wrote:

If we see Zidane lifting the World Cup itself, not only will I be crying tears of joy (and im not even French) but the "greatest of them all" question afflicting every school playground and pub discussion from here to Vladivostok will no longer revolve only around Maradona and Pele, a footballing trinity shall be born!

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  • 18.
  • At 01:08 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Philipp Trempenau (Berlin, Germany) wrote:

I hope it's France against Italy in the final. Italy really impressed me with their discipline. And a team that has Zidane on it's roster - you just have to love it !
Also, I wanna play Portugal in Stuttgart on Saturday. I wanna take revenge for England !!!!

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  • 19.
  • At 01:09 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Nuno wrote:

Do you know, what celphone brand as the top sell in england??
It's Sorry Erickson.

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  • 20.
  • At 01:16 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Jim wrote:

Portugal to beat the French.

As for cheating - you English really are blinkered in your views.

1) Who was it that actually pulled a players hair to score a goal against T&T ?
2) Joe Cole is constantly diving, but as usual there in no mention of that.
3) Gary Neville is always the first to rush upto the ref to complain about a tackle or decision.

England are out, because you were not good enough...stop looking for excuses.

By all means criticise...but use your so called brains when you do so, and assess things objectively.

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  • 21.
  • At 01:19 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Philipp Trempenau (Berlin, Germany) wrote:

Nr. 25:

Sad but true........

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  • 22.
  • At 01:19 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Pilotasso wrote:

# 21 Fred:
My apoligies, Somehow I rushed that message, and the previous post also have wrong message numbers because I think they changed (???)

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  • 23.
  • At 01:21 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • paul moody wrote:

why this temporary feeling for france to win the world cup ?
why so anti portugal ? lets get on with things and not linger with bitterness because we lost on penalties again in a very dramatic game ,let the best team win and not choose because we are still hurting.enjoy the last few games

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  • 24.
  • At 01:21 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Sensi wrote:

"They will use every trick to provoke the French team and I am afraid some players will fall into that!"

Six of the french players already have a yellow card, which mean that if one of them get another one tonite, and that the team pass to final, they won't be able to play the final! crap!

One of the countless stupid rules from the FIFA mafia.

"Got to go for the French on this (even though it's against my religion)"
"GO FRANCE (I feel sick) lol"

Is your religion the one with the "French-hating" dogma? ^^

Is it the strange part of this insular mentallity that some "sheep of panurge" have, conditioned by england's pathetic "news-papers"? ;P

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  • 25.
  • At 01:24 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • koolricky wrote:

I just want the portuguese to win because it's really fun to see all the english sooooo pissed off. Caledonia forever!

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  • 26.
  • At 01:25 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • BA wrote:

This is phenomenal content...
where was it that portugal won by cheating? Cheating against England??? where??? Against Holland??? Where is the cheating? It's so much easier for England fans to say that it's Ronaldo's fault that Rooney was sent off. It's so much easier to say that England lost against cheats, as they did in Mexico 86, as they did in Belgium 2000 and as they did in Portugal 2004. Don't you think that explains why you will not win a cup in the foreseeable future? It's just because your intrinsic xenophobic feelings prevent you from realising that actually you might have to improve if you want to compete with other - better teams. Just get over it... you lost... again. Enjoy tonight's match on tele.

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  • 27.
  • At 01:26 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • FanoftheMatch wrote:

I agree with comment 7. Zidane has had many trophies in the past and he certainly isn't ending his international career in disgrace as Beckham. Figo has yet to raise a cup for his country, and if we forget World Cup 2002 which was disastrous (terrible coach at the time), since the year 2000, Portugal and most of its players have been in every big semi-final or final of almost every football competitions.

Most of the players are playing in some of the greatest european teams at the highest level of competition. Can the english brag like the portuguese that three of their team players had won the Champion's League 2 years ago at Gelsenkirchen under Mourinho's leadership?

It's only fair that Portugal earns a trophy that symbolizes all these achievements, a culmination of their hard work and talent. It's easy to acuse them of cheating but in the end all that matters are the facts. And the facts speak for themselves.

By the way, that press conference was hilarious.

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  • 28.
  • At 01:27 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Kailash wrote:

Portugal ...........who??

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  • 29.
  • At 01:28 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Luke wrote:

Sad to see Portuguese fans feel the need to masquerade as English fans throughout this blog. Also I can't help but feel all these retorts about the cheating are a result of sourness at now not being recognised by your (fairly decent, if defensive) play but instead being remembered for your diving and simulation that has sullied your achievements.

As for today I think France have the class to go through. With Pauleta up there on his own I can't see Portgual scoring.

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  • 30.
  • At 01:28 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • ell wrote:

Please let France beat the portuguese and let Ronaldo commit a really innocuous foul and be randomly dismissed.i had such respect for Ronaldo with all the abuse he gets from fans when playing at united but now he is a disgrace, France are class that have been off top form but Portugal? theyre rubbish and got lucky. France all the way and as much as i wanted to see them beat Germany in the Final, Beating Italy will be just as sweet.

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  • 31.
  • At 01:30 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Christian wrote:

I'll be backing the French. There a better team and it'll make a better final. Its only your president I dont like.

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  • 32.
  • At 01:31 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • wrote:

I would say it would be fitting for Figo to crown his career with another winners' medal - a World Cup medal and for the World Cup to have a new winner.

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  • 33.
  • At 01:32 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Alice wrote:

After fancying Holland through the group stage, and then seeing them go out in an unedifying bloodbath to Portugal; supporting England (in spite of it all) to their death (in another unappetising dogfight vs Portugal) I decided I wanted to see Klinsmann's dynamic young German squad winning this WC...

Clearly, my support is the kiss of death.

Given this situation, I now say unreservedly, 'Go, Portugal!'

Lets see if that 'warrior spirit' can succeed in destroying a side with real class and some sublime talent that has finally hit its stride. Maybe it will happen - after all, as big Phil keeps telling us, some sides that play beautiful football are on the plane home...

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  • 34.
  • At 01:35 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Kevin O. wrote:

Here's the truth: England played a crappy world cup and were lucky in most of their matches. They played such ugly football, it was scary. Portugal had to win. They deserved it.
Now playing France is a different story. Portugal is not better than France and will lose to France.

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  • 35.
  • At 01:37 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • JDR wrote:

There is so much talk about cheating and diving and that Portugal are cheats. Unfortunately I do not agree that Portugal are cheats, they play the same way as any other team. Had the role been reversed and had Pauleta stomped Rio's jewels, there would no doubt be out cries of Portugal and Pauleta being cheats for stomping.

I love the way that because Rooney is Englands golden boy he hasn't been mentioned once as the reason for his own sending off, afterall Deco was sent off for hadeling the ball - far from stomping...

It would be great to see a new name on the trophy.

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  • 36.
  • At 01:40 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • wrote:

The Azzurri are playing well, but that first half against Team USA, made a lot people think this may not be a happy tournament for Italy.

Turns out, the USA was VERY gritty, the only team to get a point against them, but Italy has the heart of champions, and it's showing now.

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  • 37.
  • At 01:41 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • hilina wrote:

East Africa is on your side .... go go Portugal. The cup is waiting for you. The England striker, .... I don't know why he stood on the players' "private part" and pushed his manchester friend Ronaldo.

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  • 38.
  • At 01:45 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Grant Finlayson wrote:

France should surely beat the Portuguese but then again England should have too, but weren’t good enough!!! In fact they couldn't beat their way out a wet paper bag!!!

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  • 39.
  • At 01:45 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • hilina wrote:

go france go! I think france is more physicaly fit that portugal.

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  • 40.
  • At 01:46 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • fernanda wrote:

Every single soul in this blue Planet must know that English people believe themselves to be the most polite and educated in the world (not to say a word and then drink until a coma is NOT being polite). But I did not know that they are such a bad losers. Now I know! It is very ugly the fashion in which they reacted to the Portuguese victory. If at least they could understand that Scolari knows how to make a family - a TEAM - from a bunch of men full of idiosyncrasies (to have big stars is not enough to make a team - look at Real Madrid!). But to understand this, for such an rational and superior country, would imply to look a bit further than their bellies...

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  • 41.
  • At 01:52 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Fred wrote:

@Luke #38.

You honestly think that anyone gives a damn on how you will "remember" Portugal? That's rich, eheheh. Especially from a country that brags about the "spirit of '66".

As for masquerading, that's wishful thinking from someone who can't handle differences of opinions.

As for gameplay, Portugal has yet to play a convincing match, granted. The fact that it still in the semis says more of the lack of ability of the oposition so far than anything else.

I'll not take further time from you since you must have a 1PM moaning seasing coming up, the dutch and the french are already starting and I don't want you to feel left out :)

Oh, and a sincere adivice: go watch the full games of Portugal so far and get a grip with reality. Unconvincing, yes, quite possibly, but the "cheating" and "diving" is in this case firmly on the eye of the beholder. Or the eye of the loser.

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  • 42.
  • At 01:52 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Bukowski wrote:

'BA' and 'koolricky'.....which World Cup team do you both follow?

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  • 43.
  • At 01:55 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Andy L wrote:

Why does Henry deserve to win the world cup?

Sure he's been great in the premier league, scoring prolifically against inferior teams, but he has rarely if ever produced a big performance on the biggest of stages.

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  • 44.
  • At 01:55 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • TG wrote:

As stated by others..one point to bear in mind: when did England actually ever PLAY well? Yes,they may have had a good squad of players - but you need to play the game - I hope that the English team and journos were watching the game last night-that's how you PLAY football - take note - entertaining, skillful, enthralling - on the edge of your seat stuff. Commentators were saying the match against Portugal was gripping(!!!!???) - if England hadn't been playing I would have switched off and watched paint dry instead. I'm glad Portugal won - now we can actually watch the WC without the jingoistic/biased rubbish that commentators splurt out when England are in the running. Come on Italy!! PS I'm all for Patriotism and all that being British - but IS there any country out there who is NOT an enemy???!! LOL!

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  • 45.
  • At 01:56 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • JoΓ£o wrote:

It makes me sick to read all this hate and envy towards our team...i don't know if we will win but, it's a shame that english fans are really sore losers, you should get used to it, THREE TIMES you were beaten by portugal in the last 4 major competitions, so stop complaining!

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  • 46.
  • At 01:58 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Pilotasso wrote:

#43 Alice:

Your jinx will not work because you realy dont mean it. hehe :D

Fred: In case you didnt read I apologise to you. I have rushed the message I wrote previosly. Cheers!

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  • 47.
  • At 01:59 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • haile wrote:

Brazil and England were not as we expected. They were in the competition to full fill the fifa quota. Rooney and Ronaldinho are the worest players ever seen in the world cup while they were expected to play at least their minimum. I have been pleased by portugal performance. I want to watch football, not names. Portugal must win the cup.

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  • 48.
  • At 02:00 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • yann wrote:

The French are far too strong at the moment,
beating Brasil was amazing for us over here in French Brittany...

They deserve to win the World Cup,

excuse my French but they have a'je ne sais quoi'that others team lack and that is 'beau jeu'

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  • 49.
  • At 02:02 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Andy L wrote:

I'd like Italy to win it now just on the basis of how enthralled and entertained I was by them last night. It was a world cup winning worthy
performance in itself.

Sven could learn from Lippi what a mobile midfield with ovelapping full backs which all supports the front man can do for your passing game. More to the points so could Mclaren.

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  • 50.
  • At 02:04 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Ian wrote:

I have to say, Joao's right... England lost. Maybe not completely fair or completely square, but they lost - they didn't look like beating Ricardo before Rooney went anyway. Stop the hating.... ;-)

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  • 51.
  • At 02:04 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • frank wrote:

I think when portugal see franck ribery's (kane from WWE) ugly face steaming towards them, they will be unable to do anything but let him score.

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  • 52.
  • At 02:05 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Miguel Cro wrote:

To all you pathetic people that are supporting France because Portugal knocked you out of the world cup- What does it feel like supporting different countries in every single championship?

That is what you do is it not? You never actually support one single team do you? Why? Because England Suck!

How sad!

Seeing as England are never going to win anything ever again, you might as weel just support some other team right from the start of these major championships and cut out the middle man! It would save you time for drinking and abusing people from other countries (the latter being the one you're best at).

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  • 53.
  • At 02:08 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • koolricky wrote:

I support Caledonia. I know they are not in the world cup but is your team there? Furthermore, better not to be in the WC than to be there and give the sad image that England did. Oh well, I like Portugal because if they want they can play beautiful football but now they are sick of playing beautifully to lose games. They are in a different mood and no doubt Scolari has been the masterminder of that. As a Portuguese manager that you might love says "Some teams play football. Some teams play to win." Portugal is playing to win.

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  • 54.
  • At 02:08 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Luke wrote:

Hey Fred,

'If' Portugal win against France and then Italy, I'm afraid that whilst you will have some respect for what would be a great achievement I'm afraid people will look back to the last two matches you played, and I'm afraid the 'simulation' image will remain, and it will be a tarnished victory. You may not care, and it's probably better that you don't.

Sure every team has players that are guilty of it; some teams are more guilty than others. The bitterness from the media and fans over here is mostly at our poor play, some idiots blame Ronaldo, but the bitterness from Portuguese fans on this blog is just as childish, and at least we're not hiding it. For fans accused of having an air of superiority by a ludicrous post by 'fernanda', we in fact are much more critical of our own than you people appear to be. In fact that argument is better suited vice versa.

You completely ignored my comment about masquerading. This is my second post on here, on this issue, so 'cannot handle a difference of opinions' is something that applies to you much more judging by the number of times I have seen your name with the same arguments, casually ignoring the most pertinent points by trying to switch the focus.

And stop putting a smiley face next to your comments that you mean to be insults. You don't fool anyone.

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  • 55.
  • At 02:08 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Armando wrote:

"Questa o quella per me pari sono"
-- Verdi, Rigoletto

Both teams are great, and I expect another awesome game tonight. Let the best side win :)

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  • 56.
  • At 02:09 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Dave wrote:

Looking forward to tonight's game after the brilliant match last night. Feel sorry for the Germans who were excellent but Italy deserved to win on the night. Very controlled and cultured; every man did a good job.

I do feel that tonight's game may be more nervy with both teams worried about losing rather than focussed on winning. France look the more attractive team and the stars are beginning to shine. The Portugese will perhaps be more tight as a team and if the French falter they will take advantage. Hope it doesn't go to penalties.

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  • 57.
  • At 02:10 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Camilla wrote:

Viva Portugal… I hope today Portugal will win and all English will explode from envy. Rooney stop crying…you failed and acknowledge it and stop blaming others for that.

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  • 58.
  • At 02:12 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • deeznutts wrote:

Ha ha cheating protugese I love it Ronaldo has more passion pace and the balls to do things on the pitch than any English player other tham maybe Rooney how many portugese players did you see standing on thier oponents nutts???? Go Portugal at least if they win it they will have one it as many times as Engerland put all your we should win we are the best in you place I supported Engerland in this world cup but my gosh Boring Boring Boring Boring we got what we deserved !!!! If you cant play a few nice close touch passes then what hopes do we have Portugal Italy final may the best team win

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  • 59.
  • At 02:12 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Luke wrote:

France have been going from strength to strength, and if they grab an early goal the game will be really interesting. Portugal would have to come out and attack, leaving them vulnerable to Henry on the break.

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  • 60.
  • At 02:12 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • wrote:

France wins this game, but Italy takes World cup.
Final Rankings:
1. Italy (the champs)
2. USA (the only team to trouble the champs)
3. France (Beat defending champs)
4. Brazil (they're still BRAZIL)
5. Germany (Impressive throughout)
6. England (BAD LUCK follows them)
7. Spain (Great team, no big game credentials)
8. Argentina (lost heartbreaker to hosts)
9. Portugal (cheating will get you in the top 10 at least)
10. Toss a coin (too many to choose)

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  • 61.
  • At 02:13 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • sonny wrote:

Sorry but its not just in England that Portugal will be remembered for being a sly cheating team....alot of countries have said it and not just the teams that have lost to them.Spanish speaking countries have reported the same as have Aussie and American newspapers.

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  • 62.
  • At 02:14 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • jose botelho wrote:

It appears that most of the participants in this forum have drunk the cool-aid! how unfortunate that a so called civilized country(England)is such a bad loser! the media has sold this concept that all latin countries are cheats,and the public at large(sheep),to satisfy all their frustations,have bought it, line weight and sink.How convenient to attack a little country such as Portugal and label them as cheats, when history proves exactly the opposite to be the case.They have received no favors and only hard work and team spirit has brought them to where they are.The French "purists", conveniently, are singing the same tune! Well,once again,we just may have to prove them wrong.
Go Portugal!prove all your detractors wrong.

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  • 63.
  • At 02:14 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Alan wrote:

There would be nothing more fitting than Portugal getting kicked out and Ronaldo having to go back to Man U to receive the absolute kicking he deserves from Rooney. Lying, cheating, winking little git. I'm not even a supporter of England but felt sick at the lack of sportsmanship and professionalism Ronaldo has. I would love 5 minutes in a room with him that's for sure.

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  • 64.
  • At 02:15 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • ian wrote:

oh dear, we have got rather polarised here haven't we..??

many english displaying anti-portuguese sentiments, because of the perceivced gamesmanship of the portuguese, are now being branded bad losers... I think the argentinians were the bad losers eh..??

portuguese fans coming on here displaying a "holier than thou" attitude a) because they won and b) because rooney got himself sent off..

come on..!! see the middle ground.. both sides are as blinkered as each other... Portugal have the "cheating" reputation from games like the holland one (not freeing the dutch from their share of the game either) and the porto vs celtic final a few years ago... of course, they don't always cheat, but there's no smoke without fire.. I used to respect Figo as a player - before his unpunished head butt.. ronaldo's wink..?? not as bad of course as rooney's stamp, but a very provocative gesture...

face it.. few players are perfect.. last nights game was much better.. england have been below par all the tournament, and portugal, couldn't score against 10 men for over an hour.. england can't do penalties..

neither of those sides are what I would call top 4 material.. france produced their best against brazil.. do that again and portugal won;t stand a chance...

Italy to win..

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  • 65.
  • At 02:15 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Pedro Barrento wrote:

Funny, how different peoples have different perspectives on events. Whenever Portugal loses in a Championship, we always want the team that beat us to win the trophy (so that we can say that we lost only to the champions). The English want us to loose out of revenge.
Different cultures - that's what makes the world an interesting place.

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  • 66.
  • At 02:18 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Alcidia wrote:

How pathetic is it to read the comments towards Portugal cheating....more like talent and beating the odds...digging deap to win and persevere...May the best team win and I hope that is Portugal.

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  • 67.
  • At 02:20 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Steve P wrote:

No evidence for Portugal cheating? Figo's head-butt was obviously a trick of the light, and falling away clutching his face from what was an innocuous challenge also, an effect brought on by my xenophobia. Before you jump in again Fred, Rooney was correctly sent off, no, England didn't deserve to win thanks to the management teams tactical ineptitude, and aside from that slightly dubious wink, and the usual simulation that all players, whatever nationality, sadly now practice, Portugal didn't cheat to get past us. But don't pretend please that Deco didn't deserve to see straight red for his first booking against Holland. Big Phil's plea of innocence doesn't stand up to close inspection.

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  • 68.
  • At 02:22 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • fernanda wrote:

OK, let's say that Portugal will get a place in heaven for achieving such an impossible feat: to get the English pretending they like the French. Extraordinary, INDEED!!!

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  • 69.
  • At 02:26 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Luke wrote:

I think Steve P just covered it.

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  • 70.
  • At 02:28 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • ian wrote:


that's the same "talent" that couldn't score in 2 hours of football..??

england were just as bad..

face facts.. both sides were poor on the night.. why do you think so much attention is focussed on rooney's indiscipline and ronaldo's gamesmanship..?? because the match was lacking in decent football.. sure, england showed endeavour after rooney's sending off - they had no other choice..

england fans are mainly upset because we performed worse than we know we can.. and not just against portugal, but in all the games... no one minds (so much) losing if you've played as well as you can - look at germany - but we were crap... be honest, portugal were no better...

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  • 71.
  • At 02:33 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • neuebiene wrote:

I want France to win. Not because I hate Portugal, but because:

a) I was very impressed with their win over Brazil, especially as they had been written off as "too old". 34 (Zidane) is too old? What rubbish.

b) I was very unimpressed with Portugal. I would have respected them if they had won in regular time or in extra time. But they needed to go to penalties to win it, despite having a man advantage. Germany, Italy, or France would have had England for breakfast in that situation. Portugal could not and did not take advantage. Thus, they are the inferior side going into tonight's game.

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  • 72.
  • At 02:34 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • reuben jenkins wrote:

To all those complete morons who posted comments such as portugal have a 'warrior spirit' and that england cheat as much as any other team, i'd like to ask one question:do you people actually watch these football matches. In the portugal v holland game, the dutch for once were worse than you, but lets not forget decos ridiculous first tack that arguably should of been a straight red, or figos headbutt, or the diving. against england your players were constantly trying to wind rooney up, did u see how ronaldo was winding him up just before the match started? No of course you somehow forgot that little incident. did u see how ronaldo winked at the bench, as if to say, 'job done rooneys lost it'. There is no one incident that portugal cheated to win the game, but you didnt win the game in open play anyway, we looked the better side. ronaldo and co were constantly diving, clutching their faces like they'd been shot. And yes, english players do dive, but its so rare that whenever it does happen everyone harps on about it. had rooney gone down when he was being pulled by carvalho for what seemed forever he would of got a freekick and who knows how the game would turn out, but no, he doesnt go down he carries on with that warrior spirit you so pathetically claim to have and he ultimately gets punished.

England played poor until the second half of the portugal game. But, we displayed a sense of sportsmanship and fairplay that you cannot even claim to come close to.

If portugal are so much better than england, why couldnt you beat us in open play on the last two occaisons when we didnt have our main striker?

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  • 73.
  • At 02:34 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • nicky nan wrote:

England could only draw with Sweden (even Trinidad and Tobago managed that - and with only 10 players during the second half!). Rooney had already shown signs of things to come when he reacted to his substitution during that game by hurling his boots around like a spoilt child.

Consider the following, Rooney was sent off aginst Birmingham in 2002, earned 5 bookings in just the first two months of the 2003 season, had to be substituted against Spain in 2004 to avoid a seemingly inevitable red card, received a three match ban from the FA in 2004, was sent off for showing dissent(against Villarreal)in 2005 and has now been red-carded for 'accidently' stamping on Carvalho.

Funny how it is Portugal and especially Ronaldo (coincidently the scorer of the winning penalty against us) who are branded 'cheats'.

The record suggests Rooney to be a childish thug who surely deserves no place within England's overpaid and under-achieving excuse for a football team, or then again...?

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  • 74.
  • At 02:40 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Kenneth McFarlane wrote:

People seem to have short memories. Was it really only 10 days ago France were being castigated for the way they were playing and only just squeezed through to the last 16. And now, such praise bestowed on them - primarily it seems because people have taken the huff at Portugal who had the temerity to beat an England team which quite frankly could not have played its way out of a paper bag. Portugal against Italy would make an excellent final. For those of you complaining about Ronaldo - do you remember the Oscar winning performance by Thierry Henry against Spain. Tell me, Thierry, just why are you lying on the ground clutching your face?? Not because it is a bit of gamesmanship by any chance?? Surely not, not you. You wouldn't do that. Go to it big Phil - let's despatch the ageing French team home tonight. Come on Portugal!!

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  • 75.
  • At 02:40 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • dblock wrote:

all i read is portuguese cheats. you have been brainwashed by the british media. who stamped on another man's nuts, greatest crime of all time. teh english lost because the team is not good enough, if england were in the Italy or Argetina group tehy would not have made the knock out stage. face it, its like Alan Hansen said, your players are overcoached from a tender age and have no skill, Hargreaves was teh only one beating his opponent, then you want to win the World Cup, get outta here, not gonna happen. Gerrard and the Hooligan are probably the only world class players in the whole team but nowhere near the Ballacks, Vieras, Kakas, Decos. Now get over it.

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  • 76.
  • At 02:41 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • fernanda wrote:

Hey, guys, let's not forget something: if Scolari were to be the English coach there would be a totally different reaction to exactly the same facts. So this is a twofold revenge for the brits: first of all they do not forgive Big Phil for saying no (spoiled babies react like this to NO's). That's fine, you know. Let them stop crying and then they'll get to sleep.

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  • 77.
  • At 02:41 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Portugal wrote:

You say Portugal cheats but never say when or where. Who tries to cheat is Rooney, that kicks R. Carvalho's balls, but luckly justice was made.

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  • 78.
  • At 02:43 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • swifty wrote:

Portuguese play with spirit. what a joke!! they shouldn't be singled out though becuase this WC has been thoroughly spoiled by divers, play acting, players trying to influence the referee. its pathetic, disgusting and very bad for the game. If FIFA weren't such a bunch of jokers (like all football federations) they could easily sort this out. Look at rugby league. If you so much as frown to the ref about a decision you go back 10 yards. If a player is seen on TV to have clearly dived (like the Dutch guy against Portugal) then it should be a 3-match ban. simple as that. They'd soon stop doing it. If a player waves a card at the ref, he should wave a red card back - simple as.. Then maybe we can start enjoying watching the football and not the theatre. And if you're wondering why English fans are so bitter it's because we have had the pleasure of watching our golden generation (we probably have 5 or 6 of the top 20 players in the world) being thoroughly wasted by a moron who has no passion, plan, ideas and then to be told he walks away with an impressive record. Remember the only teams we have got past in KO stages in the last 3 tournaments are Denmark and Ecuador. Very impressive

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  • 79.
  • At 02:44 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Neil wrote:

To all those complaining about Portugal. They are in the semi-final because 1) England could not score against them and win the game due to Sven's tactics, 2) Rooney can't keep his temper/emotions in check and 3) Gerrard, Lampard and Carragher can't score from the spot. Portugal is not a team of stars and premadonnas but is a team that sticks together and fights to the end. They are in the semi-final because they deserve to be. Hopefully the team will make history for Scolari by going on and lifting the trophy come Sunday.

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  • 80.
  • At 02:48 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • ian wrote:


some of us are trying to ahve a reasoned debate on here..

"spoiled babies" and "crying" does nowt to promote that...

most english lay blame at the manager for not picking a strong enough strike force, not ronaldo..

we're out because we were rubbish... you're still there because you played us, not because you were the better side... that's not sour grapes or being a bad loser - I couldn't give a damn if truth be told about international football, I'm more concerned with the health and welfare of my kids - it's just an honest opinion.. if portugal beat france by playing the better football then I will congratulate them in due course.. however I can't see either side beating italy..

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  • 81.
  • At 02:52 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • tinashe tong wrote:

all i read is portuguese cheats. you have been brainwashed by the british media. who stamped on another man's nuts, greatest crime of all time. teh english lost because the team is not good enough, if england were in the Italy or Argetina group tehy would not have made the knock out stage. face it, its like Alan Hansen said, your players are overcoached from a tender age and have no skill, Hargreaves was teh only one beating his opponent, then you want to win the World Cup, get outta here, not gonna happen. Gerrard and the Hooligan are probably the only world class players in the whole team but nowhere near the Ballacks, Vieras, Kakas, Decos. Now get over it.

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  • 82.
  • At 02:54 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • toby (London) wrote:

I have no problem with Portugal - hey, I hear England sometimes win playing poorly. What's more, we actually claim that winning is the priority. Just imagine for a moment that Portugal and England swap places ...How the English (prompted by the Sun) would have made heroes of all the players after their noble victory on Saturday and praised the bulldog spirit of our Ronaldo.

Sorry, all debates seem to lead to the same topic - all these proud, often disolusioned englishmen like me, overflowing with opinion.

Now, tonight ... I have seen play France 5 times since 1998 and (sadly) each performance was more composed and more skillful than anything I have seen from England in the same time.

So I will be supporting them for the brand of football I associate with them, as well as their performancer in the Brazil game (rather than the Korea or Switzerland games).

Last night I dearly wanted the Germans to win just becuase I have grown to like them more and more over the last 6 weeks. I felt that Italy had played 2 relatively easy games in the knockouts to get to the semis. Well, over the course of the match I became completely neutral and in the end was genuinely thrilled at Italy's deserved vitory. I feel I wil be as happy tonight if my preconceptions go out of the window and we see a great game with a deseerved winner - whoever that may be.

Football fans = the most fickle species on the planet.

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  • 83.
  • At 02:55 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Alice wrote:

#63 - Koolricky,
from one scot to another, you're a disgrace!
Clive Woodward was fond of saying that his England Rugby squad were so disliked because they were prepared to "Win Ugly". The Scots ranted about that approach, and rightly so.
As Brazil, Argentina, France and even Italy have shown in the past, it is entirely possible to "Win beautiful", and Scolari's cynicism (he's also the only manager on record as saying he tells his team to commit fouls if necessary) is not doing Portugal, or this world cup, any favours.

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  • 84.
  • At 02:56 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • ian wrote:

84. At 02:41 PM on 05 Jul 2006, Portugal wrote:
You say Portugal cheats but never say when or where. Who tries to cheat is Rooney, that kicks R. Carvalho's balls, but luckly justice was made.

when & where.. Portugal vs holland..

Deco's assault tackle and Figo's headbutt to name but two..

garmon.. it wasn't us who said the conferences were to have an english section... why do you think english is so prevalent around the world as a second language..?? that of business, and of travel..??

it ain't because of england or britain I can tell you.. clues are hollywood, macdonalds, and coca cola..!!

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  • 85.
  • At 03:00 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Matt C wrote:

Everyone here knows France will win its written in history. Italy vs France is the ultimate Finale to The World Cup. Im sorry to say to the Portugese but i dont think they have what it takes, they have no decent forwards, i means Pauleta has hardly touched the ball all tournament, Gomes hasnt has a sniff of a game, Postiga is a joke and Ronaldo cannot play up front. France are on fire they realise this is the last one for all the old school greats, Zidane, Thuram, maybe Viera/Makelele. Bring on a spectacle

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  • 86.
  • At 03:01 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Rafa wrote:

andrew shenton -

England have lost every competitive match with Portugal since 1966. (84, 00, 04, 06)

I really think people interpret games poorly because they're usually watching the players they support. Portugal has been brilliant in midfield, poor in attack, but "the important thing is to win," as England fans say.

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  • 87.
  • At 03:06 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Jim wrote:

I am routing for the French. The Portuguese have been a disgrace to the game both in defeating the Dutch and the English and I can't believe that FIFA are investigating Rooney's incident which they have no way of prooving was deliberate, but aren't investigating Figo's blatent head butt! I also hope that the referee from the Italy v Germany game makes the final. He showed what controlling a football match was all about. Up until last night I thought Italy were a bunch a divers but the ref prooved if you don't buy it in the beginning, the players will soon learn. Thanks Italy for proving that you can play football bad luck for the Germans. You deserved a final. France to win it and lets hope they put those triple pike double flip con artists to shame

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  • 88.
  • At 03:11 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • fernanda wrote:

PORTUGAL IS INVENCIBLE NOW, don't you get it?? Whatever happens tonight, we have already won for getting where we are. This is an attitude that - along with FADO and the so-called SAUDADE - some people will never understand (first of all because it is "written" in Portuguese). Too bad for them.

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  • 89.
  • At 03:20 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • PortugalOut wrote:

So Portugal never cheat, it must have been someone else other than Figo that headbutted a Dutch player and failed to get sent off for and then fained injury when he got a slight elbow in the face and got a Dutch player sent off.

To be fair the Dutch were far worse in that game.

And what about cry baby Ronaldo, he never dives, it must have been someone else that dived about 5 times versus England. And then ensured he got Rooney sent off and what about his head butt before the game on Rooney and the wink and the shush he sent to the bench after Rooney got sent off. No he doesnt cheat!

Yes England are guilty of it but no way to the same level as other nations such as Italy (who I dont think dived once last night).

I think FIFA should punish ALL cheats (diving or anyone that tries to get someone booked or sent off) after the match if it is not picked up during the game or if it wasnt dealt with properly. Give players 1 match bans that will soon stop the cheating.

One final point yes England have been crap all WC but we were better than Portugal in that game, I have to say I am quite relived Erikson never won the WC with England as he is a c*** manager and should not be seen in the same light as Sir Alf.

France to win tonight and Italy to win WC. It pains me to have to say both but Portugal dont deserve it, I just wish the Germans had won last night.

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  • 90.
  • At 03:21 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • unclejonboy wrote:

Why all this talk of cheating? In poker it's bluffing and every one thinks it's cool. And press comments about diving being imported to England with the influx of overseas players. In 1972 ish I saw george Best go down clutching his leg and howling like a dog on the touchline about a yard away from me at Craven Cottage... When no one paid attention he was up and sprinting down the pitch... I turned to my dad in amazement and he just said theyr'e all cheating long-haired winkers, son... or words to that effect.

Remember too John McEnroe's remark..' 'Show me a good loser and I'll show you a loser' paraphrase that for all you English and Argentinian and countless others. Show me a bad loser, and the world will only remember the winner.

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  • 91.
  • At 03:22 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Pilotasso wrote:

Strange that Holland game Still comes to everyones mind to sumarize the whole Portuguese Campaign.

Strange that they say the worst team won when the dutch lost out precisely because they did more theatrics and fouls than Portugal did (because there WAS Im not going to deny it)

Strange that Figo gets bashed for a a headbutt that didnt have any real consequence on the dutch player.

Strange that of all players that got red card on the game, all the others who derserved it (on BOTH sides) are not even mentioned.

Strange that the game wasnt reduced to 8 players on either side.

Strange that the Dutch coach didnt even blamed portugal for it, giving the blame for the referee alone.

Strange that theatrics and divings on the part of Portugals oponents are ignored. And the portuguese side is viewed as cheats.

Strange that C Ronaldo was almost put of of the championship for good and they complain he sent of Rooney when the man himself admits that was not the case.

Strange that the Dutch coach Ordered an all out attack after not returning the ball after an injury break and the referee had not yet cleared the game to continue. Its strange this gets repeatedly ignored, and Holand gets the prefererence of at least 50% of the English fans.

Strange that every time England had lost on a championship somehow it was robbed.

Strange that for all this, Im censored for defending my team (within reasonable principles)

Even more strange is that Portuguese fans are accused of being bitter on this Blog at the same time the myth we cheated persists.

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  • 92.
  • At 03:25 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • e wrote:

Im just happy that Fat Ronaldo got his 3 goals and has established himself as the greatest WC goal scorer of all time.

Henry who?

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  • 93.
  • At 03:26 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Pilotasso wrote:

If you had your face sweled by a kick in the mexico game and had an elbow on the other cheek I wonder how you would cope with it.

Not excusing Figos loss of temper but frankly this is becoming a vastly overrated incident when the press delibeatly ignored other for more serious incidents like Van der Saar's kick on SimΓ£o when the game was interrupted.

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  • 94.
  • At 03:35 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • bobbylebonfire wrote:

Wooooh! a portugese/'caledonia' alliance on this blog to diss the english, valiant defence by worthy few english bloggers, down to 10 men again so to speak..sounds familiar, the sour and the paranoid combining forces. The damage has been done, newspapers all over the world are commenting on the portugese's propensity for diving, simulation and generally unsportsmanlike behaviour. You could even (which i fervently hope not) win the cup and there would be a smell about it,something unclean. This has nothing to do with the english media and more to do with the fact that the world has EYES, can see for itself and make its own judgements. Fair Play and what remains of honesty in the game lies in the dust. Thanks, portugal. But remember, what goes around, comes around. Caledonia? wheres that? a province of england or some far flung corner of the blogosphere that will remain forever green with envy? Complain to your UN ambassador..oh, sorry. I'm with reuben jenkins @ 79

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  • 95.
  • At 03:35 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Pilotasso wrote:

Let me add something else to post #99

I also find strange that everytime a blog opens up, Portugals gets bashed even if the blog has litle to do with it.

I keep reading radicals bashing on other matches blog's. Annoying.

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  • 96.
  • At 03:36 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • PortugalOut wrote:


But as you say it doesnt excuse his loss of temper.

My real point here is FIFA are to blame you cant blame Portugal, Italy for cheating if they know they will get away with it. (That does not stop me from not liking it! I think its a travesty that the game has got so bad)

FIFA act so inconsistently, Figo should have been suspended as Frings was but they have no clue.

It was a pleasure to watch the Italy game last night, I couldnt believe the way they played and didnt cheat, thats all I want a fair game. The dutch should have been done for playing on against the spirit of the game.

But there is no way I and most of this country can support a team that has cheated to get us out of the tournament (even though we didnt deserve to be there)

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  • 97.
  • At 03:36 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • ian wrote:

take your blinkers off pilotasso...

that post-injury incident vs holland..

the ref stopped the game - his restart is a drop-ball contested by both sides... why should the dutch give it back..?? sure, had the portuguese (or the dutch) kicked the ball out then the other team would (although not legally bound) usually return it via the throw.. when a ref stops a game you don't restart and give it back to the ref, do you..??

we're not ignoring the antics of the dutch - but they're gone - history they're not part of this conversation..

so what if figo's headbutt didn't seriously harm the dutch player.. the intent was there..!!

we weren't robbed.. we played poorly and failed at the shoot-out again..

portugal did cheat, yes they weren't the only ones, but they did so all the same..

anyway, if they were cleaner than clean, why all this debate now..??

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  • 98.
  • At 03:38 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • NapolΓ©on wrote:

Thanks to all those who will support France. You say it is difficult for you, I thought it was impossible.
I hope it won't make us loose ;)


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  • 99.
  • At 03:42 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • the103 wrote:

It won't sit well with the pro-Portugal posters and others, but Portugal are one reason why football doesn't find wider acceptance in the US.

What many South Americans and Europeans see as part of the game - theatrics accompanying every foul, incessant shirt pulling, holding on set pieces and corners, gamesmanship with injuries - is seen as cheating in the US. Trying much of what passes as "professional" play in my daughter's U16 league would make you less popular than someone with a contagious skin condition. Trying to interest a non-playing American in the WC requires enduring the embarrassment of watching players writhe in faux agony after trivial fouls. It strikes few people here as either particularly athletic or heroic, just pathetic.

Comments like the ones above that rely on whether the referee has flagged each and every infraction, or that the opponents cheat in more or less equal measure, miss the point. Small nation or large, what each team gets is the same pitch, ball, rules, and 11 players. Until that's enough, international football will be second class in the US and sadly, deservedly so.

If there is such a thing as a neutral, here at least they'll be pulling for France. Let's hope we don't have to swallow hard to do so. At its best football is brilliant, but in this WC, not often enough.

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  • 100.
  • At 03:46 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • PortugalOut wrote:


Yes us supporting you is not a good thing, I was supporting Germany (I really wanted them to win the WC) and look what happened to them, I did think about supporting Portugal last night but there is no chance of that, not with cheating scum like Ronaldo in there team.

Besides Henry is an amazing player (yes I know he dives as well but his talent is something else) so if I just say I am supporting him it wont feel quite so bad. Wish he was English, cant believe he gets so much stick when in a French shirt.

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  • 101.
  • At 03:46 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • R.Martins wrote:

Where is the typical English Fair Play now, Old Chaps?
You lost against Portugal as you did in all major games you played with us in recent years - Euro 2004, Euro 2002 ...
As far as Rooney is concerned, it was a pity that the silly boy stamped Ricardo Carvalho, because playing normally we would have scored two or three. After the red card, well even before that, England was playing like the Italians all defending.

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  • 102.
  • At 03:48 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Adz wrote:

How can the English be called xenophobic for blasting the Portuguese football team, when the Portuguese are blasting the entire English population?

I hope the England team & management watched the game last night - they could learn a lot. There is nothing to learn from watching Portugal, unless you're thinking of becoming a stuntman or a movie extra.

France will win tonight because they are a better team, & unlike England they are mature enough not to react to provocation. Then Portugal will lose again on Saturday to Germany. Good.

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  • 103.
  • At 03:52 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Pilotasso wrote:

# 105 **Out:
Your comparing a full blown punch with an intimidation atempt?

#106 Ian:

If Figo intent was that he would have donne it and gotten a well deserved straight red. Dont come to me saying what would have happened if hes intentions were to be hypotheticaly manisfested phisicaly, because then no one would distinguish angry players with those who break the red line to act.

Fogo acted ugly but he didnt hit the dutch player. I can esely see the game being suspended after all the other welld eserved red cards were not shown, instead of Figos.

Rooneys was also very mad but did he get a red for an intention that he didnt manifest? And Im not talking about the groin stuff.

Why the double standards here?

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  • 104.
  • At 03:57 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • #112 wrote:

Its PortugalOut, just making sure you read it right. Thats right bye bye.

Ummm, I'm comparing a punch to Figo's headbutt.

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  • 105.
  • At 03:57 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • John wrote:

Sincerely, I don't quite understand why do all of you have such a bad time everytime you loose with the country that allowed you to go through in the 66 world cup at home. You might not remember that at that time British organisation went over all rules of sport and even diplomacy to change the location of the game and facilitated a much undeserved win against Portugal.

Anyway, the past is the past and you should try to understand that it was Rooney who messed up and he is the only responsible for his behaviour. Why do you choose to criticise allways the portuguese instead of saying that if your superiority was so evident you should have played to win from the first minute...

Well, I guess that's a problem with the Brits. They allways criticise the outside instead of looking at the inside.

It is also interesting how much you are influenced by the media and by the simplifications they make. Things are either black or white, teams are either angels or deamons... Wake up from this media coercion and try to think for yourselves!

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  • 106.
  • At 03:58 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • PortugalOut wrote:


Its PortugalOut, just making sure you read it right.

Ummm, I'm comparing a punch to Figo's headbutt.

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  • 107.
  • At 04:04 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • SRM wrote:

# 101

you're right, English should have a capital E....
Its your attitude that worries me

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  • 108.
  • At 04:05 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • swift wrote:

get over yourself Portugal. You seem surprised at the negative tone with regards your team. You play the game without honour and with disregard for the spirit of sportsmanship and fair play. I don't care what McEnroe says - I would prefer to lose with dignity with head held high than play like a bunch of spoilt, cynical cheats who only succeed in demeaning this great game. Shame on you

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  • 109.
  • At 04:09 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • JC wrote:

From an unbiased observer.
Its hard to believe the rubbish coming from both sides here.
The people calling for ronaldo's head should take a step back and listen to themselves. His protest over Rooneys stamp is being blown out of all proportions,if you could even call it a protest. In the premiership week in,week out you will see the ref surrounded by players, typically by players like john terry and gary neville to name a few. And these are people being touted as the next english captain. If all english supporters out there are so against what ronaldo did then i hope to see them all speaking out against their own players when the exact same situation arises for their teams in the premiership.
Lets not forget that rooney deserved a red card and he shouldn't of let his frustration boil over despite being played out of postion.
As far as the dutch game goes, i think portugal gave as good as they got.Although i'm not a ronaldo fan at all i was disgusted by the way the dutch set out to target ronaldo.
For the portugeese fans out there building up their teams footballing credentials,ye have been average at best and if the dutch hadn't turned the game into a dog-fight your team wouldn't still be in this position.The quarter final against england was always going to be down to penalties with two badly performing teams cancelling each other out.
Italy,the only consistently good team to win

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  • 110.
  • At 04:11 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Fred wrote:

@bobbylebonfire # 103.

Surprised by the "alliance"? Dunno why, Scotland always supports any team that beats England. Surprising is the sudden friendliness between you and the French, now that's "gobsmaking", to use the words of a certain thug that played for a while in this WC, example of fair-play.

As for the rest of your message, nothing new. Just a bunch of general "everyone knows" garbage that doesn't cover the ill-disguised lack of knowing how to lose. That Portugal has been singled out in this whole mess is, and I must stress this again, pathetic and hilariating at the same time. Since you can't actually reference any direct refereing decision that beneficted Portugal - since, and unlike others, there was *none* - you just spout general nonsense to see if it sticks.

@the103 #108

No offense mate, but the acceptance of football in the US is of secondary importance to me, for all that I care you can watch WWE all year long and be happy.

But anyway, since you brought that up, care to explain why you have mentioned Portugal especially? Any particular incident? Anything that, say, Germany, Italy, England, Argentina, Holland didn't do? Apart from stamping on people you will find that if you truely *watch* the games they are all the bloody same in that regard. Portugal has one of the cleaniest records in the disciplinary department, at least until the Holland game that was abnormal in many regards. But that's secondary, what does a little truth mean in the midst of all this.

The amount of rewriting going on in unbelievable, all of a sudden the "cheating" as been going on for - as I read in another blog - the last 10 years! I'm awaiting to hear withour surprise that Carvalho was the one that tried to break poor Rooney's foot with his balls, dirty little portuguese that he is.

Facts: your overhyped bunch of underachievers are more interested in doing comercials that to play. But by all means, blame the "diving". At least in the excuses department you bunch of whinnersare WC class.

And BTW: I have absolutly nothing against the english or the english team. Actually, if you care to take a closer look, the only country that perhaps doesn't consider you a bunch of holligan cretings on Ritalin is ours. As far as I am concerned this idiotic seeking of an escape-goat for your shortcomings does nothing to alter that. Just try harder next time, I'm sure you can pull a title with a bit more work.

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  • 111.
  • At 04:13 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • bobbylebonfire wrote:

Its very easy for england supporters to support france because no matter what the historical rivalry, we've got some fantastic players in EPL, henry, makalele and until recently, viera who play with flair and precision,week in and week out for their clubs. The french play fair and exciting football, exciting to watch when they're firing on all cylinders. Eng-France is another matter but if it's a choice between France-Port, then it's France hands down, because THEY'RE GREAT TO WATCH!
Also apart from henry the other day they don't go down like shot rabbits, rolling over and over. I think he did that after the barcelona game because he got frustrated with how he's treated by refs if he plays fair. english fans will not support trapaceiros, cheaters, who bring the game into disrepute and i have a lot of sympathy for the 103, american above because it's hard to explain the appeal of the game when people see what they see and when portugal play it's not pretty at all. You may be happy until tonight in portugal, but unfortunately your reputation has already disappeared. Look no further than your tactics and 'style' of play, if style it is.

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  • 112.
  • At 04:19 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Jorge Castro wrote:

It is a bit said to see that, on the whole, my fellow Portuguese are prooving as uncapable of grasping reality as the English.

Indeed, Portugal was not the best team playing in this WC, although, it may well be stronger than many people gave them credit for.

My own opinion is that we got where we are now due both to the relative incompetence of the opposition, and to our own merits.

We are a useful team with some very talented individuals, who can give their best under a competent
leader. That is no mean achievment.

As in other fields, we are making visible progress.

It does not help our cause, however, to pretend not to see our own shortcomings, because, ultimatelly, such attitude will only hinder further progress.

That would indeed be a shame, since we are now starting to get to a stage where we can give other bigger nations a run for their money.

So lets help the good work by keeping our feet firmly on the ground.
To keep improving, it is essential both to hold our ground, and listen to fair criticism at the same time.

It is not our problem if Rooney got a red card, which may have contributed to EnglandΒ΄s defeat.

The Dutch were no saints either, judging from the way they tried (and succeded) in kicking Cristiano Ronaldo out of the match.
That was very disheartning and may have contributed to the farse that followed. Scolari is right in pointing out that in the last 17 odd games our team played, it only picked 2 red cards, both of them in that Portugal-Holland game. So much for those that think our team is violent.

Having said that, it would be foolish to try and deny that, comparatively, players from certain nations do have more of a tendency to, at times, make the most of some situations.

I believe this, regretably, stil aplies to some of our players. You only have to watch some of our domestic matches to verify it.

However, as the social and economical background of these players gradually improves, these shortcomings will eventually diffuse.

Supporters, mostly from northern countries, that think only players from certain other nations are intrinsically prone to foul play, are only falling victims of prejudice, or chauvinistic feelings of superiority.

It is fundamental that we acknowledge these relativelly minor problems if we are to get even better.

There is no point in igoring our own shortcomings. Let the English do that for once.

Footballers, especially, must be confronted with their responsabilities, if they are to improve colectivelly. For one, they earn to much money to be spared the inconvenience.

So lets go out tonight and give the French a lesson that is worth remembering.

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  • 113.
  • At 04:19 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Fred wrote:

@JC #118

Just to answer shortly: no-one that I know has built up out credentials. Actually, if you read my post in particular, I said it many times that Portugal has still to make a genuine good match. Let's hope that, for better or worse, the one with France will lend itself to a good performance on both parts. All this discussion is not about the relative merits or lack of them of the portuguese squad. And let's not forget that there are two games mroe in this WC, and so the final judgement on each team play is still reserved (e.g. Italy, until the splendid performance yesterday, had been mediocre at best).

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  • 114.
  • At 04:25 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Joe wrote:


Alan Shearer would not be surprised if Rooney layed one on Ronaldo. CLASSY.

Red card bad boys Rooney and Beckham (98), get killed whilst Shearer can cause a perfectly good goal to be disallowed v Arg in (98) for, what can only be described as a disgraceful elbow to the head of the Argentinian goalkeeper.

Alan unlike the thug that you were on the pitch Ronaldo did not raise his hand. It would be to your great benefit if you were to leave the old ugly Shearer back in the past and out of the living rooms.

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  • 115.
  • At 04:29 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • janek wrote:

OK. "Why does everyone jump on Portugal for cheating?" You really wanna know? It's because, for instance, against Holland, in the second half where they were clearly out-played and out-possesed, the portuguese side saw fit to slide, fake, and complain their way to letting the dutch have no more than 25 minutes of actual playing time. For god's sake, Figo got hit in the face and called for a streacher. Surely his nose isn't big enough that he could use it to walk. I'm totally on France/Italy for the finale. ALLEZ LES BLEUS (E AVANTI AZZURRI!)

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  • 116.
  • At 04:30 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • wrote:

[b]I agree wholeheartedly with with 'the103' (post #103) that the game has become something other than the best athletes, best coach, best fitness etc... It has degenerated to this sneaky, cheating crud and NOT A SINGLE AMERICAN (and I have relatives there) will ever like it or respect it. BUT, FIFA needs America. Regardless they've shown themselves to be the second best FOOTBALL TEAM:

France beats the Portugueses, but Italy takes the World cup.

Final Rankings:
1. Italy (the champs)
2. USA (the only team to trouble the champs)
3. France (Beat defending champs)
4. Brazil (they're still BRAZIL)
5. Germany (Impressive throughout)
6. England (BAD LUCK follows them)
7. Spain (Great team, no big game credentials)
8. Argentina (lost heartbreaker to hosts)
9. Portugal (cheating will get you in the top 10 at least)
10. Toss a coin (too many to choose)

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  • 117.
  • At 04:30 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • JDR wrote:

Portugal are still being crucified for their "dramatics". So many English fans are supporting France tonight because Portugal are believed to be cheats. As English fans you would just be hypocritical in doing so. Let's not forget Henry's little "face clutching" incident that caused so much controversy.

Because this didn't affect England directly - it's not an issue and it's easily forgotten.

It's worrying that so many people suffer from selective memory.

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  • 118.
  • At 04:34 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • destalem wrote:

portugal will win surly.

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  • 119.
  • At 04:38 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Russell wrote:

Can't we desist with this idea that Portugal are cheats? I grew up playing football in Britain and many of the 'tricks'(shirt pulling/standing on toes at corners/winding up opponents) are drummed into children from a young age.

Isn't Rooney responsible for his actions? Ok, a couple of the Portuguese players (Pauleta, Ronaldo) appeared to target him. Why did they target him? Because they know he'll react. When Rooney grows up and shows a bit more maturity players won't find him such an easy target.

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  • 120.
  • At 04:38 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • unclejonboy wrote:

It's all theatricals like so-called wrestling...If Figo had meant that London Kiss the Dutch geezer would still be in orthodontic surgery and if Rooligan had meant the stomp it 'd be bye bye babies bye bye for balls of oak Carvalho.
Wake up! The best team will win cheating or not because it means they will have cheated, or played a bit better than the others...The last hundred or so messages seem to think it's only ever the other guy.... The venom and spleen is very cathartic, It will all be over soon and you'll be lying on sunny Portuguese beaches eating Frankfurters and drinking French and Italian wine

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  • 121.
  • At 04:39 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Ben Whelehan wrote:

In response to your question regarding Italy.Although the majority of people (including myself I hasten to add) , believed that Germany, being the host nation were the favourites to win, but I think the real winner in this instance ,for the neutral football fan, was the game itself . I think up to now - it was by far the best game and would have made a wonderful and memorable final. I hope France beat Portugal as Portugal were not very impressive against England.Surely France , who beat Spain and Brazil , and Italy who beat the hosts, would make a great final.Both teams deserve to win the World Cup.

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  • 122.
  • At 04:39 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Rui wrote:

Why are the English supporting France? Because they get beaten everytime they face Portugal! English can't admit Portugal are better and even without the two most important players in midfield Portugal can win against England. Mexico 86:Portugal 1-England 0 Euro 2000 England 2 - portugal 3 Euro 2004 and WC 2006 won after penalty shoot-out. Portugal has more technique than England. Even Ricardo Carvalho has better ball control than your midfielders! Your league has lost interest because a Portuguese Manager decided to go to England. You need foreign managers and foreign players to win trophies! How many English players are in Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool or Man Utd starting eleven?
Grow up and admit that there is still a long way to go before England are considered a big team like Argentina (you can't win against them either!), Brasil or Italy.

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  • 123.
  • At 04:39 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Fred wrote:

@bobbylebonfire #120

I would transcribe the messages of english fans about the french "fair-play and exciting football" *before* your game against Portugal: they were labeled as boring, diving, old, third rate, had-beens, no enthusiasm, below average, lucky, not a single good team in their way, awful, the worst french team of all times. So, basicaly, the tipical moaning that you see so adept at. English fans will support any little thug that gives them victories, in that department they are actually the most influenced by media hype; go watch the simulations and acting of the english teams in the CL - with *direct* consequences in the final result. Go and read the permanent accusation that the same english teams fo when the inevitable defeat comes to *every* team they lose to: it wasn't our fault! They are cheaters! We are pure!.

You sudden alligance with the french doesn't need you hollow explanations: you lost, yet again, and need to vent it out. Go right ahead.

Again. you seem to dwell in the illusion that anybody actually *cares* about the "reputation" of the portuguese squad as perceived by a crying bunch of moaners. I couldn't actually be less concerned about that, I would actually be feeling left out if after reaching the semis you bunch of whinners had nice things to say. That nobody in this thread as actually said anything concrete is hardly surprising. I just hope that we can maintain this level of attention for a long time, since that that would mean that the has-beens of the football world still feel treatened.

Looking forward to a good match to-night, and if we lose be certain of one thing: you won't find me bitching in despair against the french team like a four-year-old that as dropped his candy and needs to make up a story to cover that up by blamming the neighbour.

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  • 124.
  • At 04:43 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Angel wrote:

I never, ever thought i would want the French to win a World Cup football match, but after Saturdays Oscar Winning performances by Portugal...come on France!

#'S 79 & 103, couldn't agree more!

Italians for the Trophy!

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  • 125.
  • At 04:46 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Cristina Gome wrote:

Hi everyone!

I'm portuguese, yes! And i just want to thank the people that are supporting portugal and tell the others that you have not been fair to us. When you say bad things about the portuguese players, you say bad things about the portuguese in general. We are proud, very very proud of our team, and whatever happens tonight, we will still be proud of them and not blame the others because we were out of the final. What you english (against portugal) don't realise is that we won because we were better than you. Your penalties were not good enough. Your players were not good enough. Our goal keeper was the hero and did something that your goal keeper didn't do and none of the others did during this tournament. He defended 3 penalties which is something dificult to achieve. There are violent players everywhere, on every team, in every country. Can't blame the all team because of one element. SO, what if Cristiano Ronaldo asked the referie to give a red card to Rooney? So what? Isn't the referie old enough and professional enough to make is own decisions? Did you actually see what Rooney did to Ricardo Carvalho? Or did you get blind by the english media and the fact that you were coming home earlier? It happened exactly the same on the last euro 2004. You lost the game and you blamed us!
Did you watch the match between portugal and holland? Too many cards, yes, I agree. But I also saw two players pushing two portuguese players for no reason. They were nervouse (yes, just like the english, they always loose against portugal), the dutch team were violent and they have pissed off (excuse my french!) the portuguese players after some stupid things done on the field.
Anyway, I could say many things that are running through my head at the moment, but i'm not gonna say. I know the english very well. I work in a resort where 90% of the clients are english. Many of them are still wearing the english shirt BUT, many are also wearing the portuguese shirt. But who needs the support from the english when we have the Scottish, the Irish (who hates the english) and the brazilian and many countries in africa, the spanish, the indians, argentine, venezuela... all over the world, people are supporting portugal. So, once again, who ever is supporting portugal and is clear-headed enough, a BIG THANK YOU and for the others, well, let them talk. As we say in portugal "Γ‰ so dor de cotovelo". Translation: It's only a pain on the elbow". Doesn't make sense? Well, it surely makes sense to us. VIVA PORTUGAL!

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  • 126.
  • At 04:47 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • bobbylebonfire wrote:

yes, very surly, the portugese

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  • 127.
  • At 04:47 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Andreas wrote:

Personally I think the entire world with very few exemptions will be backing France and most of all Zidane tonite!

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  • 128.
  • At 04:48 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • rei leao wrote:

Just a tip on why are English fans so furious with Portugal:
- Mourinho rules!
- C Ronaldo rules!
- Eliminated 3 times!
- Nelly Furtado N1 in charts is Portuguese!

Yes, we are a smaller country with less resources, but just donΒ΄t try to label us as cheaters.
Go and see quarter finals foul stats.

About todayΒ΄s game, iΒ΄m not that confident, yet I think itΒ΄s possible. We are strong in spirit, but I have to say we have some positions that are much weaker than others. ThatΒ΄s my worry, just compare Pauleta to Henry, Gilardino, Toni or Klose...

LetΒ΄s see if Deco, Figo or CR can invent a goal and Ricardo, Miguel and Carvalho wonΒ΄t conceed.

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  • 129.
  • At 04:50 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • rui wrote:

I feel sorry for the English fans, because of low standard Press they've got in the country, where they are allowable to publish all kind of rubbish without consequences,First building their team as World Champions and later finding stupid excuses for their nonsense, not to mention The Sun newspaper where it goes as far as calling for violence (Rooney on Ronaldo).
After exiting the WORLD CUP without glory, this time around the Press have decided not to aim at they own team and went for the Team that kicked them out. Probably trying to disguise that have been con for the last 5 year's (25 Million) by a swedish.

Just to finalise, I believe the English need to be watch more foreigner Football on TV, so are able to have realistic expectations for any tournament.
Because they have a good team, but no better than the Argentina, Brazil, Portugal, Spain and Italy.

Well, for tonight I am going to put money on the Portuguese.


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  • 130.
  • At 04:56 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Cristina wrote:

So much resentment...sorry but I have to say that you are bad losers...I find it quite funny that all of the sudden English people are supporting the French...Cheating Portuguese? Cheating for what? You are all just jealous...just admit that Portugal is not to blame for your world cup knockout...you were just not good enough...as simple as that...but I guess it must feel better blaming someone else...

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  • 131.
  • At 04:59 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Pip wrote:

I think I'm sure to be one of the oldest posters here on this forum, who has been watching World Cups since the 1962 games, so it's clear to me that all the posters so far have missed the most salient points in these arguments.

Teams, if their coaches are earning their stipend, play differently against different teams. The concensus here seems to think that the way a team plays in one game, you can then base the way it will play against other teams in future games.

Teams can be comprised of the most talented individual players, but all this doesn't come together as a winning combination without the aid of a good coach who can use good strategy tailored to their opponents.

Despite all this, everything comes to nought when it all comes up to the officiating of the game when the two opponents face off.

I have for many years maintained that the officiating absolutely ruins the World Cup competition for me and I am convinced that the standard of officiating doesn't come anywhere near matching the high calibre of play of most, but not all, of the players.

You can deliberate with all of your might for as long as you like about the pros and cons of diving, feigning injury, purposely tripping over opponents, shirt pulling, head butting, purposely using your arms to obstruct your opponent (knowing full well he will retaliate), but it will all come to no conclusion if the official either by incompetence or design does not recognise them all as infractions.

The inconsistency shown by the officials at the WC 2006, as in all previous WCs, detracts from the biggest spectacle in sport. I quite frankly do not see how the players tolerate such incompetence on the part of the officials. I'm now beginning to think that the headsets the officials were wearing were not for communicating with their fellow officials but were for receiving instructions from the FIFA orchestrators.

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  • 132.
  • At 04:59 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • The Great wrote:

Can anyone tell me what Ronaldo actually did wrong? Rooney should have had a free kick leading up to the incident but this doesn't condone stamping on someones nackers!

I'd run over and complain to the ref if someone did this to one of my team mates. I don't give a monkey's if he and Rooney play in the same club team or not. And that's all he did. He didn't wave an imaginary card at the ref or ask for the sending off.

Unfortunately all teams display an element of diving. Some more so than others with the biggest culprit being Portugal. But England also have their share - Joe Cole, Gerrard, Beckham, Owen so the English shouldn't throw stones in glass houses and dry your eyes.

Why is it that only the English can't see that they just aren't very good?

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  • 133.
  • At 05:00 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Alex wrote:

Although France is something like our enemy in football, I hope to see them win this time (actually the first time in my life...). Italy and Portugal are divers and cheaters and do not deserve to win the cup, if there is something like a football god...
But finally, other things than football skills may decide it...bribery, wrong decisions of refs, as 1930, 1934, 1966, 1978, 1982, 1986,...
But anyway, hope dies last.

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  • 134.
  • At 05:03 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Mbasa wrote:

I am tiered of hearing this new enemity between England fans and portuguese. If England fails to tame very well some of its international players then sit and watch. Bravo Port.

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  • 135.
  • At 05:07 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Noel D'Souza wrote:

To #68 - sonny:
If you did even a slight bit of investigation (i.e. not believe everything that crap "news"papers like The Sun feed you), you would've figured out (I don't think that'd possible though, for people with abnormally low IQ levels) that almost all of the articles putting down portugal and ronaldo were directly linked to those such newspapers as The Sun, Daily Mirror, Daily Mail, etc. And it's pathetic that even espnsoccernet and foxsports linked their articles to these sources.
And if you believe these gossip newspapers, you'd have to be a pathetic fool for it, which is evident from your posting that you are!
Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ sport, however, didn't do this... I guess that's what you get for RESPONSIBLE journalism!

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  • 136.
  • At 05:09 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • paddy wrote:

dear grant finlayson, you are right england were fairly average and didnt really manage to get out of the wet paper bag of which you speak. But they did do better than any of the other english speaking nations in the finals. O and they were also the only team from the islands of britain and ireland to get to the finals. ps if i was any good at football i would be eligble to play for england ,scotland or ireland and sorry everyone, but an england cap would be a greater acheivment.

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  • 137.
  • At 05:11 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Pilotasso wrote:

#133, the England game was not exactly on who was better, because England dragged Portugal into a somwhat impaired game with such tight defense. What I think that ultimatly led to the Englands demise was a mixture of uncanning tactics and the pressure felt after the media circus arround this whole Portugal-England issue.

I is evident to me that the English players nerves just snapped during the penalties. That, and Ricardos Penaltied saving record. This summarized the whole game result.

And if the french resort to that (Im hearing on the news they are) they already have nailed a few on their own coffin. The Spanish did the same in 2004 and look what happened to them.

Its a statistics record that we have defeated every team whose noise in a psicological was is the loudest.
This motivates the team alot and would be another good factor to stop reading nonsense as we have untill now.

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  • 138.
  • At 05:13 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Paul wrote:

Seriously... get over it england.. you qualified for the world cup got an easy group... talk yourselves up to be something great...but never turned up... Every game you played, involved that long ball rubbish game... not a decent pass not a good shot... rubbish. Sir Beckham can't tackle can't run at a player... just kicks a couple of good balls in, so overall he contributes about 45 seconds to a game. Rubbish... ferdinand is actually a practical joke... someone please show Utd the punch line...one word...Cannavaro.. Crouch... ha... crouch... and poor old rooney ....great player, i will say, but left on his own by a completely useless manager.. who looked like he'd just woke up every time the camera turned to him. Anyway, I would support England if i thought that they where worthy of Winning... but face it didn't... Not now anyway.. The worst part is the pundits refusal to actually admit when england are bad... Poor old Ronaldo.. you love em when he's playing for UTD but hate em when he play's against ya... ah well... sour grapes...!!... Anyway, it's a pity that according to 5 Live the dream final didn't happen ... that's England and Germany just in case your wondering... !!.. I don't know whose dream that is .. but it sounds more like a nightmare to me.... Anyway.. lets face it England put themselves outta the world cup as soon as they met a team with a bit of talent... (missing deco i might add)... So get over it... and better luck next time... Let's hope Mr. McClaren doesn't have any Skeletons in his closet... cos they may soon come out to haunt him..!! ViVa LE England...

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  • 139.
  • At 05:19 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • michael wrote:

The original question asked who do you want to win the cup and why -

unfortunately such is the ill feeling around this tournament it's more a case of who would we least dislike to win it. That's not an English thing - had Brazil beaten France or a plucky Australia or bright attacking Germany made it then they would have my vote for their own merits. However it's left to sifting through the names with a turned up nose and a broader agenda of not wanting the game soiled further than it already is if not for my own sake then for children experiencing their first taste of World Cup football.

France - Henry's behaviour was disgraceful but was an individuals decision based I suspect on his previous meeting with Puyol, so France as a collective have little to be ashamed of.

Italy - They still use too much exaggeration in their falls and often resort to cynical challenges when in danger of being opened up to make them very likeable but they have displayed more attacking ambition than in previous years.

Portugal - It would be sickening if the ploy of continuous exaggeration and simulation worked out for them. Ronaldo is his own man, his actions should not be used to label the whole squad, like Henry's incident it was one man's deeply unpleasant choice of behaviour. However as a group they display jaw dropping levels of simulation that would be funny if it were not so frustrating. A hand on their shoulder results in them clutching their face and Ronaldo himself spends so much time on his backside gesturing at referees you expect to see his name come up when the referee's assistants are announced. He cons fellow professionals, match officials, fans who have paid for a ticket to see a football match not a farse and sticks two fingers up to every one who's ever played or coached the game honestly. It's such a shame as his dribbling ability could be entertaining for the game if only he learnt that tackling is also an art form and that sometimes - however good you are, you are tackled fair and square. If they win it it will be a dark day for the morality of the game.

So I'd like it to be France via beautiful play from Zidane or at a push (resulting in an inevitable dive) Italy.

I just hope Zidane doesn't fall victim to an undeserved yellow card tonight and miss his dream final game. Ronaldo's probably thought of that already !

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  • 140.
  • At 05:22 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Jim wrote:

Portugal Ole, Portugal Ole !

Forca Portugal....e toda nossa !

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  • 141.
  • At 05:26 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • bobbylebonfire wrote:

It's very educational to judge the content of these blogs. Nowhere have i encountered on these blogs anti-portugese comments on a national scale. There has been NO citicism of the portugese as a race and country. Imagine if i said the portuguese were a race of sardine eaters from a small poor country who are a NATION of divers and trapaceiros..and on and on? the modrators wouldn't let me post it.Numerous bloggers from around the world have commented about the tactics of the TEAM and rightly so. Yet now we are faced with shrill attacks on the english as a RACE..don't take it so personally os portugeses, and don't make personal attacks on the english based on what the whole world is saying. My thanks to that gentleman from portugal above who commented about what goes on every week in the portugese league..an honest man is worth a thousand blinkered pseudo patriots.

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  • 142.
  • At 05:28 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • wrote:

Hi there,

Sad to see that England is now trying (once more) to blame someone for their failure to win the game.
It saddens me to see that they are such a bad losers (I had a great image of english people until now)
I sincerely hope Portugal wins tonight. I would love to see the French Media (that have been so arrogant in the last few days) and all the british fans to have to chose another team to support against Portugal (this time Italy!).
I believe tonight is going to be a great game. I hope both teams play good and beautifull and I hope that the game doesn't go to penalties.
And may the best team win. And please let it be the most hated one!!
PORTUGAL ! PORTUGAL! Força Portugal! Estamos contigo até ao fim!

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  • 143.
  • At 05:29 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • MRamos wrote:

"Dr.Doom", "Grim Reaper" and you say your a polite soul??is that the best way you can find to criticise someones unfair behaviour?
Why not trying to understand the reason why he did that?
Would you exepect to be taken serious if some of your fellow "journalists" in England fabricated an iterview with a Portuguese player, like someone did with Pauleta? Not to mention the way some players were vilified by the English press.

I couldnt care less to what happened in that media conference. As you quite rightly put it they are "acts on stage" but i wouldnt be surprised that thanks to some unprofessional "persons" (and they dont deserve the word journalists) who's main objective seem to be directed at sales rather than information, we would all be deprived of a decent coment from those who are still playing at the world cup. Mr. "Grim Reaper" thoughts at the time could have been: "why the hell waisting time with an intervew when you can always fabricate one?" Shame...

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  • 144.
  • At 05:34 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Keith Sweet wrote:

I want Portugal to win. I have them in the office sweepstake. :P

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  • 145.
  • At 05:48 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Daniel C. wrote:

France-Portugal: may the best team win I suppose. It will surely be the toughest game in the tournament for Portugal, so let's see if the Scolari-factor can turn things for us despite a negative historical background. Ultimately I hope it is a great game without disciplinary events.

It saddens me to see a lot of the prejudice thas sometimes comes through some opinions. Portugal has come a long way and even though we get emotional here and there, on the whole we've played fair in this tournament. I can't understand the bitterness to claim the portuguese team are "cheaters" and "divers", showing extreme leniency towards the way Holland played with us, or towards Rooney's attitude. If a portuguese player did what he did, you'd be screaming "butchers" all the way through.

All in all, we've come a long way from being the likable team, the brazilians of Europe, as many so paternalisticaly called us. That's right, we're on the big boys territory now, fighting equal for the cup. So if you want to level with us, do it playing the game. That's what I want to see tonight with France. Great football. No matter who wins! And I mean it!

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  • 146.
  • At 05:49 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Phil Gallagher wrote:

Here's one Englishman who wants Portugal to win the Biggest Cup!

To my fellow countrymen who continue to belly-ache about "the Portuguese cheats" I say, "shame on you!"

Whatever happened to being gracious in defeat? England lost to Portugal not because anyone cheated, but because we couldn't score in open play and because Ricardo is much better at saving penalties than Robinson.

It couldn't be that Ronaldo is getting so much stick because he's a United player, could it? If so, that's a desperately parochial, anglocentric view of the affair. The boy's a genius.

So. What are the options? Italy? Well, if you want to talk about cheating, let's start and end here! The top 4 Italian clubs are in danger of relegation to Serie B because of match fixing!! Please - we can't have the national side winning against such a background of cynicism.

France? Awww, c'mon, people - look at their group performances. They made England look good! And don't try to tell me that Henry is less of a diver than anyone on the Portuguese side.

So, let's have a new name on the Cup, let's see Big Phil become the first man to win it with 2 different countries, and let's have the grace to acknowledge that England lost because Scolari knew how to get the best of his team, and Sven didn't.

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  • 147.
  • At 05:50 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Rooney's Left Foot wrote:

How funny that France are being portrayed as paragons of virtue... when I look through their team I see the great Zidane yes. But I also see players whose careers are awash with diving, cheating, fouling, spitting and the waving of imaginary cards all over place. Ronaldo, please score the winner....

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  • 148.
  • At 05:52 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Sol Zaidi wrote:

Newsflash: A Footballing Trinity already exists and it already INCLUDES Zidane. The argument is for the top spot between Pele and Zidane with Diego sitting pretty in third place. I have been part of the game since the early 80s and Zidane is the best I have seen yet.

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  • 149.
  • At 05:53 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Joao Cepeda wrote:

I agree with you on Mr Doom. As for the game against England i just have to say that you played bravely but our team strenght was bigger than yours. As for France never underestimate the enemy. We have a great team, a great coach and 250 million people standing for us (from Brazil to East Timor!!!). My guess is Portugal-Italy. Regards to all Chelsea fans!

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  • 150.
  • At 05:54 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Joao Cepeda wrote:

I agree with you on Mr Doom. As for the game against England i just have to say that you played bravely but our team strenght was bigger than yours. As for France never underestimate the enemy. We have a great team, a great coach and 250 million people standing for us (from Brazil to East Timor!!!). My guess is Portugal-Italy. Regards to all Chelsea fans!

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  • 151.
  • At 05:55 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Joao Cepeda wrote:

I agree with you on Mr Doom. As for the game against England i just have to say that you played bravely but our team strenght was bigger than yours. As for France never underestimate the enemy. We have a great team, a great coach and 250 million people standing for us (from Brazil to East Timor!!!). My guess is Portugal-Italy. Regards to all Chelsea fans!

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  • 152.
  • At 06:03 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • swifty wrote:

v good point #146.
England xenophobic?
You won't find a more tolerant, accepting and sensitive nation than England. The posts were all made with reference to the tactics we didnt appreciate of the Portuguese players not the people which is quite unlike the Scottish and Portuguese posters.

Good luck tonight Portugal. May the best team win

Thanks for the memories Sven

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  • 153.
  • At 06:04 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Pilotasso wrote:

#146 Bobby:

No one is throwing racist rants.
There has been a few generalizations here for both sides but this shouldnt be mistakened for xenophobic in nature.

Just making this very clear.

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  • 154.
  • At 06:04 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Ben Cobley wrote:

To stop Ronaldo (27%) winning FIFA Young Player of the World Cup, please vote for Luis Valencia (25%)here:

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  • 155.
  • At 06:05 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • rickyrick wrote:

I am going to explain something here. The reason why most users (english) on this blog are bringing the Portugal name down is one thing that we in Portuguese call "dor de coto", which means "sour grapes".
I will await anxiously until the next England Portugal game so that I can see more of that anger deposited in the Portuguese team. Can you not see that that just makes them more determined?

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  • 156.
  • At 06:06 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • MIguel wrote:

What a bunch of pissant sore losers.

If Rooney had been kicked out of the game like Ronaldo was by the Dutch, the English would be braying for blood -- it wouldn't be safe to be a Dutchman in England.

If a Portugal player had pestered the ref like Hargreaves did, to the point of getting a yellow card for it, I can't even imagine the vitriol the English would be spewing at him.

And on, and on... Joe Cole diving at the edge of the box? Henry and Ballack clutching their faces in agony when they weren't even touched?

Portugal actually has one of the best disciplinary records of any team in the past 3 years (zero red cards before the game that the Dutch turned into aggravated assault) -- certainly better than France.

When did England become a country of pissant sore losers?


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  • 157.
  • At 06:09 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Fred wrote:

@bobbylebonfire #150.

I can only answer by my own words. Nowhere - and I mean *nowhere* - did I make a remark about the english as a nation or a people, which deserve my respect as all the others, and then some for the historical bonds of friendship and all that. The interesting fact here is that most portuguese are slighly anglophile, as you can easily judge by our comments on a Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ blog.

All that aside, we are only talking about footie, press reactions and whatnot. No need to make warnings against non-existent xenophobic remarks.

Ummm.... sardines.....


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  • 158.
  • At 06:11 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • whydoesithurt? wrote:

I would like to ask English people is they ever believed they were going to win against Portugal? Have they not understood yet that the only game they won against Portugal in an official game was in 66 when they were carried to the title (it seems that the so concious English have forgotten the "little" ignoring of the rules in 66 when Portugal had to go and play in London with a train journey overnight... nothing that surprises me).
So why the surprise, you should be used to losing with Portugal? In the last few times we have been trying to give you a chance. We play for 120 mins, go to penalties but not even like that...

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  • 159.
  • At 06:12 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • wrote:

England = Loooooooooooooooooosers!

see ya

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  • 160.
  • At 06:12 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • FanoftheMatch wrote:

(portuguese supporter here)

103: "It was a pleasure to watch the Italy game last night, I couldnt believe the way they played and didnt cheat, thats all I want a fair game."

Are you mad? If the italians didn't cheat what was all that theatrics yesterday and Italy's players swooning all over the pitch? Fortunately, the referee didn't buy it and kept the game rolling. And there was a magnificent diving by a german player yesterday that fooled the referee and led to a booking.

I have yet to watch a game that is 100% fair play. And all the english were accusing Italy of being cheaters and suddenly they have become saints?

And what is more funny is that the americans are now joining the chorus of "You dirty portuguese are evil cheaters, you're one of the reasons you give football a bad name". I'm with Fred @117 on that one. I'm sorry if I sound a bit too agressive and prejudiced, but american opinion about portuguese football means nothing to us.

The americans could play football dressed like Teletubbies or Saddam for all we care. The fact that you picked Portugal among so many "cheating" teams shows that you are biased. Suddenly the americans know everything about portuguese football and we've become a reason for football not being more accepted in USA???

And everyone is pointing fingers at Deco for his fouls on the Nuremberg game. Deco was aware of the foul he was committing and he still did it because that dutch idiot broke the rules of fair-play by not repositioning the ball. Deco's second booking was caused for timewasting. In an act of protest he refused to return the ball to the player that had showed unfair play in the first. But Ivanon, who must have been living on another planet during the game, didn't understand this and in an act of overzeal booked him.
Many people didn't understand this at the time. I only understood after reading the match reports on the newspapers. Ironically, Deco was sent off for trying to defend the rules of fair-play. It was a reckless lunge he did yes, but what the dutch did is considered very poor form.

I'm not saying the portuguese are perfect and I have said before that they are not at their best in this World Cup. We had some luck, but we also tried hard.

If there was any team that reached the quarter-finals by pure luck is England. You had everything in your favour from the beginning. And you still wasted it all.

Now Crouch is saying the english team was tired when they reached the penalties. Well, Crouch, sorry to break the news for you but this is a high-competition football game, it would be very suspicious of your team not to be tired after running for 120 minutes. They pay you to be fit enough, not to give lame excuses for your failure. And in case you didn't notice the portuguese side was tired too. Does he think we weren't tired against the Netherlands playing with 9 men? Where did that stop us from winning the game? And now the english will say we won the game by cheating but Maniche's goal was in the first-half, a very uneventful half except for Costinha's sent-off (caused only by his own stupidity). That game spiraled out of control and it's unfair that Portugal has to earn a bad reputation for something that was totally abnormal.

And I'm the author of comment 32. I don't want anyone think that I'm masquerading as an english fan.

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  • 161.
  • At 06:13 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Miguel wrote:

What a bunch of bitter sore losers.

If Rooney had been kicked out of the game like Ronaldo was by the Dutch, the English would be braying for blood -- it wouldn't be safe to be a Dutchman in England.

If a Portugal player had pestered the ref like Hargreaves did, to the point of getting a yellow card for it, I can't even imagine the vitriol the English would be spewing at him.

And on, and on... Joe Cole diving at the edge of the box? Henry and Ballack clutching their faces in agony when they weren't even touched?

Portugal actually has one of the best disciplinary records of any team in the past 3 years (zero red cards before the game that the Dutch turned into aggravated assault) -- certainly better than France's record.

When did England become a country of bitter sore losers?


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  • 162.
  • At 06:14 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Craig wrote:

I'm over in Ireland for the summer, and being a Scot it has been refreshing listening to fair punditry. After the Equador game they went live to Garth Crooks interviewing Sven where he went on to say "Well sven, the new system is working well". When it went back to the studio Giles, Brady, Dunffy and Souness were nearly in stitches. It is dribble like that which infuriates us Scots. We genuinley get behind England if the media, who encourage the over optimism, just got to grips. For example, i enjoy Cricket and happily support England in this instance because the media cricket media is objective and fair in their analysis of the country's chances. For goodness sake, the World cup was 40 years ago! And stop going on about how you have a world class team, Terry is V.good but nothing compared to a Cannavaro who is genuinely world class. Even rooney doesnt fit into 'world class' as he has failed to produce anything magic on the international stage. In reality Gerrard and maybe A. Cole are the only true world class players you have. If things change i will happily get behind England at any future tourement, especialy as we'll probably be missing from the occasion.

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  • 163.
  • At 06:24 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • mac wrote:

u english are cinical...so u think a man alligence should be to his club?
How wrong u are.
Viva Portugal!!

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  • 164.
  • At 06:30 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Pete wrote:

Isn't the world cup so much more enjoyable when (a) your team is out (deservedly)
(b) you have no chance of winning your fantasy league.

Last nights match was pure joy. I know we all like to have an opinion but please LET THE BEST TEAM WIN and lets hope the ref follows suit from yesterdays example. It wasn't perfect but it did send a clear message GET OFF THE FLOOR AND PLAY FOOTBALL.

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  • 165.
  • At 06:30 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • HOOP wrote:

I find it irritating that the English are being labelled as bad losers, when the English are always the first to criticize their own team for playing badly, as has been the case for much of this WC.

I also recall 4 years ago, following our deserved defeat at the hands of Brazil, the general mood was philosophical, especially in the light of Ronaldhino`s undeserved red card. And, despite our disapointment, most of us so-called "xenophobic" English fans were quite happy to see Brazil go all the way after that.

Rooney might have a short fuse, but lets not let it cloud our judgement. Anyone who has actually seen the Rooney incident with any degree of impartiality can see that he did well to stay on his feet, despite the efforts to drag him down. His eyes were firmly on the ball. And surely anyone who owns a pair of gonads must be aware that having them maliciously stamped on with a studded boot is enough to put a man out of action for far longer than that guy was on the ground for!

In short, the red card was nonsensical, Rooney was wronged and FIFA should be prepared to admit it instead of all the talk of prolonging his match ban.

As for the rest of the WC, lets put the diving, cheating and ill will behind us and may the best team win.

(And all you twisted Scots - grow up! I used to be able to take pride in all our home teams.)

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  • 166.
  • At 06:32 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Pete wrote:

Isn't the world cup so much more enjoyable when (a) your team is out (deservedly)
(b) you have no chance of winning your fantasy league.

Last nights match was pure joy. I know we all like to have an opinion but please LET THE BEST TEAM WIN and lets hope the ref follows suit from yesterdays example. It wasn't perfect but it did send a clear message GET OFF THE FLOOR AND PLAY FOOTBALL.

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  • 167.
  • At 06:34 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • MRamos wrote:

I do hope to see a game of football similar to the Germany Vs Italy or better!!
On the other hand, If Domenech is to set up the same 4x5x1 that has given the French such a huge lift and expectations and Scolari has to use his squad full potential, i.e. the use of his main strenght, the midfield, we will end up with two teams with the same tactical setting and that could result in one nullifying the other, hence a boring tactical game. The Brazilians made the mistake of underestimating Zidane's form, just hope that Costinha is up to the job of marking him and Deco manages to run off his marking. The age factor on the French side is also a minus but lets not forget experience, that could count against the Portuguese side.
I think it will be a close encounter and hopefully Portugal will get through.

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  • 168.
  • At 06:36 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Pete wrote:

I bear no hatred for Portugal as a nation. I have no affiliation with any of the 3 remaining countries in the competition. England were clearly not good enough through the tournament, perhaps it was just bad tactics, who knows.

I think the Portugese team have used a lot of gamesmanship in their route to the final. Therefore, if pushed, I would say I don't want them to get any further, I cannot see how this is a problem or insult to anyone from Portugal.

I have of course seen Gerrard, Cole and Owen take dives but not in the frequency of the Portugese team in the last 2 games.

I can also tell you, from driving to Gelsenkirchen and back last weekend, that the only racial insults handed out were aimed at us by the French.

So I would say, given that Italy played a great game yesterday, that I would like them to win it.

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  • 169.
  • At 06:43 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • richard wrote:

In response to Marc from France

Of course we're routing for you guys. Portugal seem to have a different rule book and there so called Brazilian manager is an offensive bum.

Where do you get the idea that we dislike you? Come on sure is a lot banter from both sides of the channel, but same appies between the North and South of England. Deep down I think it is good healthy banter that keeps us all on our toes.

Viva La France tonight!!!

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  • 170.
  • At 06:45 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • jm wrote:

English journalist, why are you terrified? ,Don’t be, the semi-final is our and you will be able to see it on ITV. If we meet England again, we will try to lose the game for you. As final note I would like to say that is people like you that gives football a bad reputation.

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  • 171.
  • At 06:49 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • misolo wrote:

If Rooney had been kicked out of the game like Ronaldo was by the Dutch, the English would be screaming for blood -- it wouldn't be safe to be a Dutchman in England.

If a Portugal player had pestered the ref for a penalty like Hargreaves did -- to the point of getting a yellow card for it -- I can't even imagine the vitriol the English press would be spewing at him.

And on, and on... Joe Cole diving at the edge of the box? Henry and Ballack clutching their faces in agony when they weren't even touched?

Go check the stats: Portugal actually has one of the best disciplinary records of any team in the past 3 years (zero red cards before the game that the Dutch turned into aggravated assault) -- certainly better than France's record.

Sore losers.

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  • 172.
  • At 06:59 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Porto33 wrote:


I read the other comments with great interest. I hope that this night we will see a great game first of all. I will supporting Portugal and I'm confident that we could win. Let's see. I saw the England game with a lot of English supporters here in Germany and all of them agree that Rooney was send off because he needs to learn te right behaviour on the pitch.

Anyway it is easy to blame the portuguese players and the forget the poor doing of the Englisch team during on the tournement.

A tip for them would be:
Learn how to shoot a penalty in a proper way !! I could not understand how so great and good players like Gerrard or Lampard shoot so lousy.
They normally do it well on there clubs.

It was not the first time England goes out of a tournemt because there miss penaltys. The Germans say thanks until today for there penalty performance in the WC 90 and EM 96.


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  • 173.
  • At 07:02 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Jonesy wrote:

Has everybody forgotten the worst piece of 'simulation' in this World Cup was acted out by a certain Mr Henry. For that alone the Portuguese deserve the right to get hammered by the Azzure in the Final.

Henry should stop moaning about others and get his own house in order first.

Such a greta player but such a PRICK!!!

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  • 174.
  • At 07:07 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • dkp wrote:

Im on for the frenchies!
Zidane il va marquer!!! Cest sur!
These matches can turn anyway however and i am bit worried about Viera, Zidane and Ribery all holding yellow cards... Hope the referee will be a good one! Allez les Bleues!!

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  • 175.
  • At 07:07 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • USAItalyFan wrote:

To: post # 163 (Fanofthematch).

Americans like me don't pick on the Portuguese because we're biased. We pick on the Portuguese because we have eyes and we can see Maniche going down like he got shot in the face. We can see Figo headbutting someone. We can see how your players roll over 5 or 6 times after an innocuous brush of the arm, let alone a bona fide "tackle." It only takes two eyes to notice that strange things just seem to "happen" on the pitch when Portugal are playing. Odd, isn't it?

And you can stop your incredibly ignorant "anti-American" ranting. In fact, you might want to start caring about what we think of Portuguese football, lest you run the risk of being shocked again by another World Cup defeat a la 2002. You can say what you like about the way we play football, but our 3-2 victory helped put you guys back on the plane to Lisbon in a hurry.

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  • 176.
  • At 07:08 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Andy wrote:

Some amazing comments here :P

Portugal beat England becuase on the day the krpt their nerve for the spot kicks. Both teams were poor, the referee was not much better and the media the worst of the lot.

As some have pointed out, most England fans are more annoyed at Sven than the players, with a poor squad selction followed by awful tactics.

Did Rooney deliberately stamp on Carvalho, noone but Rooney can truly answer that, but I don't think he did. but if he did, why did the refreee take so long to produce a red card?

Having been a referee for 20 years I found that the strangest thing.

As for the remainder of the World Cup, I want to see a decent game of football tonight, with the best team winning and Italy to win the final.

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  • 177.
  • At 07:09 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Martin K wrote:

Portugal to win, of course!

England has such a fabulous team that it could only be defeated by the next World Cup Champions...

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  • 178.
  • At 07:11 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • WimDeJong wrote:

I think that it would be nice to see a "poor" country like Portugal win, I wanted Ghana to win it for their people, or Ivory Coast, now that they are out it would be nice for them to win instead of a rich country like France, the people need cheering up more in those countries than in rich countries.

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  • 179.
  • At 07:16 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • WimDeJong wrote:

eliminated three times? I thought Romania eliminated England in 2000

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  • 180.
  • At 07:22 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • jonathan wrote:

Portugal have won because they are committed and dedicated to the cause plus they have the skills to match it when it get tough at the pointy end, same with France, ZZ is a master and can turn any game on its head, but he is not always firing. The toughest will win, because they will need to be to beat the Italians. The mollycoddling of Rooney is a disgrace- stamping on a guys nuts is inexusable anywhere in the world at anytime by anybody.

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  • 181.
  • At 07:34 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Ana wrote:

Can somebody PLEASE tell when did Portugal win a match by cheating or diving??????? I'm sick of this stupid attitude, especially from the brits! Geez, just get over it! Portugal played clean against England (it couldn't be cleaner!) and won. The end.
As to cheating, when I look back to this wolrd cup I remember two teams being just plain robbed: Australia with Italy (victory with a penalty that didn't exist at minute 95'...), and Spain with France (2nd french goal, which gave the blues the lead and the game control at a crucial time, arose form a foul that didn't exist).

So people, don't through stones at others when your own roof is made of glass... you're just embarassing yourselves and your countries.

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  • 182.
  • At 07:36 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Joe wrote:

I Completely Agree With 181. The stamping on someones knackers anywhere but the football match would have been assault, and Rooney should have had the same punishment -and this is an english person speaking. Portugal have had a really good world cup and good for them to beat us, they were certainly the best team. Besides we are crap at penalties. Anyway i think that the french shall win as they have been phenominal through the years and yet again i cant believe i just said that. GO FRANCE!

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  • 183.
  • At 07:37 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Joe wrote:

I Completely Agree With 181. The stamping on someones knackers anywhere but the football match would have been assault, and Rooney should have had the same punishment -and this is an english person speaking. Portugal have had a really good world cup and good for them to beat us, they were certainly the best team. Besides we are crap at penalties. Anyway i think that the french shall win as they have been phenominal through the years and yet again i cant believe i just said that. GO FRANCE!

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  • 184.
  • At 07:40 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Next! wrote:

First, yes i am portuguese (would not want to be accused of masquerading).
Secondly, let's talk about diving, cheating and the sort. For those english fair-play above all supportes, wasn't Totti in the last Euro Cup punished for spitting on another player's face? Wasn't it in En-ger-land, that two players from the same team almost came to terms on the field? It was Rooney who was sent off not one of Portugal's players!
What about players like Zidane, Henry and Ribery "falling" so many times?
Maybe we should discuss the Brasilian team. Ronaldinho, Kaka, Ronaldo... never dive? If you say you dont like them as well, than i just say, you are no football fan!!!
To that American (?), who said it's because of performances like Portugal's that football isn't more popular in the US of A, i just say cut the crap! It's exactly because of players like Figo, Ronaldo and Deco, who have great skill, that football is a sport who is loved world wide. It's not just strenght and speed. Skill, dribbling and shooting are important aspects of the game.
If you dont't aknoledge that Figo, Deco, C Ronaldo and R Carvalho are world class players, i'd either say or biased or not a true football fan.
So, if you want to root for any other team than Portugal's, i'd say that's fair! But don't use crappy excuses that make no sense! We have a good team, maybe not world cup champions material but we can dream. After all, if you english could dream of winning it with your average team, surely we can too!
(if i made any mistakes in writing this message, feel free to correct me, but if you make it a joke like that surly mate did, i'd just say, let you try writing a message in portuguese and then we'll talk)

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  • 185.
  • At 07:44 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Robin Lander wrote:

Yes - stamping on a guys nuts is inexcusable - but trying to regain your balance after being fouled several times is perfectly legal - unless you're wayne rooney and the ref (as he admitted before the game) was looking for a reason to dismiss an Englishman. If only gone down as he'd been shot in the first place a la Maniche and he'd have been ok. That is why we english are complaining, because of the refs pre-match comments and because rooney suffered as a result of not diving. Having said all this we weren't good enough to win, either on the pitch or on penalties.

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  • 186.
  • At 07:45 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Robin Lander wrote:

Yes - stamping on a guys nuts is inexcusable - but trying to regain your balance after being fouled several times is perfectly legal - unless you're wayne rooney and the ref (as he admitted before the game) was looking for a reason to dismiss an Englishman. If only gone down as he'd been shot in the first place a la Maniche and he'd have been ok. That is why we english are complaining, because of the refs pre-match comments and because rooney suffered as a result of not diving. Having said all this we weren't good enough to win, either on the pitch or on penalties.

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  • 187.
  • At 07:47 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Jorge Castro wrote:

In response to Pete from England.

Of course, the English donΒ΄t bear hatred for Portugal as a nation.

My guess is, that is also true of most people of most nations on Earth.

I am sadned that a bunch of people seem to think that being patriotic amounts to deflect any criticism coming their way, regardless.

I suggest to them that this is a very poor concept of patriotism.

Behaving in such a way, is childish and is more likelly a path to future defeat.

Stop trying to call attention to yourselves. This behaviour only betrays your own personal deeper feeling of insignificance.

Being a true patriot requires hard work and balanced honest thinking. A few good victories, and a lot of idiotic arguments will not suffice.

Despite, its occasional lapses I am sure our national team is much, much better than you lot.

So lets go out tonight and show the French something worth remembering.

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  • 188.
  • At 07:54 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • BlueDragon wrote:

To "USAItalyFan":

c'mon, I'm an european living in the US and we both know that American people not only don't care about football, as well as they have no expertise on it. I respect the US team, coaches and so on, and don't mind seeing Portugal battling you guys on the field at anytime.
As to comments from people like you and even the american press, it's just sad... If you guys would only know what you're talking about... LOL It's like me writing about the NFL on european newspapers...
Portugal is a team with the tradition of getting robbed in big games. Look at France-Portugal euro2000. Very disastrous situation that ended the career of one of our players.

So go wash your mouths with soap and put some fairness into your thoughts.

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  • 189.
  • At 07:58 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • next! wrote:

To post 176:

I'm portuguese and i'm everyting but anti-american (i like your country a lot and usually end up defending it in arguments).
Never the less, i must say that your arguments show that you dont know much about the professional football that is played in Europe. By your arguments, one would assume that Portugal's team is everything that is wrong with the sport. Do you watch Spanish league games? Italian ones? At most our players are just like them in the diving aspect (In fact they are not cause we have more skill and driblling abillity than them - we are know as the brasilians of Europe after all).
If you dont care about that and all you want is to see which team is more fit, that's fine. But that's not what this sport is about. In fact,i'd say football gets more and more uninteresting exactly because there are less skilled players than in times past.
And about the USA vs Portugal game, sure you won fairly. Do you remember if we cheat and dived then? Or no complains just cause you won?

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  • 190.
  • At 08:03 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • BlueDragon wrote:

Just as a side note, for all the american football fans aboard:

After watching that enormous disastre that was Portugal-Holland in the quarts, at a bar somewhere in the US East coast, my boyfriend, who is an american, turned to me and said: "If soccer was like this more often, I think Americans would love it! We love sports that are more physical !". Other americans at the bar agreed with him.

So just keep your mouths shut and comment on the baseball season.

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  • 191.
  • At 08:10 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Unclejonboy wrote:

Don't forget Portugal gets to pick it's team from a population of 10 mllion, (less than London) France and Italy 57 Mill.Germany 80 million Brazil 160 Mil. Netherlands 16 mill Stop whining, give credit where its due and enjoy the game and may the best team win in every game.

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  • 192.
  • At 08:11 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • jim wrote:

The Portuguese team have filthy tactics but nobody has mentioned the ref's part in this:

These are undeniable facts:

1. The referee in the England v Portugal game was appaling. He is from Argentina for Petes sake - he probably doesn't know what a real foul is. The mexican ref for the Germany v Italy game was brilliant.

2. The referee gave a yellow card to Jon Terry for winning a challenge and getting injured in the process - where was the foul?

3. Wayne Rooney was undeniably fouled at least twice leading up to the incident. Why didn't the ref blow the whistle?

4. The stamp on Cavalio (spelling?) could have gone either way and nobody can say without doubt that it was or wasn't intentional but it should never have got this far based on 3. Had the ref done his job we wouldn't be having this discussion.

5. The Portuguese team tried their best to con the ref in almost every foul situation. I'm sorry but this is FACT!! FACT!! FACT!! & DISGRACEFUL!! Filthy tactics & slowly but surely all the other countries are starting to say the same thing. Not something I'd like to be know for!!

Yes some English players do occasionaly dive but I don't think the English team as a whole have ever made it a winning tactic like for instance Portugal, Argentina and Italy (Although Italy did redeem themselves against Germany and showed they are a brilliant team but had a lot to do with the ref).

6. The standard of refereeing in the World cup has been low. Too many teams have conned the ref and too many refs have bought it.

England were cheated out of the game because of exceptionaly poor refereeing. Had England ployed the same tactics as Portugal I would have taken the win but it should never come to that. Too many marginal decisions are going the wrong way and fans feel cheated. FIFA needs to look at rugby and implement:

A) Video referring for ball over the goal line (Frances goal denied)

B) Sensor to ensure off side is 100% acurate (again another goal dissallowed but Henry was clearly on side (may have been a premiership match).

C) The ability to site foul play after the game using video evidence and punish (countless examples of this - Figo cannot be punished for the blatant head butt because he only got a yellow but Rooney can be punished for the disputable foul because he got a straight red)Hello????

D) This is the important one - reviewing video evidence via a "3rd umpire" at half time for diving - if it is clear that a player has dived then appropriate action taken before the start of the 2nd half. If players know this is going to happen, they won't dive.

Perhaps if the refereeing had been good then we wouldn't have had the chance to call Portugal cheats. Sadly we can because they showed they are!!

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  • 193.
  • At 08:46 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • the103 wrote:

I commented on Portugal specifically because the thread asked "who would you like to see win tonight?"

Fred is welcome to care as little as he wishes about what I think the US thinks of international football, but that indifference doesn't make Portugal's tactics against the Netherlands acceptable, nor does it make the team in any way attractive for a "neutral" to support. If that's all that "warrior spirit" amounts to, I might be inclined to look for the WWE instead next time.

The fact that I have seen Robben, Henry, Pires, and Gerrard take obvious dives doesn't explain or justify the behavior of most of the Portugese team one bit. Intentional foul play is what it is, cheating. The players who practice it are cheating, wherever they're from.

Had the Dutch won and had a similarly dreary match against England, they'd be equally unattractive.

And to help some of the less objective out there understand, practically no one here reads the European media, and especially not the tabloids. People have come to their opinions on WC football teams based on what they've seen. Anyone who isn't patriotically allied to Portugal has to be brain-dead or Italian to prefer them to France based on each team's last two matches. That's why I want to see France win tonight.

And on that note I'm off to watch.

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  • 194.
  • At 08:57 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • FanoftheMatch wrote:

To post 176:

What ignorant anti-american rating?? I just stated something that it was quite obvious to everyone and even some of the posters here agreed. You started attacking portuguese football as if you had become a sudden expert based on something that, for christ's sake, every football player in the world is sick of doing. Why did you have to target Portugal?

I never said anything about that game in 2002. Yes, we lost. But that doesn't change the fact that you're not knowledgable enough about football. Like we portuguese say it: NΓ£o fales do que nΓ£o sabes. Speak not of what you do not know.

(And to be honest, we deserved to lose in 2002 with that godawful coach we had at the time. )

And If I had wanted to profess anti-american feelings, I would had started ranting about your politics, not your football. Besides, I never insulted your country.

I'm going to watch the game now. Sigh. Que sera sera.

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  • 195.
  • At 08:59 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • hi wrote:

I'm American and sixteen and find that all the theatrics and diving etc. are disappointing,but inevitably part of the game. It seems hypocritical for an American to come on to post something on the problems on how football is played. American football, basketball, baseball(steroids!) have their fair share of cheaters. Even in their personal lives, the athletes in those sport have problems.

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  • 196.
  • At 09:07 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • unclejonboy wrote:

What a bigotted prat you are. The only undeniable things are the ref was from Argentina ' he probably doesn't know what a real foul is ' That's intelligent.and 4, the ref did do his job . every thing else is a dream. Carvalho' s nut stamp could have gone either way? he was trying to break rooneys leg with his balls I suppose If Rooney was fouled twice with the ref a yard away why are you the only one talking about it. point 2 watch the reply you so obviously dote on and then talk to a professional ref. point 5 is too laughable to warrant a reply. Stay down the pub with the Sun and leave this space for informed comment

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  • 197.
  • At 09:33 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Rita wrote:

At the commencement of the World Cup, I had a bet with a friend on what the British would use as a scapegoat when they inevitably fail. In Euro 2004 it was the referee, Germany 2006 it is Ronaldo. I doubt that Manchester United sacking Cristiano Ronaldo will make any kind of dent in the young man's career. The English League is built on fantastical assumptions of a psycotic media. This is the sole reason why the English team always fails on the world stage. Predictably, no one in Britain has mentioned the team's lackluster performance before the Portugal match. Also conveinently forgotten is the fact that three english players out of four missed thier spot kicks. It's laughable the way some junk british newspapers (I hope the Sun Newspaper can live with itself if its hate preaching reporting becomes the catalyst for an attack on Ronaldo) are going on and on about a 'shamed' Cristiano Ronaldo; fifty years would come and go and England would still be making excuses.

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  • 198.
  • At 09:43 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Andreas wrote:

Look at what C. Ronaldo just tried again! What a slimy dirty little cheat!

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  • 199.
  • At 10:27 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Rita wrote:

@62 Those foreign newspapers quote infantile british newspapers like The Sun

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  • 200.
  • At 10:48 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Andreas wrote:

@62 and 200:

Are you watching the match? Do you think gravity is that much stronger where C. Ronaldo is than elsewhere on the field?

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  • 201.
  • At 11:06 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Pilotasso wrote:

# 201 Andreas:

Not as much as Thierry henry on on Portuhals box.

Well thats it, France won as a predicted but defending like greece.
Portuguese players were all too tired to run after that penalty that didnt exist. But these things happen. I will gladely keep watching the WC.

Too bad this game lacked any brilliance though. Expected the french at least to earn the victory the right way. In the second half they didnd exist. We should have falen in a more spectacular way than this.

See you in 2010 lads. :)

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  • 202.
  • At 11:07 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Hoop wrote:

Rita (198) wrote "Predictably, no one in Britain has mentioned the team's lackluster performance before the Portugal match".

- You have obviously never read any of these forums before!

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  • 203.
  • At 11:14 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Pilotasso wrote:

heh, just look at these morons posting more amateur reports. Gotta love those pathetic children.

The sun, who else?

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  • 204.
  • At 11:16 PM on 05 Jul 2006,
  • Andy wrote:

@ unclejonboy

Nice rant, open your response with an insult, kinda makes the rest of what you say quite comical.

Any sane football supporter could see that Rooney was clearly fouled in the sequence leading upto his alledged stamp, but because he did not throw himself to the floor like so many other players, from many countries including England it went against him.

You said ask a proffesional referee, well I refereed for 20 years, and got the the semi-proffesional level in the middle and the professional level on the line (well 4th official and FA Cup :P).

Can you explain the clear delay in the referee producing the red card?

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  • 205.
  • At 12:04 AM on 06 Jul 2006,
  • swifty wrote:

maybe now people will realise its not just sour grapes and the English whining. The French booed Ronaldo every time he touched the ball. NOBODY likes the way Portugal cheat at every turn - its no good for the game. Until referees start booking divers (ronaldo dived at least 4 times tonight and 2 horrendous ones in the box - by rights he should've been sent off) they will continue to do it.
I love the Portuguese people but why do you guys defend this appalling behaviour.
France were poor and hardly deserved victory any more than Portugal but the game is better for seeing the back of Ronaldo & Co.

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  • 206.
  • At 12:36 AM on 06 Jul 2006,
  • Pilotasso wrote:

#205 Swifty:

what Henry didnt dive? Your obscessed and you can lo longer see anything else past it.

Oh my god how pathetic all the England whiners are. Flavouring scraps from a dish that has been a dogs meal. Hope you like the taste of it.

Get over it, the world cup is long gone for you, and we will still play in it. See you in the euro. Hopefully we shall meet again for more lame English excuses.

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  • 207.
  • At 12:47 AM on 06 Jul 2006,
  • jibbajibba wrote:

I am confused. Everyone was saying Portugal deserved to beat England because they played more fluid attacking football. In fact they beat England de to a bit of luck and a decent keeper. They were unable to score against England for 60 minutes with an extra player, I can't see the attacking prowess there.
Tonight with their playmaker Deco they were still poor. They are well organised, have a good keeper and play a counter attacking game so are difficult to break down but they are not a great side.
I feel the spleen directed to Ronaldo is entirely justified. He and a number of other Portugese players specialise in the diving wind up side of the game that really is spoiling it. If the Portugese attackers had been more interested in staying on their feet that looking for a foul maybe they would have scored. I for one would be embarrassed to have one a game through such tactics. Owen and Cole are bad enough but at least they don't look for the booking after they throuw themselves to the floor. Do any of the Portugese fans on this site think EusΓ©bio would have acted like that? If there is no move to curb the continuing trend of dives and simulation then the entire game will have to be made non-contact perhaps more like American basketball

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  • 208.
  • At 12:56 AM on 06 Jul 2006,
  • unclejonboy wrote:

To Andy 204 Dear Andy ...I opened the message with an insult ? sure I did . now go back and look at Jim's opener no.192 and about half of all the other messages
you'll see that most people including a lot of England supporters neither hold with Jim's opinion, nor yours, and not mine too of course, but I have tried to not be 'comical' but more factual than his 'undeniables' He did give me and a few pals a good laugh though! You know better than every one else of course. it's the same, I'm sorry, but it's ill informed bigotry I am ranting against. I couldn't give a flying Figo who wins I just want to see a good game and dimwits with media- and bile- inspired bollockry piss me off. Portugal lost tonite , and I think its a shame the power of the press and the jims of this world will be gloating about one team's defeat. If that's supposed to ease your collective anguish then you are a sad bunch. It's supposed to be a beautiful game but these reactions are utterly pitiable. It will be interesting to see how much whingeing the average Portuguese does...not a lot I bet. Let's see how many French bars get trashed tonite... I'll bet you a superbock or ten not one! Got Cristian Ronaldo sacked? hey maybe we won the footy fight after all! Sad.

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  • 209.
  • At 01:12 AM on 06 Jul 2006,
  • Pilotasso wrote:

England lost no thanks to diving, Portugal never won to diving so wheres the point of all these rants?

My team lost to france, so? whats the big deal? Take the Englands defeat like men. So far the only real disgrace to this tournament is how Englands repetedly manipluates mass media through the means of mediocre Journalism to hit low blows in convenient entities to seel the newspapers.

The English media is so uneducated that it is keen to rampantly insult (see link on post 203)anyone as it sees fit.

If the number whiners obessed like this is statistical representative of englands population you loose face and stand no moral leg to beg for not being steriotyped.

One can debate If portugal can be ashamed of its team (NOT!), but as I see it it is more likey Englands fans should be ashamed the way they are. I think that is a bit alarming than any controversial result in sports. England as its cultural essense is thrown at the mud here.

Bulliying and whining is the Image you have made abroad. Congrats for convincing us you behave like in a country of the thrirld world.

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  • 210.
  • At 01:29 AM on 06 Jul 2006,
  • henry lloyd wrote:

Can we please get his name right....
it's "Fat Phil" not "Big Phil".
Thank you,thank you very much.

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  • 211.
  • At 02:22 AM on 06 Jul 2006,
  • SGS wrote:

Italy 2 Germany 0

Germans - this defeat although painful is payback for your match fixing of 1982 - when you colluded with Austria to keep Algeria out of Round 2.

I am soooo glad Germany was booted out - I guess there is a GOD...and perhaps he is Italian ???

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  • 212.
  • At 02:26 AM on 06 Jul 2006,
  • SGS wrote:

Italy 2 Germany 0

Germans - this defeat although painful is payback for your match fixing of 1982 - when you colluded with Austria to keep Algeria out of Round 2.

I am soooo glad Germany was booted out - I guess there is a GOD...and perhaps he is Italian ???

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  • 213.
  • At 02:51 AM on 06 Jul 2006,
  • Deany wrote:

Well first I have to say England were and are poor. All this talk of great players, yes they look great in the premiership when they play with the likes of Makelle, Ronaldo, Robben etc. Frank Lampard plz, he is so average. Rooney, the Coles, Gerrard & Ferdinand are good, wish they had used Lennon more too.
I want France to win the WC because I think Zidane is one of the most skillful players to every grace the game and they have played some great football in the knockout stages. Glad the Portuguese lost, they should give up football and try out for thr olympics in diving.

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  • 214.
  • At 05:14 AM on 06 Jul 2006,
  • scianiwPortugueseLad wrote:

To all dumbers-mindless-Alzheimer-affected-folks that are writing these comments with disaproval and the disgusting press&Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ1/ITV commentators on Portugal performance on this WC, here some
1) PortugalvsFrance match was crap because:
1.1) there was a too earlier goal, therefore
France just defended for the last 60min.
1.2) Portugal lack of truly effective forwards
influencing all their way of playing.
1.3) Portugal forward Pauleta is been rubbish
all the way through this tournament.
1.4) Zidane wasn't as his fabulous level.
1.5) Portuguese players (Ronaldo,Figo and
Pauleta) tried to influence the ref.
1.6) Ricardo Carvalho ingenuity through
acrobatic&cinematic skills of Henry.
So, congratulations France!!!!

2) Ronaldo, Pauleta&Figo behaviour on this WC was disgraceful, as the likes of Rooney,Cambiasso, Zambrotta, Bellharouz, Robben, Maxi Rodriguez, Luis Garcia, Camoranesi, Gallas (YEAH, BELIEVE IT. JUST WATCH THE MATCHES AGAIN, YOU BRAINDAMAGED OFFENDED PEOPLE).

3) Holland have lost due to their lack of offensive power
3.1) Belharouz tackle(Thai Boxing) to Ronaldo, during the very beginning of the match had to be straight red card, & then i would have liked to see how many goals Holland could have had scored!
3.2) Because portuguese midfield ROCKS!

4)England have lost because:
4.1) They went to the match as the World Mastodonts of football physicality&knowledge, capable of squash this "insignificant" Portugal. Never underestimate the teamwork of the underdogs. Remember, we have done that&see where we ended up against Greece...
4.2) Rooney wasn't playing enough.
4.3) Lampard was just shooting balls to nowhere.
4.4) Your coach banged a secretary on the FA Headquarters, instead of preparing the team for the WC. ( And by the way, after knowing about that incident FA signed a more expensive contract with Sven longing his horrible services once again).
4.5) You couldn't scored during the normal time.
4.6) Carragher, Lampard&Gerrard penalties takers were the poorest i have ever seen.

5) About the unfair reaching of Portugal national team up the tournament allegating cheating, violence and theatrical performances, here some BREAKTHROUGH NEWS:
5.1) England have won the 1966 WC, against West Germany, through, until now, a very outrageous goal.
5.2) In the 1986 WC, Argentina won the match against England with a disgraceful handball goal by the MASTER CHEATER- Maradona. My quest is - " Where was this immense fuss&hate about Portugal national team, in Maradona act of genius?".
5.3) Gary Neville, Darren Anderton, Bryan Robson, Tony Woodcock, Des Walker...all great genius of cheating, being violent, arguing with ref, misjudging situations. And i could give a full list of them.
5.4) Robben performance against Portugal was horrible but groundbreaking in the acting business.
5.5) Colombia's 94 squad has given the most disgusting example of fair play in WC history.
5.6) After and during the game against Germany, Argentina squad have showed us how bad they are with fair-play. Wot about those aggressions after the match ending.

Summarise, all teams in their history have had incidents that don't dignfied football.
Portugal have done a good 2006 WC, with some players demonstrating, sometimes lazyness(therefore the bad fair play), some other time team effort. Portugal error was not playing aggresive, but showing that they could have played much smoother. As my preferences don't go to neither to France or Italy, hope they give me a fantastic match to watch on sunday.


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  • 215.
  • At 05:51 AM on 06 Jul 2006,
  • A Girl from Oz. wrote:

Football, it really is the beautiful game.

Passions are ignitied all around the world as the boys come out to play to be the best in the world...

Sad thing is .. it is all over for another 4 years on Sunday and that is the only thing i have to complain about!!

Good Luck to both teams..

Play hard!

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  • 216.
  • At 06:15 AM on 06 Jul 2006,
  • Ray wrote:

Alice from #33. Quite a power you seem to have there. I want Italy to win, so could you please support France? But do it with some sincerity because that's when it all seems to work.

Thanks, Ray.

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  • 217.
  • At 07:21 AM on 06 Jul 2006,
  • Pip wrote:

After watching that most narcissistic Ronaldo always watching the stadium's big screen to see himself whenever he figured he was the object of the incident they were screening, I couldn't get over the fact that he took the opportunity to smile at himself on the screen while the rest of the Portuguese team were solemnly singing their national anthem.

Having seen the recent arrival on the scene of same sex marriages, it would seem we now are about to see the arrival on the scene of same person marriages. God, does he ever love himself. How can such a person be a team player when he is so wrapped up in himself that he obviously has his mind on watching himself on the big screen more than concentrating on the game at hand.

I think Ferguson will be forced to rethink his roster for next season and do a deal with Real Madrid for him. This kind of guy is not going to be too popular at Old Trafford, in the stands or in the dressing room, any more, especially when Rooney gets around to telling the true story of what he thinks of this guy rushing over to exhort the referee into dismissing him. Especially when it was taking that referee an inordinate length of time to decide on how he was going to rule on the two on one knock down skirmish. And this after failing to stop the play when the two Portuguese players brought Rooney to the ground. Did you notice that neither of them didn't want any part of the usual after-game hand-shaking with each other ?

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  • 218.
  • At 09:28 AM on 06 Jul 2006,
  • Pilotasso wrote:


Hmm. I have a different view for the lack of goals.
Fact is that Portugal was badly battered arround since the last game of group satges.

It was Mexico then Holland, England and France. Pretty much very balanced teams. It was a struggle against these teams. All of Portugals Players were dead tired by France's game, I think the fact we had had to fight evenly every match was what took the stamina away for more incisive attacks on the french. If you watch the replays theres simply no strength left on those legs. And France played like Greece, much as England did, there were no regular goals, and Im not surpirsed. Any of those teams would fail in the same circunstances as would France since they even failed to score a decent goal against a Portugals open game.

As For message #217:

You should look closer to home to watch some overpaid Supermodels pansies acting like women. Ronaldo Crying? So did Beckham and half of the team but you dont see Portugal fans jerk off over petty miseries like that.
At least we fell after several games with real oposition.
Portugal Players dived, so what? So did the French and the English, exepct the french actualy were successfull ripping off a penalty.
At least, of the 3 teams left, we were the only ones to actualy NOT benefit of any penalties due to diving.
Just shows how rampant hypocrisy reigns supreme among these newspapers and hundreds of English fans on these boards. They see their nemesis cheating and yet they hail for the teams against it doing the very same.

Get your act together and better luck next time. Maybe with the right support and atitude from its fans England might fare better. Untill then I hope you enjoy your sorry image you made abroad. (And please stop quoting THE SUN copy-paste on US and aussie online journals)

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  • 219.
  • At 09:56 AM on 06 Jul 2006,
  • Geoff wrote:

What a biased and bitter commentary by the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ last night.
These was no attempt at hiding any anger towards Portugal, every opportunity to badmouth them was taken.
And as for the reference to the 'alleged stamping'....
Its time to sack this pair and get a commentary tean who, while supporting their team with pride, can provide a fair and even description of events.
Any one remember Bill McClaren?

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  • 220.
  • At 10:32 AM on 06 Jul 2006,
  • jim wrote:

Well done to Portugal, you succeeded in getting first place in:

1. Most unpopular World cup team.
2. Most hated player in C Ronaldo.
3. Scoring the least amount of goals to make it to the semi finals.
4. The only team to leave in disgrace.

To all those Portuguese fans that were yesterday denying that the Portuguese players were cheats I can only laugh. Hopefully you had a chance to watch the few minutes after the last nights game on Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ where they showed the blatant & appaling attempts to win fouls and penalties. Yes every team is probably guilty of doing it at some stage but you have to look at last night and admit no other team has even come close to Portugal.

Let the truth be known, no team that behaves like that deserves to be in a world cup final.

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  • 221.
  • At 10:33 AM on 06 Jul 2006,
  • bobbylebonfire wrote:

I wasn't happy at the time, but i'm glad now that england didn't get scolari as manager. A manager is responsible for his teams 'tactics' and the general histrionics and going to ground at the slightest whiff of an opposing player have tarnished portugal as a team and nation. One german blogger during the match asked if gravity was stronger wherever ronaldo was on the pitch..and it wasn't only him! scolari is now responsible for this dramatic drop in reputation and i for one am glad that he won't be coming to england.

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  • 222.
  • At 10:38 AM on 06 Jul 2006,
  • topoisonfungus wrote:

I Understand that players who play for their country in da world cup play wid all their might and commitment and sometimes cunning as well...and that portugal is a very good team ..c'mon we know that ! but !! wen players start to kill the spirit of the game and start behavin utter cheaply ...ya...its Ronaldo who else...who will do anythin possible...helping to send off a team mate so energetically,or so desperate to dive dramatically to get penalty and try to score it himself (ronaldo) such that he can have another party and feel like an fat headed hero! HEY RONALDO..WE KNOW DAT U LOVE THE WAY TO LOOK N WANT TO B COM THE GREATEST PLAYER IN THE WORLD ( U R ACTUALLY VERY GOOD REALLY!) AND THAT U CANT HELP BUT CATCH A GLIMPSE OF UR STUPID FACE IN THE GIANT SCREEN (N MAY B SMILE BACK TOO!) BUT U C ...GREAT PLAYERS ARE NOT LIOKE you oK? U NEVER WILL b !
and For All u portugese fans ..who hate the english..(who does'nt?)...let me tell u this ..Sure England were not that good enuf..ya they didnt deserve to win the world CUp ..BUT THEY didnt deserve to loose
against portugal( to me they r real losers ..lost millions of fans ..lost respect(pathetic divings.. against france..I was LIke ... OH mY GOD wat next??!!)
WEll The Italians(NESTA) can very well say germans(me being a german myself living in singapore) wants to
dress like the italins And eat the food of the italians....they musnt forget that the football boots they use are probably GERMAN MADE!!!

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  • 223.
  • At 10:42 AM on 06 Jul 2006,
  • Mark wrote:

As an englishman, i am disgusted at the bias bully-boy abuse being dished out to other nations, in this particular case portugal (who are seemingly carrying the can for englands plethora of excuses). The only shocking thing about the portugese game is the vigour with which (yet again) the english media and pundits look for scapegoats.

Here are the facts:

1) rooney is not in control of his temper
2) rooney probably cost england their chance of progressing by;
3) rooney stamped an opponent directly in front of the referee

now howabout, for once, we as a nation accept defeat with some graciousness and gamesmanship (this is a game after all) rather than this constant bleating from the likes of linekar, shearer, wright, motson, etc...how do these fools manage to stay in the job?! is anyone else aware that the pundits are commentating to millions of people who aren't english? given the medias recent comments about racism and sour grapes about other nations, i am once again mortified to witness the pathetic dribbeling hypocrisy coming from these peoples mouths. integrity is not a facet of this vastly experienced but emotionally fickle team.

Thank god for Martin O'Neill who seems to be the only one from this united island who is able to remain objective in his analysis, which is after all what they are paid for - not nationalistic bigotted opinion.

Lets - for the first time - celebrate a fantastic festival of football without the sour grapes!

Or even better, replace them with the guys from the bud ads - they are more objective than the current bitter whiners.

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  • 224.
  • At 11:19 AM on 06 Jul 2006,
  • bobbylebonfire wrote:

I have been involved in a few little skirmishes on these blogs the last few days with portugese bloggers (hi pilotasso and fred!)about the games and tactics of eng/port/holl/france and it all got quite messy at times. Now that we're all out except france and italy (thanks zizou/henry!) it's time to take stock. We have a new manager, beckham has resigned etc, but the portugese have a really big question to face: the integrity of the national team. this is not an attack, it's statement of fact.Chief among the oscar nominations is ronaldo, a fantastic player but imho a rotten person and not alone in his play-acting. At one stage, the portugese players were dropping like flies all over the place. Yeah we know you're a small country, and respect to you for getting here, but winning by fair means or foul isn't going to make you any friends in the world, more enemies, in fact. Look what happened every time ronaldo got the ball last night..people are aware of his 'character'. Time for a good, long introspective look at yourselves and that coach of yours.

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  • 225.
  • At 11:33 AM on 06 Jul 2006,
  • Pilotasso wrote:


1) Most umpopular team in the WC only on England. All the press quotes on newspapers abroad mentioned here are form our direct competitors or quotes from THE SUN.

I have read Spanish and freench Newspapers and theres NOT ONE insult or claim that we cheated. Maybe English press want to follow that example.

2)Most hated Player IN ENGLAND.
Outside of it, WHO CARES?!! realy.
Who cares he plead for the referee for a foul? With so many players naturaly pleading for their teams who is going to make Ronaldo stand out from the rest but English fans?

Who cares he scored that last penalty VS England? No one will remenber.

3)I hope thats a joke...
You might add he was one of the players in this WC to have been hunted down on the pitch the most.

4)The only team to leave in disgrace in the biased view of their direct rival sore looser Fans.

And the only team in the last 3 who reached the smi finals without fake penalties.
I might add wich is realy the cherry on top of the English cakes arguments over the teams they support. Laughable.

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  • 226.
  • At 11:47 AM on 06 Jul 2006,
  • ian wrote:

luis, (message 214)

I agree, almost, with you.. at last a portuguese fan admitting his side's failings..

yes, you have a point - many other teams both at this WC and over the years have resorted to cheating.. but, I would argue, the concentration on portugal just now was due to the fact that you were still in the world cup, and the others weren't..

I don't condone the cheating - last night henry was fouled (he tempted the foul) but I do admit he fell dramatically.. but portugal did not really threaten.. as for ronaldo.. not only did he dive, but he took a run up as well..!!

this whole diving/cheating thing MUST be iradicated from the game.. it is ruining our beautiful game ...

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  • 227.
  • At 11:51 AM on 06 Jul 2006,
  • ian wrote:


last night portugal were pants..

last night they got found out by a french side which were half the side they were against brazil...

yes england were poor, and deserved to go out, on overall performances irrespective of playing portugal - we'd have lost to australia..!!

as for ronaldo, taking a run up to his dive.. what a joke..

at my club, we berate our own players if they ever dive...

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  • 228.
  • At 11:58 AM on 06 Jul 2006,
  • DOMINIC wrote:

Regarding comment 221 insinuating that the Portuguese players have tarnished their nation. One wonders where all this "little England" mentality comes from. Are the English people really that blinkered? Was it not Rooney who behaved more disgracefully than any other player? And is he not the one who regularly uses the most foul and abusive language on the pitch? And has anyone considered looking at the press articles from a Portuguese perspective? I doubt it because:
A)it's extremely unlikey that any of these English people (and I can include those that live in Portugal)can barely speak a word of Portuguese
and B) The thought that another nation can be insulted by the vitriol emanating from the British press and the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ commentators.
If anyone's tarnished their nation it's the English press and ex players like Alan Shearer, who should be banned from the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ.

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  • 229.
  • At 12:09 PM on 06 Jul 2006,
  • Pilotasso wrote:

#224 Bobby:

hello again.

what you describe about the evils of footbal is not an exclusive problem of the Prtuguese. I agree the general outlines of what you said but I still refuse to take the idea we are being viewed as the villains of this world cup.

Those problems lie in the nature of how football is marketed these days and how playeres a given an image management. Not to mention all the business arround them. The love for the national football shirt has taken second place in face of internal workings.

We had steped to intervene in disgraces (real ones ,not those make shift by our adversaries) like the World cup 2002 in wich the players were more worried bout the IRS taxing on their prizes that the matches and we deservedly lost to korea and got pasted before the end of group stages.

Portugal-is-a-disgrace-in-WC-2006 is a fabricated image in a psicological war waged on the press of our oponents, most notably (and recognizably) the English press.

Suddenly everything that is rotten on football is embodyed in the Portuguese team wich in my view (beleive it or not more and more people are seeing through it abroad) takes for the purpose of being escape goats of what hapened to 2 teams or how poor this WC has been on spectacle.

Finger pointing is easy. Its harder to look closer to home. If I can maybe one day England will but I wont hold my breath on it just yet...

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  • 230.
  • At 12:13 PM on 06 Jul 2006,
  • bobbylebonfire wrote:

Ah well, theres no changing blind jingoism, pilotassol, if you guys can't have a good long look at yourselves like the english can then maybe you deserve all you get. I have .a feeling a portugese player could kick the ref in the niagaras, mug the goalkeeper and because he was doing it for dear, beloved little portugal against big, bullying (insert country here) it would all be permissible. It's been obvious on these blogs that the england supporters are capable of self-criticism in large numbers, i only wish that it was the same for the portugese, but only one or two were capable of that objectivity. You signed off on another blog and i really hoped i'd seen the back of you (like replying to a monotonous robot) but here you are again..well you said "see you in 2010" yeah..if you qualify!

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  • 231.
  • At 12:16 PM on 06 Jul 2006,
  • Chris wrote:

1) Portugal have been diving too much. This is discrediting all Portugal's past achievements. None of the above pro portuguese posts seem to admit this fact. I am Portuguese and was frankly embarassed at yesterdays antics against France. This has been happening for way too long at all levels of the game. This must stop now.

2) All teams are guilty at one point or another of diving. I've seen Owen, Rooney, Gerrard, to name a few, take some pretty blatant dives. On the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ coverage last night no one mentions that. The fact of the matter is that everyone is doing it. Admitedly, some more than others. Please stop the double standards.

3) We should start using a video referee for important decisions during matches such as red cards and penalties. Furthermore, there should be post-match video analysis of foul play with the identified culprits being banned. I think these measures will quickly eliminate foul play from football and ensure fairer outcomes to matches.

4) Both Portugal and England were poor this World Cup. Portugal with, once again, no attacking cutting edge. England, no fluidity and cosnsistency.

5) Making out Ronaldo as being the scape goat to the English defeat is simply wrong. He clearly is guilty of diving and all kinds of antics during matches including running to the referee and complaining about Ronney's foul. But the reason Rooney got sent off was for the stamping incident. Some parts of the british media have been appaling in this regard. Rooney is clearly a great player but ignoring the real reason for his sending off(not Ronaldo) is clearly counter-productive. Rooney must learn that he has a problem with his temper, and when he loses it its costing his team to lose the match. The the sooner he addresses this problem and learns his lesson, the quicker he will become a better player. Who knows, he could go on the one of the greats...

6) I think an Italy vs France final is a fitting end to the World Cup. Should be a cracking game.

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  • 232.
  • At 12:16 PM on 06 Jul 2006,
  • Boon Army wrote:

Message for Phil McNulty of the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ.

Phil, I have just received this email from a pal of mine. Can I ask that you take note of the information comtained therein before you write your next grumpy article for the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ. Thanks.

See below:

"The wink"

"Just for information, cos clearly it's the most trumped-up
something-fae-nothing piece of sensationalist scapegoatery, but should you
be forced to listen to a whining england fan mumping about Cristiano Ronaldo

"I watched the whole match again last night.
Ronaldo's wink occurred over a minute after the red card was shown to
Rooney. In the intervening period both sets of players had been congregating
around the dug-outs, taking on water and receiving tactical instruction.
During which, Pauleta was subbed, and Ronaldo asked to go and play
centre-forward. There is no other human being in shot when Ronaldo is caught
winking, however it is a reasonable guess that he was signalling his
understanding and assent to his own coach about his redeployment. Rooney was
already in the showers by the time.

In other words, wrap it."

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  • 233.
  • At 12:20 PM on 06 Jul 2006,
  • Boon Army wrote:

Re Message 228 from Dominic:

It's the ENGLISH press Dominic, NOT British. ENGLAND - got it?

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  • 234.
  • At 12:22 PM on 06 Jul 2006,
  • Pilotasso wrote:

#227 Ian:

Last night Portugal was fighting with battered players and if you well remenber I predited Portugals defeat exactly by that reason. I reject and resent the terms "pants" and "cheats" when the french were everything we were for that matter expect they kept stalling the game by defending all the time like greece, but then it is their tactical choice.

As for cheating, what I hear from you and all others who are glad we are out for petty revenge, I can say that if anyone was ever cheated here that was Portugal. If anyone has to complain about diving (wich we wont stay all nigh woken up thinking about it)is Portgals fans. It is an ENOURMOUS inconsitency you thinking we were cheating the same way you aplaude a cheat against us for real as you define it.
All the 3 late teams you had supported against portugal won penalties after dives. How many times do I have to repeat this at the same time you pass a blind eye in such hypocrisy is beyond me.

Calling us names wont make you any better than the scumbag image you want to impose on us unilateraly.

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  • 235.
  • At 12:30 PM on 06 Jul 2006,
  • Pilotasso wrote:

#227 Ian:

Last night Portugal was fighting with battered players and if you well remenber I predited Portugals defeat exactly by that reason. I reject and resent the terms "pants" and "cheats" when the french were everything we were for that matter expect they kept stalling the game by defending all the time like greece, but then it is their tactical choice.

As for cheating, what I hear from you and all others who are glad we are out for petty revenge, I can say that if anyone was ever cheated here that was Portugal. If anyone has to complain about diving (wich we wont stay all nigh woken up thinking about it)is Portgals fans. It is an ENOURMOUS inconsitency you thinking we were cheating the same way you aplaude a cheat against us for real as you define it.
All the 3 late teams you had supported against portugal won penalties after dives. How many times do I have to repeat this at the same time you pass a blind eye in such hypocrisy is beyond me.

Calling us names wont make you any better than the scumbag image you want to impose on us unilateraly.

England should realy take a deep breath and debate this fetish of embodying all that is wrong about football on [b]ONE[/b] adversary team that has caused them the most grief.

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  • 236.
  • At 12:32 PM on 06 Jul 2006,
  • bobbylebonfire wrote:

To Dominic: I am not english but i am an england supporter and proud of it. I do speak a little portugese but not well, ialso speak spanish, dutch and zulu and have alove/hate relationship with the english so don't accuse me of being a little englander with no evidence to back it up. What i do have is EYES and a sense of fair play which is more than can be said about posters like you and pilotasso.

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  • 237.
  • At 12:33 PM on 06 Jul 2006,
  • swifty wrote:


Wake up for a minute will you!!

It was the French and the Germans who were booing Ronaldo all night long NOT the English. It was not a recording from the SUN

England may be deluded that we have any right to have got any further than we actually did with a crap manager but you are deluded if you think that Portugal's tactics and behaviour was not thoroughly comdemned by EVERYONE.

I have never seen such a negative reaction from fans who had no previous connection with a team.

At least we can admit we were crap and got what we deserved for persevering with that moron Eriksson no matter how many times he made fools out of us.

Why can't you admit this is not English sour grapes its simply a fact. Portugal play the game in a thoroughly distasteful way. did you see that ball into the box late on and all the Portuguese went down like dominoes with noone near them. pathetic. And talking of sour grapes - have you heard Scolari and Ronaldo saying the referee cost them the game!! what a joke. I really wish one of those dives had been a genuine foul and they could've taken that as punishment for all the free kicks they have had before incorrectly.

Be men and stand up and be honest. Even if you agree with the tactics of anything goes. Don't insult your own intelligence and pretend its just English people complaining.

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  • 238.
  • At 12:37 PM on 06 Jul 2006,
  • MRamos wrote:

For #220
Why are people in here still attacking eachother about Portugal and England performances?Is that all that you know about football? Diving, cheating and any other form of unsportsman like behaviour are present in many other teams in many other nations, not only in Portugal.
In my opinion its something that FIFA should look into it and arrange a way of preventing those sorry spectacles. Yes, Portuguese players do dive just like any other players and its sad to see that people like you and those on the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ who have the oportunity to know and see through the English premiership how beautiful this game can be, still chose to go down this road; lets vilify Portugal, blame them for all our frustrations and heartbreaks... soon the world cup will be over and everybody will forget about it, exept for those die hard footbalignorant fans that think they know it all. Many countries will have to change attitude towards the game if they have to honour the true beauty of football and that includes Portugal and England. Get a grip! Learn from the mistakes you've made, if you cant solve the diving problem learn how to go arround it! If England had won to Portugal this nonsence about cheating and diving would havent been raised. But since it had, you and those that feel so strongly about it (either English or Portuguese) should take it to blo*dy FIFA!... ah hope they'll do something about it. I am Portuguese and im proud of it, no one on that picht last night speaks on my behalf nor I on them, but i know better that if i have to make any derogatory speach towards any other nations team I would have to look deep into mine first!

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  • 239.
  • At 12:46 PM on 06 Jul 2006,
  • vania wrote:

These are the main questions: Why do English fans blame Cristiano for Rooney's red card?Is that 20ish year old so psychologically skilled that in 20 seconds he would do the refree change his mind and show Rooney a red card? The problem with the English fans is that they believe in a few football players (the stars) instead of the pottencial of the whole team. That's why they believe they couldn't have won! Plus England lost on the pennalties. So let us be fare for once and give a salut to both teams for the game and please do get on with your lives!!!You need to start believing in the TEAM not in a few players!!!And it was not Cristiano's ability to master refree's minds that gave Rooney a red card and plus It is not the first time England plays in a world cup and we always watch this movie: Somebody has to take the blame!!GROW UP and move on! And yes I am a proud portuguese!!!

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  • 240.
  • At 01:04 PM on 06 Jul 2006,
  • Chloe - France wrote:

To the supporters of Portugal and England, both your teams failed to to show your real abilities, England were poor throughout, the selections were baffling, but I thought they were probally the fairist team in the tournomant.
Portugal show flashes of brilliance, but were let down by the dark side of their game , it is true that Henry faked a foul against Spain but Portugal have done themself no favour with the rest of the football public.
For me it is a shame that Portugal are blaming England for the fans in the stadium booing Ronaldo, the Portugal fans should take a look at their own team.

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  • 241.
  • At 02:08 PM on 06 Jul 2006,
  • dom wrote:

It seems that most people are blowing things out of proportion, but that probably has more to do with how deeply football impacts people than blind support for one's national team.

Sure England were sub standard all tournament. Most players underperformed and there was some cheating going on. Crouch, I'm looking at you.

It is upsetting to go out against Portugal not because we deserved it, but because of our history from falling fowl of cheats. Why should England fans shut up regarding things like The Hand of God? Why should any fan?

Yes, I'll happily criticize our players for poor performances, but you can't be saying that if an opposing player cons a penalty that wins a game, a team should shut up and just play better; or are you?

Rooney was an idiot, just like a certain other then young Man U player against Argentina. That more than anything else lost us the game, as although we were poor, Portugal did not play any better.

But cheating, going over easy, demanding from the ref that a player be booked or dismissed is a cancer in the game. Must find a cure, and I think that on the whole, it is not so widespread in the English game.

I was all for Germany, and feel they should have had a penalty and now be in the final. But Italy were great opponents, and the final should be a classic. Personally, I'm for France now. The machismo of the Italians bore and irritate me simultaneously. C'mon Zizou, one more time.

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  • 242.
  • At 02:19 PM on 06 Jul 2006,
  • Chris Twaddle wrote:

From what I've seen on this thread and others the Portuguese have got more of a chip on their shoulder even than us English. They seem to be blaming everyone on the planet for anything they can think of, while absolutely failing to look at themselves and admit that, just like the rest of us, they aren't perfect.

English football and football culture has plenty of faults, but the intolerance for players cheating their fellow professionals is not one of them.

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  • 243.
  • At 02:32 PM on 06 Jul 2006,
  • jim wrote:

It seems to me not only do the Portuguese team consider cheating acceptable and part of the game, but their fans do too. Only a few Portuguese supporters on this blog have admitted that the team tried to con the ref when it is so blatant, even the multi-national fans in the stadium agreed.

Pilotosa, it's not just the English press that have dubbed Portugal a bunch of divers, so did the French press prior to the game and hello!!

I'm not English by the way just a sports fanatic that lives in England but I think English fans have a right to be angry with the way they went out of the tournament regardless of their performance, Rooney incident or whether they could have won. All the English fans and any other football fan for that matter wanted and deserved to see was a fair game. At least we would have known who was the better side!!

As for Scolari moaning about the referee last night, it just shows what the team is all about!!

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  • 244.
  • At 04:02 PM on 06 Jul 2006,
  • bobbylebonfire wrote:

just love the misspellings of pilotossa's name on this blog!

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  • 245.
  • At 04:06 PM on 06 Jul 2006,
  • Kevin wrote:

The "best group of England players in 4 decades" need to examine why they consistently get knocked out the first time they play a half decent team. Look at the performance in major tournaments since Sven took over - failed in every tournament at the quarter-final stage. When's the last time we won a tournament knockout game against a top-class European or South American side ? The England team has some kind of mental block when it comes to these big games.
Don't blame the ref or Ronaldo - Rooney's sending off was a side issue - we were better than Portugal with 10 men, but we still couldn't score.
I will always be an England fan, but I'm sad to say that we got what we deserved, just like Portugal did against France. They didn't look like scoring, and have started blaming everyone except themselves.
So get real guys, England weren't robbed of their chance, they threw it away.
The saddest part of the whole tournament is that it is now going to be won by one of two teams who have shown no flair or ambition. Both have shown just enough to get by.

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  • 246.
  • At 04:11 PM on 06 Jul 2006,
  • Pip wrote:

What Pilotasso doesn't seem to realise is that the Portuguese team was essentially the same as in the past prior to Scolari with a few new faces introduced by him, but it was Scolari's tutoring that got them to win over England in Euro 2004 and WC 2006.

He was able to get Rooney nullified in Euro 2004 by employing Andrade to cripple him without ever a card being issued. Oh sure, it looked just like an ordinary tackle, but when you bring the boot down on the instep what do you expect ? Come to think of it, wasn't it yet another Portuguese player, that again crippled him playing against Chelsea. Hmmmm ??? What's going on here ?

I'll give Scolari credit for creative thinking and planning strategic moves that probably no other coach would care to employ, but quite frankly I don't think the beautiful game is being enhanced by such tactics and we sure can't rely on the officials to recognise them and stamp them out.

If it ever comes to the point where England figures they need an unscrupulous coach who really thinks that he can fool the present covey of FIFA officials into getting away with infractions of the rules in order to take advantage over teams that play by the rules, then Scolari will have done even more damage to the beautiful game. I trust McLaren will opt for strategy that's within the bounds, so that whatever our beaten opponents may say about us that it was all fair and square.

Oh by the way, Pilotasso, I never spoke about acting like women, or crying, (which incidentally the Portuguese also did last night,) I was talking about an immature player who thinks he needs to admire himself every minute he gets on the field, while he's being paid to play football.

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  • 247.
  • At 04:29 PM on 06 Jul 2006,
  • nathan wrote:

regards: rui 129
"low standard press" its actually called freedom of press, so that people of varying socioeconomic backgrounds still have access to information (how that information is put across is up to the editor). i do accept that it is a reflection of certain sectors of society but for gods sake, we have as free a journalistic tradition as possible, consider the bbc, the economist, gaurdian, telegraph, independent that are doing their best to push back chomskys propaganda model'. i may not be very proud of some of my football players (fat frank for one!)but by god i am proud of the multitude of media through which we can access our information. what you construe as low standard press is at least an effort at access to information, dont pick on the lowest common denominator, thats a bullies job, sorry rui but that comment was the least intelligent comment on this whole blog!
disgruntled student

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  • 248.
  • At 05:14 PM on 06 Jul 2006,
  • Pip wrote:

Eh #241, dom:

"Rooney was an idiot, just like a certain other then young Man U player against Argentina."

How do you think YOU would react to a player bringing you down, falling on top of you, remains there more than he needs to and then in getting to his feet places his knuckles into the middle of your back and exerts his whole body weight behind those knuckles.This is the kind of thing that goes on in Rugby, with bodies getting in the way, which by the way, Argentina also play.

With the crowd of players surging around by the time Simeone did this, I doubt very much if the Danish referee actually saw those knuckles with Simeone's body being in the way. But he did see Beckham raise his legs backward behind him, which to me is almost a reflex action when one experiences such a painful trauma, and this more than anything is what really gets my goat with referees, and why they always see the reactions but not the actions of the instigator.

No wonder players from these desperate to win at all cost countries are tutored into using such questionable underhanded tactics, because the officials are so naive that you wonder sometimes have they actually played the game themselves.

It is high time that FIFA elected to use video, so that the officials in attempting to be infallible see as much as we do on TV. As it is now, we all have come to realise that they aren't as infallible as previously thought and that they are really making fools of themselves in trying to maintain that they are. Once adjudicators lose respect they also diminish their authority, which explains why certain countries will try the 50/50 chance of gaining a favourable verdict. Look out for it again on Saturday.

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  • 249.
  • At 05:43 PM on 06 Jul 2006,
  • Ghislain wrote:

Unbelievable some of the comments coming from the portuguese players and fans. Players should be embarassed at the way they dove ALL NIGHT versus the french last night...ronaldo's dive was blatant...why aren't there more yellow cards for such a crass display of professionalism?? I'm very happy the better team won last night. Portugal have a great team, they just need to stay on their feet more and quit whining every single call. It was pathetic. raymond Domenech had a great moment last night after the Ronaldo dive, he mimicked a rolling videocamera...if Portugal and portuguese fans look at the video without their blinders, they'll realize why everyone was cheering against them...pathetic! Vive la France!

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  • 250.
  • At 07:15 PM on 06 Jul 2006,
  • enrico wrote:

The reality is this:Some of the British Press are ignorant and Nationalistic and they try to throw
all their anger for being knocjed out od the world Cup at Ronaldo because they don't like or don't want
to admit that England Team were not
good enough (hmmm actually crap).
English Fair Play??? I.ts a Myth
and does not exist anymore if it ever existed.
FORZA AZZURRI, we have beaten the
Germans and made them pay dearly for
insulting us now is France who will
pay for knocking us out on penalties
in 1998. We'll CRUSH THEM.

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  • 251.
  • At 07:16 PM on 06 Jul 2006,
  • enrico wrote:

The reality is this:Some of the British Press are ignorant and Nationalistic and they try to throw
all their anger for being knocjed out od the world Cup at Ronaldo because they don't like or don't want
to admit that England Team were not
good enough (hmmm actually crap).
English Fair Play??? I.ts a Myth
and does not exist anymore if it ever existed.
FORZA AZZURRI, we have beaten the
Germans and made them pay dearly for
insulting us now is France who will
pay for knocking us out on penalties
in 1998. We'll CRUSH THEM.

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  • 252.
  • At 07:54 PM on 06 Jul 2006,
  • enrico wrote:

few facts:

1) Some of the British Press (particularly English Press) are ignorant and nationalistic.

2) BRITISH fAIRPLAY does NOT exist
it's a MYTH

3) The English keep blaming Ronaldo
for being knocked out of the World Cup because they do not like to admit
that their team were not good enough
or should I say CRAP

FORZA AZZURRI we have beaten the
Germans now we'll beat the French
and avenge the defeat on penalties
in 1998.

4) Remember ITALY have won the World
Cup every 12 years since 1970 so it
is 12 years on since we lost on
penalties (AGAIN) in 1994.We'll
crush the French.

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  • 253.
  • At 07:58 PM on 06 Jul 2006,
  • John Mason wrote:

I understand that there is a campaign in Scotland to elect Ronaldo as best young player of the tournament. Typical of the Scots to vote for a cheat, just to spite the English. But I guess you have to understand where its coming from, a country with a 3rd rate football team whose FIFA standings put them near the bottom of the pack, somewhere between Greenland and Tibet.
Getting back to football, something the Scots don't understand, Italy came into the tournament with the dubios honour of being the top diving team in the tournament, now Portugal has that honour, I have never seen a more concerted effort by any team to cheat the referee, and I think FIFA with their FAIR PLAY program are hypercritical if they don't sanction
the worst offenders in that game, the main one being Ronaldo, who doesn't come close to showing the class of his namesake. The game was an emdarrasment to soccer and to the Portugese people, the sooner United ship him off to Real Madrid the better, English soccer don't need posers like him....

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  • 254.
  • At 07:50 PM on 07 Jul 2006,
  • Bobby McPherson wrote:

Scots can't afford computers so how can they vote for Ronaldo anyway.

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