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Breakfast fit for a King

Mark Devenport | 16:42 UK time, Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Peter Robinson and Martin McGuinness start their Washington St Patrick's visit tomorrow by attending a Congressional breakfast hosted by Representative Peter King. As Ed Moloney reported on his blog, Congressman King has been at the centre of a storm after being accused of both Islamophobia and hypocrisy over his recent Congressional hearings on the alleged radicalisation of the American Muslim community.

Congressman King used to champion the IRA - in more recent decades he's been a prominent backer of the "peace process" and a regular on the St. Patrick's circuit in D.C.
However in the light of the latest publicity, the SDLP's Claire Hanna isn't happy about the First and Deputy First Ministers' attendance. She argues that "to associate the cause of the North's economic development with a rabble-rousing bully and demagogue like Peter King is a disaster."

Is it safe to assume the SDLP delegation in Washington won't be looking for a free breakfast from the Congressman? I would ask them but they are all on the plane as I write.

UPDATE: I can now confirm that the SDLP delegation weren't at Peter King's breakfast - instead they were in New York having a light repast of fruit and cofee before catching the train to D.C.


  • Comment number 1.

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  • Comment number 2.

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  • Comment number 3.

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  • Comment number 4.

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  • Comment number 5.


    It would appear that the truth is a hard pill to swallow for the SDLP and its supporters. They few they have left that is. I will get those points through; it's a matter of time. The SDLP are a post-nationalist-unionist party whose leader does not feel she should get involved in 'Irish' politics; whose MLA for West Belfast welcomes the English monarch to Ireland while Derek Wilford & co. hold their medals; whose MPs sit on the benches of Westminster with the Labour party (a parliament which continues to suck the life blood out of the economy here), and who also propped them up in votes for over a decade.

    It doesn't take me to tell the readers what the Labour party did to the global community. Two words: and !!!

    Have a look at , most pre-dating (predation) the illegal invasion of Iraq, then make up your own mind on whether sitting with the Labour party, or abstaining from Westminster is what the Irish people in occupied Ireland want!!!

  • Comment number 6.

    β€œThere may be a place for waving tricolours and places for wearing Celtic jerseys, but the place of these things is not at the front of a St Patrick’s Day parade. We will not allow the Downpatrick parade to be hijacked by those who celebrate in this exclusivist way”.According to Margaret Ritchie.

  • Comment number 7.

    6. hoboroad
    "There may be a place for waving tricolours"

    I heard Jim Wells on TalkBack talking about this issue also. Both unionists, that's Ritchie and Wells, should get their own affairs in order, before trying to jump on the electioneering bandwagon!!!

    Jim was asked about the orange order, and he had the cheek to say that the annual anti-Catholic parades were exclusive to the 'Protestant community and the Orange Order'. So much for everyone being welcome at such parades!!!

    I guess Jim would have no objection to republicans flying the tri-colour on every lampost, in every republican and mixed housing estates throughout the North, for three months before and three months after ???

    Maybe every republican family could fly green white and orange bunting from their houses, and across their streets, in all republican and mixed streets across the six counties???

    Perhaps he would also have no objection to the flying of IRA and INLA flags beneath these tri-colours???

    Would Jim object to bands playing anti-Protestant music, while displaying the flags of the IRA and INLA, while walking down the Shankil or Portadown main street???

    It is our culture after all!!!

    Jim, Jim, Jim. Before criticising others, take a look around you. You should sort out the flying of loyalist flags, before offering you two-bobs worth on tri-colours!!!

  • Comment number 8.


    I see all the unionist parties at Westminster were celebrating St. Patrick's day today. You'd think they'd at least get the date right!!!

    It's good to see all these unionists getting involved in the festive season, by celebrating the patron saint of Ireland; North and South!!!

    Go on the SDLP, you are true unionists now, you rock!!!

  • Comment number 9.

    Disgusted in Derry

    I take it Maggie will not object to the green beer that is served up to her in Washington DC tomorrow?

  • Comment number 10.

    9. hoboroad
    "green beer"

    Do you not think Maggie the post-nationalist-unionist is bad enough when she's sober???

    Let's hope she doesn't pack her own case!!!

  • Comment number 11.

    Peter Robinson and Martin McGuinness start their Washington St Patrick's visit tomorrow by attending a Congressional breakfast hosted by Representative Peter King. In the mean time the SDLP,s European spokesperson Claire Hanna has give us her parties views on the attendance of the Fm&dfm,s in Washington. Now why would the boul Claire be giving out about Washington when she,s supposed to be the spokesperson on europes affairs?
    Maybe she,s joined with her party in losing her way both in a geographical sense and political. Then again on another site we are told she is the SDLP,s International Secretary and Belfast City Council candidate.

    Does she have a mandate from anyone?

    Eyes wide open and remember.......""One mans city hall candidate is another mans world spokesperson""

  • Comment number 12.

    11. eyeswideopen1
    "Does she have a mandate from anyone? "

    Eamonn McCann has a bigger mandate, and that's saying something!!!

  • Comment number 13.

    Maybe her election van should say "Strangford, Balmoral, Washington"
    And the slogan......No votes but big hopes....

    Eyes wide open ....

  • Comment number 14.

    13. eyeswideopen1

    Very good, would it be a three wheeler by any chance???

  • Comment number 15.

    Mark and all

    BeannachtaΓ­ LΓ‘ FhΓ©ile PΓ‘draig Daoibh!!!

    For all of you who object to the beautiful Irish language, it translates in English and Ulster Scot's as Blessings of St. Patrick's day to you all!!!

    Don't forget your tri-colour if you're going to Downpatrick!!!

  • Comment number 16.

    Ah the "New Breed" of SDLP consistent if nothing else, unfortunately consistently on the back foot, in the politics of hypocrasy and dissent and never around for a comment to defend their own position but certainly there for a comment to attack other parties.

    I hope and I trust that after the 5 May Margaret Richie is sent packing after a potentially disasterous poll slump. Since the days of John Hume both SDLP leaders have lacked his charisma and have not proported a positive inclusive message to the people. The wider public is waking up to the lack of message and not pushing for progress from the SDLP.

    Mind you I did laugh at a certain comment by Michelle Gildernew to Conall McDevitt at the NIA Tweetup, captured him perfectly in all honestly but thats only in mho. Although I hear he is off to the Holylands this morning surprised he wasn't catching the plane to DC. Looking forward however to Margaret Richies somber and condescending sound bite tonight from DC on the news.

  • Comment number 17.

    The SDLP is and always was a transitional political party. Under John Hume, they took a great risk when they opened talks with Sinn Fein; I think they knew they were signing their own death warrant. Their shelf life is just about up now and so it is time for them to leave the stage; they may get a gentle push in May.

  • Comment number 18.

    Plato thousands of years ago gave humanity some good advice for harmonious societies delete text purported to be from Gods which informs evil action.

    Muslims to claim victim status is obscene when they believe the contents of the Quran particularly the foundation chapter "THE COW" they are not only bigots they have the building blocks of genocide in their hands which is the cause of the terror.

    There is an erroneous perception Muslims become terrorist because of trigger moments i.e. Radical Cleric(s) come riding into town, or intense whispering in Prison cubicles, etc

    If this were the case we non-Muslims would all be aware of neighbors and distant relatives suddenly turning into terrorists.

    This simply does not occur for the reason we have not already textually constructed other as evil via the text we base our beliefs on.

    To simply say all of a sudden a perfectly normal good Muslim boy turned to terror without the foundation already in place to accept such diabolical notions is absurd.

    The reason for the terror is instruction from birth. This is the trigger which lends itself to the opportunity for terrorism when it arises.

    The fact is Muslims are already radicalized the reason being from the Islamic texts Quran foundation chapter "THE COW" onwards vilification of and justification of 'grevious harm' against other is the main theme.

    This is why terrorists are good boys and girls coming from good Muslim families. It is that simple.

    The radical Muslim clerics are not triggering anything they are simply providing the opportunity. The trigger has already been created by the basic Islamic text which forms all Muslims.

    The fact all Muslims do not act on it is irrelevant for as we see enough Muslims do from generation to generation to perpetuate the terror against other.

    If you read the Quran - Chapter "THE COW" which sets up the framework by which the Islamic text will be challenged, vilifies the perpetrators, sets them as less and then informs the remedy 'grevious harm' with the ultimate authority God authorizing all within, given this is an old recipe for genocide against other and the terror we clearly are experiencing would it not be rational to be rightfully concerned?

    Also more importantly as we are all formed by textual constructs such as the Islamic text, there may just exist evil text informing evil action and we should seek it out be it secular or religious so we can change the future for humanity?

    Everyone of us base our lives on less than perfect text. To target one without the other is rather hypocritical.

    It should be about all text which vilifies other Religious or Secular not persons.

    This means not just looking at Islamic text but other texts within our communities which are used to form new citizens and accept the fact finally β€˜Freedom of Religion’ has been a curse on society because we are not able to easily challenge such Religious text which generates real evil against other without being erroneously labeled and censured.

    Change the text forming our new citizen’s change the outcomes otherwise more of the same.

  • Comment number 19.

    18. markjuliansmith

    Wiser in looking out springs to mind!!!

    Or maybe wiser eating grass!!!

    What you are telling us, is that all Muslims are born literate; they can read and understand the Koran from birth. Wow. I wish I was a Muslim!!!

    Are you for real. I take it your a fan of GWB???

    Away and have a look at yourself; Muslims hate the West, because the West has desecrated their lands; manipulated their governments, and stole their wealth. Catch yourself on!!!

    Perhaps you should look closer to home when looking for the bigot!!!

  • Comment number 20.

    19 DisgustedinDERRY

    I did say DisgustedinDERRY there are other texts including the Christian bible where from my point of view, apparently from Jesus own mouth, what amounts to genocide is being suggested. Though I do say apparently because the first part of the statement actually looks like it was flinched from Plato so as Plato said clearly there are textual constructs made up about the Gods that are rather suspect and clearly do not represent the Gods faithfully - made up by Man - I emphasize Man.

    Of course you are right I have my prejudices do not we all? Also the other inherent nature of humanity, hypocrisy I freely admit to, without which humans I am sure could not survive from day to day.

    You have abused me but not addressed my argument - the foundation texts we are brought up on, can and do, influence our ideas about other and inform our actions both good and bad against other?

    Now if you had come back to me and explained why the Quran chapter β€œTHE COW” could in no way be able to inform Muslim terrorists actions against other we have seen since the seventh century and simultaneously point to the text which is informing Muslim terrorism instead, now that would constitute a cogent response well worth considering.

    I am about deleting text which may inform young minds (sourced from secular and religious textual constructs) of justification for the vilification and 'grevious harm' (quote directly from the Quran chap. β€œTHE COW” ) against other – if this is bigotry I am guilty as charged.

    I am not absolutely certain of anything so you maybe right on all counts.

  • Comment number 21.

    20. markjuliansmith

    Would you also agree that we have in this world Christian terrorists and Jewish terrorists, who are protected by governments such as the UK, US and Israel? I'm talking about the armies of these governments which are guilty of terrorism worldwide.

    It would appear that your posts are all aimed at Muslims. A religion that is in the main, peace loving and tolerant. Unlike most shades of right wing Christian churches. What right wing church do you belong to???

  • Comment number 22.

    I do not care if the dogma is from planet Blot.

    You clearly care enough to understand - 'They do it to.' is no excuse. If I am wrong tell me why – They do it to, is a circular argument which gets us no where.

    "A religion that is in the main, peace loving and tolerant." Most people are but what I am saying is Islamic foundation text explicitly informs Muslim terrorist actions from generation to generation. The fact not all Muslims are actively involved or hold terrorist views is in fact not at all unusual it is the norm. For instance in Ireland were all the Catholics enrolled in the IRA committing terrorism, were all Catholics imbued with publically stated hatred for other? But even though the IRA was a very small percentage of the Catholic community it was able reside within – why? Same with Israeli terrorists, Hamas terrorists, Taliban terrorists, US terrorists, Buddhist terrorists ... There have to be agreed societal constructs which allow such movement of ideas against other within a community, ideas which generate real terror, as well as enabling normal human activity for persons holding these views within, in essence, the whole community.

    The objective is to make these ideas against other unacceptable in the relevant communities so individuals holding such views can no longer survive within them. So the first thing to do is to indentify how these ideas are being generated and stop them at their source – this is all I am trying to do – raise the issue – text kills – here it is, get rid of it for the sake of humanity.

    I am saying on my own reading of the Quran even non-adherents who show no hostility towards Islam, but by their mere absence of acceptance can and have been shown to be subject to justifiable β€˜grevious harm’ as far as some Muslims are concerned. Enough Muslims even though they may be a small percentage of the broader Muslim community continue to cause the massive dislocation of resources we see today and the loss of so many precious lives. This is not unusual, this is the way insurgency normally operates – not everyone turns up in a suicide belt. The justification for violence against other comes straight from the Quran, which is my point – I want the text changed which enables this. All the other text within which positively enhances human condition - great keep it.

    The reason my texts are more focused on Islamic issues is its clear enormous cost not only in lives but in resources that would be better spent on promoting human welfare rather than being wasted protecting it. Not only in the West but in Islamic countries themselves as we see each day – the irony is their own Islamic text is the root cause of their internal terror as other, because of the way the Quran defines other, can be anyone or any group.

    Yes there are other issues Palestine, Israel, Ivory Coast, Hamas, Iran, Russia, Libya, Egypt, China INC, US, CO2 emissions, Nuclear energy …every one of us can do with reflection and positive changes for the better.

    The fact is as you pointed out raising one, as I have said, means you very much need to look at other. Trouble is I find I can only concentrate on one thing at a time. But if you look closely you will see my objective is not singular.

    Thanks for spending time considering my views.



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