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The Reporters: US mid-terms

Jamie Coomarasamy

A gloomy morning

It's a pretty wet and gloomy morning here in northern Virginia - rainy, overcast, and pretty depressing for the folks here. And it's depressing because they voted in record numbers (for mid-term elections) here, but they still don't know who their senator will be.

George Allen, pictured with his wifeWhen George Allen, the incumbent here, got up to speak last night, some expected him to concede - he's a few thousand down in the polls - but he vowed to fight on. So if there is less than one percent between Allen and the Democratic challenger Jim Webb when all the votes are counted, we could face recounts, litigation, and possibly a long, drawn-out contest.

George Allen - once considered a presidential hopeful for 2008 - could yet decide it's not worth the challenge, but the matter could drag on for several weeks yet.

Jamie Coomarasamy is a Washington correspondent for ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ News.

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  • 1.
  • At 03:39 PM on 08 Nov 2006,
  • Derek wrote:

There are only 6,000 votes in it.. I have no doubt that Allen will fight all the way to the end. In the end, I really did not care about the policies of each candidate, Allen's ads annoyed me so much that I just wanted him to go down in flames and was hoping for a much bigger loss.

The demographics of voting in VA continue to show the huge divide between urban and rural opinion. The Republicans took all the rural counties and the Democrats continue to win big in the cities.

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Webb will whip the votes. This is a prediction. Anyway, lot of people are waiting to say farewell to Republican at the end of the term.

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  • 3.
  • At 07:07 PM on 08 Nov 2006,
  • AKBER A. KASSAM. wrote:

I think Democrat candidate will win finally.!!!!

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  • 4.
  • At 08:59 PM on 08 Nov 2006,
  • Ann R. wrote:

Whaddya know, dark clouds in DC - The voters have spoken. And the ominous forecast? 2 years of unrelenting thunder and lightening over the White House. Current occupant may decide to ride out the storm in the basement. Let's hope he takes some pretzels along.
The filth of the GOP is washing away and daylight is coming to America.

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The Democrats were able to touch the right chords and feel the pulse of the nation: hence by showing empathy and good common sense they have attracted voters in droves. The Republicans are licking their wounds and still do not realise what thunderbolt has hit them. The Democrats have secured the scalp of Donald Rumsfeld; President Bush has no option but to appear conciliatory to the Democrats. The Republicans are in total disarray but are trying to put on brave faces. The economy, sleaze and Iraq were all factors which dogged the Republicans.

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  • 6.
  • At 11:04 PM on 08 Nov 2006,
  • Tom wrote:

You better not make fun of American bacon. Not coming from a country that drinks warm beer.

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  • 7.
  • At 11:28 PM on 08 Nov 2006,
  • Ann R. wrote:

To our shame, DC under the cloud of GOP scandals and corruption has indeed come to be associated with a part of the national anatomy β€œwhere the sun don’t shine”. But this election has rained on the GOP parade bigtime. Let’s hope a win by Webb in VA will allow the Democrats to pull the plug on Republican corruption and brighten America’s image.

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  • 8.
  • At 09:01 AM on 09 Nov 2006,
  • Christine wrote:

This change to the democrats scares me, I feel our country will not be safe for sure with the comments I have been hearing. I started off being a democrat then Clinton came along, then John Kerry, I could not vote for them. Their names spelled disaster. I think the right decision was made to attack Iraq and Afganistan. What was the President suppose to do or say? "No,no, that was a bad thing to do but we know it was just a handful of men." We know the middle east wouldn't do that to us. We will just be more watchful. Never mind the women and children and our men that died who were innocent. The terrorists had a statement to make and they did make it!! It is naive to think that Sadam, Iraq, didn't have weapons of mass destruction and a plan to get them out of the country with the help of Iran, Syria, etc. Or did I miss something, were they our best friends? Oh and it was alright for Sadam to use chemical weapons, to test them on innocent women and children and men, because they weren't of the same race. Let's just genocide them. Think of our soldiers fighting to save our freedom and to keep us safe. How awful for them to hear the opinions of these new electees and the people. Not to mention the families of the soldiers who didn't make it, did they die in vain? I don't think so. I'm so proud of them, at least they were brave enough to try and save our country. I can't believe Nancy Pelosi says that we are causing the terrorists to come in and cause trouble in Iraq. Did we also cause them to come here and blow up our twin towers? And that they would all leave if we left Iraq. Will they leave the United States and not bother us anymore? Will the fighting stop, what about the civil war in Iraq, or did the media make that up? There are not going to be any miracles believe me. And we do have to face God with all of these comments. Let's see is it, "he without sin throw the first stone", yes, I believe, I'm thankful for the United States, and freedom that we have had. I pray that we keep ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔland Security. Or that will be one more thing against the President if we are attacked on American soil? How can one man be so powerful that he causes all this trouble? I wish each of those people who stone him, had to work with him 1 week. Of course I wouldn't want that. It would be a disaster of course. I compare them to "armchair quarterbacks".

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  • 9.
  • At 02:17 PM on 09 Nov 2006,
  • Andrew Rusher wrote:

I'm a United States Citizen *not an american everyone on the continent of America is and American*.

The corruption in our country has deeply ruined our image to other countries. Hopefully the change will allow the other countries around the world to see that we aren't a bad nation just we just being led by an Oil Junkie that wanted more. He took advantage of the peoples pain and sorrow for the attacks on 9/11 for his personnal gain. This is not a WAR! It's police action and Bush and his Administration are trying to say it is. If this was a WAR we would be taking our Naval Air Force and bombing them, while sending storming troops. Why was President Bush taking so many vacations during a time of war? I don't think Roosevelt, and Churchill took any vacations did they? He should have been worried about how to fix things in Iraq instead of hunting on his ranch! And the Congress was no better.

I apologize for our countries actions and hopefully the rest of the world will forgive us.

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  • 10.
  • At 05:05 PM on 09 Nov 2006,
  • Ann R. wrote:

@ #8: "Will the fighting stop, what about the civil war in Iraq, or did the media make that up? There are not going to be any miracles believe me. And we do have to face God with all of these comments. Let's see is it, "he without sin throw the first stone", "

The Bush miracle was supposed to be grateful Iraqi's greeting the troops with flowers - and "mission accomplished". GOP planted fake news and threatened the free press, but the inconvenient truth did not magically fade away. And there was no break in the levees in New Orleans, and the citizens holed up in the SuperDome received food and water by GOP miracles! But he sure pulled off some mammoth miracle tax cuts for billionaire war profiteers like Halliburton. I guess he figures the deficit is going to miraculously disappear too. Shazzam! There's magical thinking for you.

The first stone? Who would Jesus bomb? Who would Jesus torture?

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  • 11.
  • At 06:01 PM on 09 Nov 2006,
  • Derek wrote:

Christine, You are so totally mis-informed that I could spend an hour replying to you and correcting your statements.. unfortunately, if you have never taken the time to understand the who Iraqi issue or the reasons for the terrorists, then I would be wasting my time.

The first stone? I suggest you read up on American history.

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  • 12.
  • At 09:27 PM on 09 Nov 2006,
  • Ann R. wrote:

Clear sailing in VA; deluge of subpoenas in DC!

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